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The easiest and fastest way to use Instagram right from your browser. View and download IG Story!
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Description from store
This is a collection of the most useful features for Instagram: direct messages, download stories and IGTV, take screenshots and more!
The famous mobile Instagram in your browser! Just press the button and get all the functions like in the mobile app:
- private messages are fully supported
- upload your own IGTV videos from PC
- take screenshots from Instagram window to share with your friends
- comfortable layout for a better experience
The main goal is to make your social experience easier and more convenient. With one click in your browser, you will be taken to the popular social network, where you can share photos and videos, view the Instagram news feed and chat with friends. Private messages work completely, so it is easier for you to communicate with loved ones.
#1 Social network is finally available in Chrome Browser! Web Instagram is Chrome addon, which tweaks Desktop Instagram version to look exactly, like mobile app. Launch Instagram with an icon click, and enjoy clean, mobile app-style UI, rendered into a separate window. Never miss a photo, video or a story, upload right from your laptop - enjoy all the features of instagram mobile app on your desktop.
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Easily save whatever you want from the instagram feed - Desktop Instagram supports stories, video and photo download, directly to your PC or Mac.
Instagram Night mode is an icing on a cake, with dark mode applied, Web Instagram is so comfortable at the late night! Switch between light and dark mode clicking an icon on window header.
Important Note: App for Instagram™ does NOT belong or related to the official Instagram application/website in any ways. It is an unofficial app that is developed and maintained independently. The official Instagram software is only released for smart phones and the web. This unofficial app (browser addon) is a wrapper to the original Instagram web application and tries to make it usable as a browser plug-in.
Note 1: to start working with Instagram, you can read this help page in Instagram website:
# 1 क्रोम ब्राउज़र में अंततः सोशल नेटवर्क उपलब्ध है! वेब इंस्टाग्राम क्रोम एडन है, जो मोबाइल ऐप की तरह बिल्कुल दिखने के लिए डेस्कटॉप इंस्टाग्राम संस्करण को बदल देता है। एक आइकन क्लिक के साथ Instagram लॉन्च करें, और एक अलग विंडो में प्रस्तुत, स्वच्छ, मोबाइल ऐप-शैली यूआई का आनंद लें। कभी भी फोटो, वीडियो या कहानी याद न करें, अपने लैपटॉप से सीधे अपलोड करें - अपने डेस्कटॉप पर इंस्टाग्राम मोबाइल ऐप की सभी सुविधाओं का आनंद लें।
Web Instagram इंस्टाग्राम फ़ीड से जो कुछ भी आप चाहते हैं उसे आसानी से सहेजें - डेस्कटॉप इंस्टाग्राम सीधे आपके पीसी या मैक पर कहानियां, वीडियो और फोटो डाउनलोड का समर्थन करता है।
Instagram नाइट मोड एक केक पर एक टुकड़ा है, अंधेरे मोड लागू के साथ, वेब Instagram देर रात में इतना आरामदायक है! विंडो हेडर पर आइकन पर क्लिक करके प्रकाश और अंधेरे मोड के बीच स्विच करें।
Desktop instargam महत्वपूर्ण नोट: Instagram ™ के लिए ऐप किसी भी तरीके से आधिकारिक Instagram एप्लिकेशन / वेबसाइट से संबंधित या संबंधित नहीं है। यह एक अनौपचारिक ऐप है जिसे स्वतंत्र रूप से विकसित और बनाए रखा जाता है। आधिकारिक Instagram सॉफ्टवेयर केवल स्मार्ट फोन और वेब के लिए जारी किया जाता है। यह अनौपचारिक ऐप (ब्राउज़र एडन) मूल Instagram वेब एप्लिकेशन के लिए एक रैपर है और इसे ब्राउज़र प्लग-इन के रूप में प्रयोग करने योग्य बनाने की कोशिश करता है।
नोट 1: Instagram के साथ काम करना शुरू करने के लिए, आप Instagram वेबसाइट में इस सहायता पृष्ठ को पढ़ सकते हैं:
#1 Social network is finally available in Chrome Browser! Web Instagram is Chrome addon, which tweaks Desktop Instagram version to look exactly, like mobile app. Launch Instagram with an icon click, and enjoy clean, mobile app-style UI, rendered into a separate window. Never miss a photo, video or a story, upload right from your laptop - enjoy all the features of instagram mobile app on your desktop.
