extension ExtPose

Improve Crunchyroll

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Améliore Crunchyroll: mode théâtre, sauter intros/outros, marquer comme vu/pas vu, boutons d'avance/retour rapide, ...

Image from store Improve Crunchyroll
Description from store Improve Crunchyroll peut: - Agrandir le lecteur vidéo (2 mods) - Prendre toute la fenêtre en plein écran - Boutons/raccourcis de sauts pour les intros, récapitulatifs, outros... (les boutons avec le temps proviennent de cette extension et sont basés sur les sous-titres, ne seront pas sans défaut, les autres sont natifs) - Contrôlez la vitesse de lecture vidéo dans les paramètres du lecteur existant - Marquer l'épisode / la série entière comme regardé / non regardé - Flouter ou masquer la vignette de la barre de progression - Masquer la barre de défilement pour une meilleure immersion - Masquer l'écran sombre du lecteur - Masquer les sous-titres - Masquer le bouton pause de lecture - Masquer les options et les raccourcis de l'interface utilisateur du lecteur - Désactiver le pavé numérique - Ajouter des bouttons d'avance / retour rapides - Ajouter des raccourcis d'avance / retour rapides - Ajouter des raccourcis de vitesse de lecture vidéo - Ouvrir le menu d'en-tête sur l'option de survol - Ajouter un bouton Picture-in-Picture (pas de sous-titres) - Maximiser avec un double-clic - Chacune des fonctionnalités peut être activée / désactivée - Paramètres de sauvegarde / réinitialisation Nouveau: - Ajouter des options d'intégration avec MyAnimeList et AniList - Ajouter la date de diffusion du prochain épisode Supporte la nouvelle version de Crunchyroll. Les retours sont les bienvenus! Les traductions sont effectuées avec google translate, elles peuvent contenir des erreurs. Nom de l'extension et popup inspirés par l'extension Improve YouTube !

