extension ExtPose

Simple Translate

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Description from extension meta

Web'de yazdığınız ya da seçtiğiniz kelimeleri anında çevirin. Bu eklenti Google Translate ve DeepL API alt yapısını kullanır.

Image from store Simple Translate
Description from store When you select text, the translation button pops up and the translation is displayed instantly. If you enable "Do not display the button if translation is not required" option, you will not get frustrated by the button appearing when it is not necessary. In the toolbar popup, translate the input text in real time. If you enable "Automatically switch to the second language" option, you can do : When English is input, it is translated into Japanese, and when Japanese is input, it is translated into English. You can also translate from the context menu. You can select "Translate this page", "Translate selected text", and "Translate selected link" from the menu on the page or tab. USERS: If you translate it many times in a short time, it may become unusable for a while due to the specification change of the translation API. If it occurs frequently, it is recommended to increase the translation waiting time on option page. Firefox version: https://addons.mozilla.org/en/firefox/addon/simple-translate/

Latest reviews

  • (2023-12-13) Easy Also: 好用,现在deepL的浏览器插件似乎需要pro账户了,这个插件作为替代方案已经不错了。
  • (2023-12-06) Primary: SUGGESTIONS! Please Add Options when "HOVER mouse Tooltip" it will automatically Translate. That's the easy way instead of *Highlighting AND click* the I con that's frustrating.
  • (2023-11-08) Alin Wanderlust: Simple and easy to use!
  • (2023-10-09) Роман Шамарин: Perfect. I'm sure I'm not using all the features of this extension. But the implementation of instant translation of selected text is great. Thank you.
  • (2023-09-27) Slava Lishnevsky: Excellent extension. I have been looking for this for a long time, the translator extension that works both ways between two languages. Just perfect, cant find any pittfals, absolutely love the "Show translation candidates" setting !! Good job, bro !! :)
  • (2023-09-20) Cliff Overwater: This used to be an excellent extension, but recently it has become an extremely annoying, obnoxious piece of spyware. It opens an extra tab Every Time I Open My Browser and Demands Money/"donations". Scuh-rooo you!
  • (2023-09-16) Michael: It's an amazing extension but lately it doesn't translate single words. If I choose a single word and click on the translate button, nothing happens. If it's two words or more, they get translated normally. It didn't have this issue previously.
  • (2023-09-14) Đức Minh: It's really awesome. I've been using it for years but it suddenly stop working. Hope it'll be fixed soon.
  • (2023-09-03) Anson Wang (Fontanez): Best translator addon, I need to leave this to keep myself finding it.
  • (2023-08-20) Sandré de Paula: Muito melhor que o Google Translate oficial, nesta Simple Translate você pode selecionar qualquer quantidade de texto e com um click já traduz. Uso no chrome, edge e firefox.
  • (2023-08-17) Muhammed Uğun: çok kullanışlı bir eklenti
  • (2023-08-09) 서연박: 이 확장 프로그램을 설치하면, 크롬 브라우저와 큰 차이 없이 번역 기능을 사용할 수 있어서 너무 좋네요. 제가 크롬을 애용하던 이유 중 하나가 번역 기능이었는데, 크롬 같은 경우 마우스 커서로 3문장 이상 하이라이팅해서 번역을 시도하려면...따로 번역 페이지를 켜야 한다는 게 참 번거로웠거든요. 그래서 보통 크롬에서는 1~2문장 정도만 커서로 잡아서 바로 번역 아이콘이 뜨게 하는 식으로 이용할 수밖에 없었습니다. 이게 엄청 번거로웠는데... 지금 이 확장 프로그램 설치하니까 진짜 좋은 게, 한 문단을 넘게 커서로 잡아도 쫙 번역이 되니까 진짜 편해요. 굳이 크롬의 번역을 이용하지 않아도, 엣지에서 이 확장 프로그램만 설치하면 크롬에서보다 훨씬 더 편하게 번역 기능 이용할 수 있습니다. 이거 깔아두시는 거 추천합니다. 커서로 그은 문장들 바로바로 한눈에 번역해 보여주니까 진짜 간단하고 편해요.
  • (2023-08-07) Nikolay Lysenko: perfect ext-n. easy to use, lots of customization, fast, I have found no bugs.
  • (2023-08-04) Nikolay “hv” Lysenko: fantastic! i love the customization!
  • (2023-08-02) Алексей Пахом: Спустя 2 года поменял мнение. Пока один из лучших вариантов. Лаги как то сами собой пропали ------------------ The application is excellent, but after 10-30 minutes of work, google bans access to the translation, and the application becomes useless. You have to wait an hour for the application to work again. Timing settings don't help. By the degree of text input, automatic translation becomes meaningless, since the application sends many requests and Google decides to ban access to the translation for an indefinite time. I will change the review if the problem is resolved