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Easily save whatever you want from the instagram feed - Desktop Instagram supports stories, video and photo download, directly to your PC or Mac.
Instagram Night mode is an icing on a cake, with dark mode applied, Web Instagram is so comfortable at the late night! Switch between light and dark mode clicking an icon on window header.
Important Note: App for Instagram™ does NOT belong or related to the official Instagram application/website in any ways. It is an unofficial app that is developed and maintained independently. The official Instagram software is only released for smart phones and the web. This unofficial app (browser addon) is a wrapper to the original Instagram web application and tries to make it usable as a browser plug-in.
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Note 1: to start working with Instagram, you can read this help page in Instagram website:
Browse web mobile Instagram directly from your Desktop, Pc or Mac.
This beautiful instagram app allows you to access the Instagram mobile website like you can do on your smartphone. You can upload photos to Instagram from your computer, open and download instagram photos in Full HD, view your notifications
Instagram Web Features:
* Post Pictures, Photos and Medias from your computer to Instagram
* Open and Download full HD photos
* Get Instagram Notifications
* Everything you can normally do with your phone Instagram App (like, follow, comment, browse, ..)
NOTICE : Web Instagram doesn't support DM yet.
#1 Social network is finally available in Chrome Browser! Web Instagram is Chrome addon, which tweaks Desktop Instagram version to look exactly, like mobile app. Launch Instagram with an icon click, and enjoy clean, mobile app-style UI, rendered into a separate window. Never miss a photo, video or a story, upload right from your laptop - enjoy all the features of instagram mobile app on your desktop.
Easily save whatever you want from the instagram feed - Desktop Instagram supports stories, video and photo download, directly to your PC or Mac.
Instagram Night mode is an icing on a cake, with dark mode applied, Web Instagram is so comfortable at the late night! Switch between light and dark mode clicking an icon on window header.
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Important Note: App for Instagram™ does NOT belong or related to the official Instagram application/website in any ways. It is an unofficial app that is developed and maintained independently. The official Instagram software is only released for smart phones and the web. This unofficial app (browser addon) is a wrapper to the original Instagram web application and tries to make it usable as a browser plug-in.
Note 1: to start working with Instagram, you can read this help page in Instagram website:
⚡ Instagramのための アプリは受信トレイを表示し、現時点で新しいメッセージの通知を送信することができます。 ダイレクトメッセージを全面的にサポートするよう努力しています。
#1ソーシャルネットワークはChromeブラウザで最終的に利用可能です! Web Instagramは、モバイルアプリのように、デスクトップInstagramのバージョンを正確に見せるためのChromeアドオンです。アイコンをクリックしてInstagramを起動し、クリーンでモバイルアプリスタイルのUIを楽しんで、別のウィンドウに表示します。写真、ビデオ、ストーリーを見逃したり、ラップトップから直接アップロードしたりすることはありません。あなたのデスクトップ上のinstagramモバイルアプリのすべての機能をお楽しみください。
Web Instagramフィードから簡単に保存 - Desktop Instagramはストーリー、ビデオ、写真のダウンロードをPCやMacに直接サポートします。
Instagramナイトモードはケーキのアイシングで、ダークモードが適用され、Web Instagramは深夜にとても快適です!明るいモードと暗いモードを切り替えると、ウィンドウのヘッダーのアイコンがクリックされます。
Desktop instagram 重要な注意:Instagram™用のAppは、公式のInstagramアプリケーション/ウェブサイトには何ら含まれていません。それは独立して開発され、維持される非公式のアプリです。公式のInstagramソフトウェアは、スマートフォンとウェブ用にのみリリースされています。この非公式のアプリケーション(ブラウザアドオン)は、元のInstagram Webアプリケーションのラッパーであり、ブラウザプラグインとして使用できるようにしようとします。
#1 Social network is finally available in Chrome Browser! Web Instagram is Chrome addon, which tweaks Desktop Instagram version to look exactly, like mobile app. Launch Instagram with an icon click, and enjoy clean, mobile app-style UI, rendered into a separate window. Never miss a photo, video or a story, upload right from your laptop - enjoy all the features of instagram mobile app on your desktop.
