a samAsa-splitter, morph analyzer and dictionaries for Sanskrit
three steps:
double click everywhere - possible chains of padas
click on a pada - morphological analysis
click on a morph row - dictionaries
ESC - closes all popups
Shift-mouse over a word - IAST transliteration
Shift-mouse over a morphology - European notation
editor - just type devanagari, keyboard layout mimics SLP1
detailed description: http://sa.diglossa.org/
code: https://github.com/mbykov
license: GNU GPL
email: Michael Bykov, [email protected]
Latest reviews
- (2020-04-03) Proactive Patrol: Only shift-click works to get IAST transliteration. Which any sanskrit scholar doesn't need anyway. Most important (double-click on any devanāgarī word to get definition), doesn't work. Infinite loading. Avoid. Author made once, and hasn't attended to again to fix.
- (2014-04-29) Paul MacDonnell: This programme launches randomly (like when I'm naming a folder in google docs). Its instructions say that you launch it when you 'click Shift' SIC ..what does that mean? Nothing I do launches it when I would like to launch it and it manages to launch for no reason when I'm just doing ordinary work. Also I see no way to delete it as it doesn/t appear on my apps launcher. Is this a virus or what?
- (2013-03-20) Денис Харлей: Ничего себе! Морфеус для латыни! Круто!