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An extension for visually manipulating elements in the browser.
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Description from store
Positionable is a developer tool that lets you quickly manipulate elements the way you would in an image editor. Familiar workflows like dragging, nudging, align/distribute, and undo make it simple to place elements exactly where you need them to be. Once you're ready, you can copy styles to the clipboard or save them to disk. Designed for rapid styling, prototyping, working with sprites, etc.
PLEASE POST ISSUES HERE (with demo if possible):
By default, it works on absolute and fixed positioned elements, however you can set a CSS selector to target exactly the elements you're interested in. Static elements will be forced to position "relative".
When working with sprites, you can similarly use both the mouse and keyboard to move the background position. Alternatively, double clicking on the background will detect contiguous sprites and snap the element dimensions and background position to match.
Work with multiple elements by dragging to select or holding SHIFT. All selected elements will move together, and can be aligned or distributed just as in popular image editing software.
Other features like rotation, undo, z-index ordering, and background "peeking" make positioning elements a breeze!
Latest reviews
- (2023-07-22) Kelvin Klopper: Very difficult to work with and often doesn't even let you select the right elements. Takes ages to actually start up once you click the extension button.
- (2023-03-01) Belvoir Admin: I was able to move 1 element of a page but the other ones are not selectable (
- (2023-01-29) Mark Craig: Brilliant extension and saved me a lot of time! Well Done Sir
- (2021-09-11) DeAndre Wilson: How do I set this to percent?
- (2021-03-26) theforce119: This extension saved me a lot of time when I had to perfectly position a lot of divs on top of images. Also a few days ago I had a problem that the extension required an unnecessary permission. This was due to a bug in Chrome. The developer fixed the problem within one day and updated the extension. Thanks Andrew!
- (2020-11-19) Luke H: Looks well designed and very promising at first, but unfortunately didn't work on any site for me; not even a very simple one like
- (2020-09-19) Josef Meile: I haven't used this extension a lot, but it seems that it does what I need: move div regions over others and resize them. It is awesome. I would like to do the same in Firefox, I'm just wondering if a similar extension exists for that browser
- (2020-02-26) Unnonuser9: HI dear Andrew! I loved the extension sooo much! However, since 1 or 2 months ago it started randomly not working. I haven't even installed anything new. Whenever i click it, it just doesnt open up. Not even the box on the bottom left corner that used to always be there isn't anymore. Can you please help? Thank you for an amazing extension! I hope it gets fixed!
- (2018-09-13) Keith Pickering: Just what I needed, unfortunately it doesn't work. Spends a minute or so loading and then just freezes the tab.
- (2018-08-07) Luiz: Amazing extension! Helps me a lot! :)
- (2018-02-22) Farzad Sole: I must say I absolutely love this tool! Really appreciate the developer's time and effort for developing such handy tool! Greeting from IRAN :-) <3
- (2017-08-08) Craig Creeger: This actually met my needs perfectly. Thank you for making this extension.
- (2017-03-28) Mattan Ingram: Great concept and really needed but doesn't adapt to how elements were positioned originally. I'm trying to edit elements that are absolutely positioned and sized with % and vw/vh units, not pixels, so the output code doesn't help. Also saving to file doesn't help if you are using SASS. If you can improve those two aspects this is easily one of the most useful development extensions available.
- (2017-02-22) Naizam Hussain: It would not work inside an iframe
- (2016-09-16) Магазин Ангарск: не работает
- (2016-05-30) NikitQa: best of everything i've seen before. big pleasure
- (2016-01-21) Stefan Wrobel: You are my hero!!!
- (2016-01-21) Raiden Roy: see this and fix these i am developer and i have some high hopes for this extension but i am too sad right now because you can only position some svg's and some boxes and sometiems even the boxes can't postionable i checked 20 different websites but the result is the same :(
- (2015-09-02) Mark JL: EVerything is available right now, including this one. But I'm having a problem that when I click on an element, which is circle btw, and then drag it, instead of moving it, it makes it big and distorts it. What I do is click it, and then use the arrow keys on my keyboard to "drag" it around. Why is the drag function on my mouse doesn't work?
- (2015-03-31) Rolando Murillo: I've been fantasizing about a tool like this for a while until I decided to look for it. Thanks for making it.
- (2014-12-30) Zubair Anwar: Thanks for this awesome extension, however i am facing a problem that is, it works ONLY for websites that are online however not for local web pages that are running on chrome in the computer. How can I make it work for a local webpage thats in the computer ?
- (2014-10-24) smieszne rzeczy: I can't believe it doesn't support tag names in "output selectors". If an element has no ID and no class, selector will look like this: "[undefined element]". Also, it would be great if you could add support for generating styles without any selectors, so we can copy and paste style directly to html code as an inline style:)
- (2014-08-07) ya ya: Super Useful !! This is what I exactly want! But on some website it said: Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function positionable.js:1497 I'm encountering that issue on this website(and others). Hope you can fix it! Thanks!
- (2014-07-16) Juande Martos: Excellent !
- (2014-04-30) Simon Fernandes: Excellent extension. Only minor issue I have is that I sometimes have an ontouchend event added to my positioned elements and using this tool triggers that event when I've stopped dragging - which is a big of a pain. An option to temporarily disable click/touch events while dragging would be fantastic. If implemented, five stars!