DigiPassword Advanced Community extension for the Digi-ID/AntumID APP
Chrome advanced extension for the (DigiPassword) Digi-ID/AntumID APP. Click and Scan DigiPassword QR-Code with the Digi-ID/AntumID and DigiID simple.
This chrome extension ensures that a qr code is generated based on the domain of the website that you visit. This QR code can be used to create a unique password (key) via the Digi-ID/AntumID or Digi-ID simple. You can use this unique key for various purposes. You can get the key from the app and copy/paste items. This update will ensure that password fields can be entered automatically. Do you want extra features? Faster plug-in, auto login, DigiPassword inside each website? Check out DigiPassword PRO with support. Buy DigiPassword and support DigiByte Community and Antum.
Latest reviews
- (2019-10-05) Denise George: DigiByte is a game changer!
- (2019-08-01) Sjoerd vdp: This is basically the future of security. I am sold! It works very smooth and is easy-to-use.
- (2019-05-13) Mike Dwayne: Much more convenient than the traditional user and and password routine.
- (2019-04-11) Satish Dahal: It is not seamless when you use it. Also, this only works for new accounts. For mass adoption, this needs to work for old accounts as well. I tried using it while changing password, it didn't recognize when I scanned the QR code, however I could manually enter the password. That would defeat the whole purpose of seamless authentication. There should also be a way to save domain names so that user can choose the domain from the saved list and login.
- (2019-04-10) Stefan R.: App ist sehr genial ich würde gern 50 Sterne vergeben! Einfach auf die Webseite gehen bei der man Digi-ID benutzen möchte, vorerst normal anmelden mit dem alten Passwort, dann im Account auf Passwort ändern. Jetzt die Erweiterung öffnen Barcode scannen - Passwort an Erweiterung senden -und schwupp sind die Passwörter automatisch eingefügt! Zuletzt das Alte Passwort eintippen und Speichern! FERTIG Bei Wiederanmeldung einfach Nutzernamen eingeben und PW über App anfordern. Das lesen des Textes hier dauert definitiv 10 mal länger wie das sichere Login von Digi-ID. HAMMER GEILES PROJEKT VON DIGIBYTE!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!
- (2019-04-06) Kenny Linn: Decided to venture into this app due to recent unauthorised access to websites I use. You'll need the Digi ID Antum app on your phone. Works smooth once you figure out setting it up. Great seeing Blockchain being used in a real life application! Go Digibyte!
- (2019-03-29) Jyri Mustonen: No more worries about passwords! Oh yes! LastPass eat your heart out :D
4.6667 (9 votes)
Last update / version
2019-07-14 / 2.5.1
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