Latest reviews

  • (2023-10-26) K. Knopp: Thank you !
  • (2023-08-14) Jan Thomas: Fantastic! Even my mum was ecstatic to have more options on Crunchy.
  • (2023-08-01) Fabio Ortiz Villa: Lo mejor para ver en reproducción acelerada, cumple con la función perfectamente. Recomendado.
  • (2023-07-23) Erick Rodrigo Espinoza Hernández: muy buena herramienta para verse rapido algunos animes
  • (2023-07-19) Steven V.: Allows me to increase playback speed of Crunchyroll videos. I had to refresh a few times before it started working, but once it worked it worked great
  • (2023-07-17) Visuali Zador: Excelente extensión, pero hoy justamente me dejo de funcionar el modo teatro y me imprescindible para ocultar la molestia imagen de previa de siguiente episodio, no se como la versión WEB oficial no cuenta con ello si te comes SOILERS de los siguientes episodios por un mal diseño de la pagina.
  • (2023-07-13) Kapix: works great and all but i wish there was a way to blur the thumbnails that show under "next episode"
  • (2023-06-06) Ethan Levoir: Didn't read anything about this and just wanted to see if there is a Crunchyroll extension to make things better like there is for youtube and this one was at the top. I used it and it is really good and adds a lot of features.
  • (2023-05-28) Michael Kneale: No more small video player, No more vignette on the video player when I pause (why is that a standard thing across all streaming services, anyway?). Amazing.
  • (2023-05-16) SlayGold: Só por tirar a tela escurecida do player de vídeo eu já amei a extensão, mas ela tem muitas outras opções ótimas também, extremamente útil!
  • (2023-04-30) SpookyXIII: Habe bis jetzt nur Intro-Skip, Wiedergabegeschwindigkeit, 30 sec (usw) Vor und Zurueck Skippen und die diversen Theater Modi probiert funktionieren soweit sehr gut.
  • (2023-04-24) Sahil Dutta: Nothing I try seems to work...I'm using the crunchyroll website but any of the shortcuts I try using seem to work. Is it because I'm using a mac? I'm on google chrome on the crunchyroll website but the extension doesn't seem to do anything?
  • (2023-04-06) Daniel Zaiser: it just works
  • (2023-03-15) H i T: easily one of the best extensions for crunchyroll! i bought the crunchyroll subscription to watch one piece but the anime felt slow so i wanted to change the speed to 1.5x but guess what? CRUNCHYROLL DOESNT HAVE THE PLAYBACK SPEED OPTION! honestly disappointed in crunchyroll good thing i found this extension now i can watch anime in whatever speed i like!
  • (2023-03-08) Matthew Gebara: Exactly what you want it to be
  • (2023-01-26) Bradley Lind: Brilliant Makes it hard to watch Crunchyoll on the app on my phone/TV now. This extension takes Crunchyroll to the next level bringing up to par with other streaming services like Netflix/Disney
  • (2023-01-25) Austin Dalton: mainly wanted it for the speed increase, works great and like the changes.
  • (2023-01-22) GalloFino: No soporto ver en 1x, no puedo consumir contenido tan lentamente. Esto, me ha hecho la vida.
  • (2023-01-07) Soy Una Pan: Muy buena, resuleven los fallos en 1 día aproximadamente y trae muchas funciones excelentes para mejorar la experiencia del usuario.
  • (2023-01-06) Alexander Márquez Rodríguez: Playback speed was previously working but not right now, every time I try now it goes to the previous page.
  • (2023-01-04) JH3Y50N: Mano, faz uma melhoria lá onde lista os epsódios, é tudo confuso não da pra saber a data de lançamento das séries, fica tudo bagunçado você consegue resolver aquilo?
  • (2023-01-03) Marcel Zebil: Sirve a la perfección! Era justamente lo que buscaba (en mi suscripcion premiun de Crunchyroll).
  • (2022-12-22) Qwerty Two: we need too a filter to show only dubbing in a specific language like one ctrl+f
  • (2022-12-10) Icarus: I like it but somehow the auto-skip feature doesn't work.. that's kinda the reason I got it?
  • (2022-11-08) Zackariah Zielieke: Think of a video player that can amaze and surprise at a lack of features including skip ahead/backward, simple buttons for bigger players or really any settings at all. You are probably now thinking of Crunchyroll, because it's such hot garbage and the developers working there were clearly recruited from the far depths of Antarctica frozen in ice. No one has heard of "video" before yet they were plopped in front of a screen, shown a keyboard, and said to make a video player. They then made Crunchyroll's video player in record time of 2 hours for free. This extension makes it usable. One person has made an entire site usable for paying customers of said site without taking any donations himself. Thank you to the developer of this extension for doing what a team of Neanderthals could not!
  • (2022-10-29) Gabriel SB: Gente ta funcionando pra vcs?
  • (2022-08-27) Chefsito? ¿?¿?¿?: hay un error, no se puede marcar como visto o no visto, porfavor arreglenlo :(
  • (2022-08-20) David Israel: peak
  • (2022-07-18) Fer Drag: pog
  • (2022-06-25) TD Snoopy: Honestly one of the best extensions ever made. Surprising how an extension is able to implement all these things before the actual website has. Only extension I have found for crunchy roll that actually works. Easy to navigate the UI as well. 10/10 everything works perfectly.
  • (2022-06-11) Michael Y: playback speed Doesnt work
  • (2022-06-06) Jio: Superb!! The only suggestion I have is to revive the deprecated player's function of going forward one frame with Shift + > and backwards with Shift + <. It was a wonderful feature of the old official crunchyroll, so it would be great to have that back, even if just through your amazing app.
  • (2022-06-05) Guille :D: Al fin puedo ver a velocidad 2x
  • (2022-05-28) Neal Goris: Is there an option to enable 21:9 while in full screen? If not I would love to see that added in the future. Thank you!
  • (2022-03-21) briple: actually a banger extension! thank you dev this is amazing :D
  • (2022-03-17) Travis Graney: great extension but as of today the playback speed settings and theatre mode button are just gone for some reason, the shortcuts still work fine though. Any fixes?
  • (2022-02-28) JAIRO ELIAS PEREZ CAMPOS: Hola, llevo tiempo usándola y es fantástica. Quisiera saber si pondrás, en la versión Beta, las opciones para marcar como visto o no visto varios episodios. La verdad resultaba muy útil y la hecho de menos a la hora de usar la versión Beta. Gracias por tu trabajo
  • (2022-02-25) Lurok: MUY BUENA
  • (2022-02-14) Qwerty Two: This extension is awesome, you is most fast maybe make an audio selector before the crunchyroll team one implements it, i will never understand why not has 2 filters one for dubs and other for seasons side to side most easer, Crunchyroll maybe be working on something "Audio Selector" different from other streamings that can't talk to us maybe with openings and endings dubs.
  • (2022-01-20) Daniel Just: Nice. Well done.
  • (2022-01-01) Krish R Iyer: great app but when i resume a video i am not able to change playback speed
  • (2021-12-19) Chevelle: Está bien, pero al momento de cambiar de capítulo el modo pantalla completa se reinicia.
  • (2021-12-14) Oscar Contreras Silva: Buena, a excepción de que en algunos animes o caps no lo salta automáticamente
  • (2021-12-04) Jose Toga: Por el momento funciona bien
  • (2021-10-01) redboyke: kiwi browser supports chrome extentions and works on android with this improved chrunchyroll and crunchyroll max it gives a better user experience than the original crunchyroll android app cause you can automaticly skip intro and outro. for me it replaces the CR app completely highly recommend thanks alot for making me enjoy anime again with kiwi browser and your extention
  • (2021-08-11) Andrew Gutierrez: Does what it says it does, adds features that are very much needed and standard in most other sites, no bugs so far. Great app. Also, the permissions are limited to exactly what is needed and nothing more, the same can't be said for many other apps. Thanks developer!
  • (2021-07-31) Sizmo: thank you
  • (2021-07-10) joaoribeiro: mt massa
  • (2021-07-06) EloHiM: It would be better if it had hardware acceleration, so, the videos in 1080p or 720p would not slow down the PC's
  • (2021-07-02) Naaice: Muito boa a extensão! Nada a reclamar. Só de uma coisa que eu sinto falta, que é a mudança de episódio quando acaba um e começa outro. Será que é possível adicionar uma opção de quando passar pro próximo episódio voltar automaticamente para tela cheia? De qualquer forma, obrigado.


30,000 history
4.6327 (196 votes)
Last update / version
2025-02-17 / 4.6.4
Listing languages
de en pt-BR fr es