  • (2023-07-27) Raheb Aref: It is a very good extension, but there is a small problem. I hope this comment will be read, and the issue will be fixed. The problem arises when I translate a word or sentence in the extension box and press the read text button. It works properly for a single click, but if I press it consecutively or more than once, it reads the text multiple times, creating interference in the resulting sounds. Please address this problem. Dear reader, please note that I wrote this comment to help improve the extension and make the experience more seamless. Thank you.
  • (2023-07-11) Viet Bao Mai: best translating extension, since it doesn't open any new tab
  • (2023-07-08) Creștin de fiecare zi: La mejor que he visto nunca. Increiblemente a mano
  • (2023-06-03) Samuele gg: Ottima per traduzioni rapide, presente tasto "copia". Great for quick translations, present "copy" button.
  • (2023-05-29) Dmitry: Жутко тормозит
  • (2023-04-30) Liewei Zhang: 没什么用,浪费时间
  • (2023-04-29) Ray Dup (Raimo31): Le plus rapide et le plus complet des traducteurs. De nombreuses options de paramétrage. The most efficient extension to translate Web page automatically and quickly.
  • (2023-04-27) Dymitr: Simple yet powerful tool. You should consider to check the addon`s settings at the first launch. It got way too many useful options)
  • (2023-04-20) Aura Elitsu Castro Caceres: Esta increíble si usted lee esto y no lo tiene descargado háganlo que esperan? un premio este es el premio
  • (2023-04-09) Christian Medina: have shortcuts
  • (2023-03-31) max mori: semplice e funzionale
  • (2023-03-25) Đào Thái Dương: Extremely useful
  • (2023-03-16) Vladimir Ivanovich: не работает
  • (2023-02-17) Анатолій Ліпінський (LERT): Це найкращий перекладач з усі які існують
  • (2023-01-13) SHADOW: Удобно, но лучшего пока не нашёл. Было бы классно если бы можно было выбирать словари перевода: гугл, яндекс, реверсо. ____________________________________________ Convenient, but I haven't found a better one yet. It would be cool if you could select the dictionaries of translation: Google, Yandex, and Reverso.
  • (2023-01-09) Bruno Filho: Bom demais, uso em todos navegadores que possuo :)
  • (2022-12-14) Jeffrey Marbid: This is the best translator extension I know. I use it to learn Spanish, and this has undoubtedly the most useful tool in my language learning. This tool alone brought me from B2 to C1 in my Spanish reading abilities. Thank you!
  • (2022-12-13) Frank 123: 很好用!
  • (2022-12-07) Eren Yılmaz: Perfect. Thank you <3
  • (2022-12-02) Selim Han: Perfect.
  • (2022-11-30) babak bayat: it's best translate extension that i know
  • (2022-11-28) Drino955 jug: По сути форк гугл транслейта с улучшенным дизайном. Но мне нужна более высокая кастомизация по типу отключения окна с оригинальным текстом при наведении на текст курсором мыши.
  • (2022-11-26) תחליפים ל פורנו: יש אתרים שהוא לא מתרגם את כל חלקי הדף. גם אם יש שינוי בדף הוא לא מכיל את התרגום על השינוי בדף.
  • (2022-11-22) Mykyta Chalyi: I LOVED IT UNTIL IT STOPPED WORKING I used this extension a lot on my job and it was so super easy to use, yet after several days it stopped working ,console shows some strange denies in API usage, :"Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'https://translate.googleapis.com/translate_a/single?client=gtx&sl=auto&tl=en&dt=t&dt=bd&dj=1&q=deingresar' from origin 'https://my.livechatinc.com' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource." "Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILED" Any idea? Another Google Translate API app stopped working as well, and I don't know why, when Google Translate (website) works just fine. PLEASE FIX ASAP
  • (2022-11-19) Alexandre Ferreira: ruim
  • (2022-11-02) Игорь Ищенко: Самый простой и лучший из всех плагинов! Автору респект!
  • (2022-10-18) I.Y: best one so far
  • (2022-10-16) Людмила Юфєрєва: топ автор БОГ
  • (2022-09-29) Viacheslav Mukha: Please, add Ukrainian language into DeepL translation. It's already got supported by the API.
  • (2022-09-28) Gökhan: Perfect
  • (2022-03-23) Ryzn: best app, simple using TOP RATED translator for me
  • (2022-03-22) khalil mteirek: Seriously the best translator extension out there. It feels even better than google translate at certain points.
  • (2022-03-12) 맹선우: 파이어폭스 사용할 때 이 번역기 발견하고 진짜 유용하게 썼는데 크롬으로 넘어오고 나서 이 번역기를 찾을 수 없어서 못 쓰다가 겨우 발견했네요. 이렇게 좋은 확장 프로그램 만들어주셔서 감사합니다!
  • (2022-03-09) Lee John: Great extension! It doesn't redirect to Google Translate page like others. Fast and Convenient!
  • (2022-02-15) Firefly SK: my favorite extension

