Description from extension meta
A Visual Web Optimizer extension to see active experiments and change variations
Image from store
Description from store
A Visual Web Optimizer extension to see active experiments and change variations
This chrome extension is build by ClickValue.
ClickValue is an Amsterdam based, data driven, online marketing agency.
The tool makes users able to see active VWO experiments and change test
variations. For more information you can visit
Latest update (23-05-2018):
Because VWO made changes to the amount of information they expose to the DOM, we needed to find a new way to retrieve information about active experiments and fired goals. This new version will use the VWO API, which will require an API token. The details on how to set up this token and add it to the extension can be found in the extension by clicking the '?' icon. After this is done you should be able to use the extension like you have always done.
Update (28-11-2017):
Added preventDefault option. This prevents all default behaviour of a clicked element. For example stops the default behaviour when clicking on a link. This feature is usefull to test click goals: remove the currently tracked goals by clicking on the remove goals button, then activate prevent default. Now you can easily see when a goal will fire by clicking on the element without having to worry about default page actions.
Small bugfixes.
07 - 04 - 2017 ---
Added goal tracking. This is done by looking at the cookies and comparing them with the current active experiments on a page.
For questions or suggestions you can email to: [email protected]
Latest reviews
- (2018-10-11) Perfect!