Easily save whatever you want from the instagram feed - Desktop Instagram supports stories, video and photo download, directly to your PC or Mac.
Instagram Night mode is an icing on a cake, with dark mode applied, Web Instagram is so comfortable at the late night! Switch between light and dark mode clicking an icon on window header. Instagram follower, instagram follow, instagram unfollow, instagram follow all, instagram unfollow all, instagram likes, like instagram, instagram everliker, instagram bot, instagram post like, instagram photo like, instagram stories like, Direct Message Reader for Instagram, instagram dm, instagram direct
Important Note: App for Instagram™ does NOT belong or related to the official Instagram application/website in any ways. It is an unofficial app that is developed and maintained independently. The official Instagram software is only released for smart phones and the web. This unofficial app (browser addon) is a wrapper to the original Instagram web application and tries to make it usable as a browser plug-in.
Note 1: to start working with Instagram, you can read this help page in Instagram website:
⚡Instagram 용 앱은받은 편지함을보고 현재는 새 메시지에 대한 알림 만 보낼 수 있습니다. 우리는 직접적인 메시지를 전폭 지원하기 위해 열심히 노력하고 있습니다.
# 1 Chrome 브라우저에서 소셜 네트워크를 사용할 수 있습니다! Web Instagram은 모바일 앱처럼 정확하게 보이도록 Desktop Instagram 버전을 조정하는 Chrome Addon입니다. 아이콘 클릭으로 Instagram을 시작하고 깨끗한 모바일 앱 스타일의 UI를 즐기고 별도의 창으로 렌더링하십시오. 사진, 비디오 또는 이야기를 놓치지 마시고 노트북에서 바로 업로드하십시오 - 바탕 화면에 instagram 모바일 앱의 모든 기능을 즐기십시오.
Instagram Desktop app 인스 타 그램 피드에서 원하는 것을 쉽게 저장할 수 있습니다 - Desktop Instagram은 스토리, 비디오 및 사진 다운로드를 PC 또는 Mac에 직접 지원합니다.
Instagram Night 모드는 어두운 모드가 적용된 케이크 위에 장식되어 있습니다. Web Instagram은 심야에 너무 편안합니다! 밝고 어두운 모드를 전환하여 창 헤더의 아이콘을 클릭합니다.
Instagram web client 중요 사항 : Instagram ™ 용 App은 공식 Instagram 응용 프로그램 / 웹 사이트에 속하지 않거나 관련이 없습니다. 그것은 독립적으로 개발되고 유지되는 비공식 앱입니다. 공식 Instagram 소프트웨어는 스마트 폰과 웹 용으로 만 출시됩니다. 이 비공식 앱 (브라우저 애드온)은 원래 Instagram 웹 애플리케이션의 래퍼이며 브라우저 플러그인으로 사용 가능하v
Latest reviews
- (2021-08-10) zorozado: o melhor por que o Instagram NÃO VER ESTA Extensão como vírus ou app falso ótimo podem baixar👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
- (2021-07-30) Roman Antonov: Отличное расширение для браузера. Давно что-то подобное искал. Работает так, словно в телефоне сидишь, так плюс к этому, можно скачать фото! Спасибо большое! 5 звезд!
- (2021-07-27) John Wood: Love this app can finally not have worry about the mobile version so much, and it makes it easier to load pictures, and videos, thanks for this great app
- (2021-07-11) Ãrtfûl Dôdger: I found it useful
- (2021-07-11) Lisbeth Lopez: No permite subir varias fotos o videos
- (2020-04-10) Abdolkarim foroughi: good
- (2019-12-08) Hemzy Dakid: I love it
- (2019-03-07) Hao Huynh Van: cool insta app
- (2019-03-06) Dominic Blare: Compared to all the others this is by far the best!!
- (2019-03-06) Ilsa Schröder: extension, keep up the good work
- (2019-03-06) Diane Williams: Its a great tool, keeps me inform about my friends activities and my personal interests.
- (2019-03-06) Bruno Calhoun: Handy useful Instagram extension
4.5 (27 votes)
Last update / version
2021-07-09 / 1.3.0
Listing languages