Latest issues

  • (2023-09-19, v:2.8.2) Радимир Лобода: Stopped translating single words
    Stopped translating single words, translates only two or more words
  • (2023-09-18, v:2.8.2) Unknown Human: Show translation candidates
    Hi, "Show multiple translation candidates when a single word is translated." This option doesn't work anymore. The translation is working when more than one word is selected. Version 2.8.2
  • (2023-08-12, v:2.8.1) Oleg 3:16: Need one menu item "Translate selected text"
    Hello. Now I select text, right click, then select "Simple Translate", then "Translate selected text" in opened submenu. PLEEEASE let me use only menu for example "Simple translate selected text". Thanks
  • (2023-04-20, v:2.8.1) Mega Lukas: replace selected text with translation language
    I think a tool that quickly changes all the selected text and automatically converts it to another language would be very useful to not have to copy and paste every time
  • (2023-03-28, v:2.8.1) bobo abiola: traduire
    texte a traduire: o how well do i remember how i doubted day by day ;for i did not know for certain that my sins were washed away ; whan the spirit tried to tell me ,i would notthe truth receive i endeavored to be happy and to make myself believe but it is real ,it is real o i know praise god the doubts are settled for i know ,i know it is real
  • (2022-12-29, v:2.8.0) Gregorio Litenstein: Can't translate websites
    I'm using the extension on Vivaldi, not sure if that might be contributiing to the issue, but when I click "translate this page" I just get a google error saying "Can't translate this page."
  • (2022-10-30, v:2.8.0) Ida Moofus: Automatic translation
    I have long had issues with the automatic page translation function not triggering. It sometimes will even work on a page one time, then fail on a repeat visit. A dedicated function just to force automatic translation would be immensely helpful, as opening pages inside Google Translate isn't always ideal.
  • (2022-09-01, v:2.7.2) Mihai Poe.: Change font
    Hi, good extension to have, can you add an option to change default font of translated text to? Also maybe an option to directly copy to clipboard the translated text ? Thanks in advance.
  • (2022-08-21, v:2.7.2) T “Total Jack Ass” T: When I am editing a wordpress website.
    When I am editing a wordpress website, in th ebackend where you edit text, code like this gets placed automatically all over!!! What the hell? <div id="simple-translate"> <div> <div class="simple-translate-button " style="background-image: url('moz-extension://39c30dc4-adf2-41ab-9e0d-0b0ddd6596d4/icons/512.png'); height: 22px; width: 22px; top: 49px; left: 224px;"></div> <div class="simple-translate-panel isShow" style="width: 129px; height: 50px; top: 57.5px; left: 68.2917px; font-size: 13px; background-color: #ffffff;"> <div class="simple-translate-result-wrapper" style="overflow: hidden;"> <div class="simple-translate-move" draggable="true"></div> <div class="simple-translate-result-contents"> <p class="simple-translate-result" dir="auto" style="color: #000000;">we'll do it today</p> <p class="simple-translate-candidate" dir="auto" style="color: #737373;"></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>
  • (2022-04-23, v:2.7.2) matilde anderez: traductor
    que puedo hacer para ponerlo en chrome como lo tengo en google el que tengo engoogle le das a traducir esta pagina y todo solucionado.
  • (2022-03-07, v:2.7.1) ray tomy: 3月7日から動作しません
    2022/03/07より、ツールバーアイコンクリック=真っ白の1行分の箱だけ 翻訳ポップアップ=出ないという状態になっています。
  • (2022-02-22, v:2.6.1) Alexandre Clament: Injection code on DIVI panel
    Quand je travail sur des sites internet avec le constructeur visuel DIVI sous wordpress, j'ai souvent un carré blanc qui s'affiche à l'intérieur des mes header voici le code recueillie <div id="simple-translate"> <div> <div class="simple-translate-button isShow" style="background-image: url('chrome-extension://ibplnjkanclpjokhdolnendpplpjiace/icons/512.png'); height: 22px; width: 22px; top: 977px; left: 383px;"></div> <div class="simple-translate-panel " style="width: 300px; height: 200px; top: 0px; left: 0px; font-size: 13px; background-color: #ffffff;"> <div class="simple-translate-result-wrapper" style="overflow: hidden;"> <div class="simple-translate-move" draggable="true"></div> <div class="simple-translate-result-contents"> <p class="simple-translate-candidate" dir="auto" style="color: #737373;"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div>
  • (2022-01-10, v:2.6.1) Niek Oosterbaan: Bug Report "Translate on modifier key pressed"
    This option only works when you press the modifier key before selecting the text, which isn't explained in the description of the option. Maybe this isn't working as intended. And if it is, please add another option so that I can click a button after I selected text to make the translation appear, thanks!
  • (2021-11-05, v:2.6.1) Najla N. A: Show what Language been Translated
    I love this extension, but in the same time I think I still cannot stop opening Google Translate page itself rather than the extension(and that sucks). The only think made me do that is when you translating something, it's only show the result of the selected language. I just wish you could see what language it been translated from(or maybe make it optional will be better:P). Also, since I always translating stuff on the extension and turns out need to do it on the G-translate. Can you add button to make it open the text typed there (if available) in the G-translate page? Thanks [note: I literally already have this idea a couple year agoXD, but Idk why I didn't write it here.]
  • (2021-10-31, v:2.6.1) Eldar Shayeviz: Cross Origin Resource Sharing error - No Access Control Allow Origin header
    the translate wont work on other site
  • (2021-10-28, v:2.6.1) 東辻朝彦: Error: Check network connection status.
    I can't use this application. because Error: Check network connection status.
  • (2021-09-09, v:2.6.1) Mateusz Mazurkiewicz: error in popup
    I am getting an error in popup: Error: Check network connection status. My network connection is fine. Delay time is set to standard 500ms.
  • (2021-01-17, v:2.4.0) Gabriel Sin: adblock / pop-up blocker
    Hi, what website / link should I add to the filter lists, so the popup button doesn't get blocked?
  • (2020-12-23, v:2.3.0) Tuan Tran: make an One-Click on word (or point at word) to translate for better convenient!! please
    i would be pleased if you added an custome "one click on word" (or point at word) to translate for better convenient .(not double click)
  • (2020-10-10, v:2.3.0) Nick Saf: Right to left languages wrong orientation
    Would be awesome if this could be fixed. I'm translating material to Hebrew, and copy pasting into a worksheet adds an editing extra step to align the text each time Thank you for a great app! Other than that it is awesome!
  • (2020-09-14, v:2.3.0) Hoai Duc: Simple Translate
    cài xong không sử dụng được
  • (2020-08-10, v:2.3.0) Yusuf Ergin: Thanks
    Perfect simple and working quickly
  • (2020-04-01, v:2.2.0) Joe: Maybe make a translator that simplifies more advanced english for people who don't understand very advanced words?
    Like in this page for example? https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Open_Content_-_A_Practical_Guide_to_Using_Creative_Commons_Licences/The_Creative_Commons_licencing_scheme I don't understand alot of this, And I'm a native born english speaker with it as my first and only language, English can be too overcomplex and convoluted with words. As you see on that page link. It's very confusing even to normal english speakers. So could you possibly please make some modification that makes it way easier to understand for people who don't really get what's going on with that? It just seems like they tried to make it too complicated on purpose. I'm not dumb, I just don't typically see words used like that and I don't talk like that, I'm very casual. So a casual english translator might be good?
  • (2020-03-14, v:2.2.0) Leon: Hotkeys
    Could you please add the shortcuts from firefox? So you can press STRG + SPACE for example to translate highlighted text. I would love to get that feature on Chrome Windows 10.
  • (2019-09-01, v:2.1.1) Saeid: Add Voice
    Hi, Thanks for the great translator. Please add an option to enable the 'voice' on translate window.
  • (2019-07-28, v:2.1.0) Eduardo S. Mazzanti: shortcuts in macos
    Hi, please add shortcuts on macos chrome. Thanks.
  • (2019-06-30, v:2.1.0) James Zhong: Add an option to show pronunciation
    Thanks for your Simple Translate extension for Chrome and Firefox. Could you please add an option to show pronunciation?
  • (2019-03-28, v:2.0.4) Carlos João Schlieper Filho: Black Screen youtube embeded videos
    Your extension make youtube embeded videos a black screen inside preventig any click to play the video in any page, only when i disable the extension fix this issue.


100,000 history
4.5778 (360 votes)
Last update / version
2024-05-15 / 3.0.0
Listing languages
