extension ExtPose


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Description from extension meta

Une protection maximale pour votre navigateur. NoScript ne permet les contenus actifs que pour les domaines de votre choix, afin de…

Image from store NoScript
Description from store Winner of the "PC World World Class Award" and bundled with the Tor Browser, NoScript gives you with the best available protection on the web. It allows JavaScript, Flash, Java and other executable content to run only from trusted domains of your choice, e.g. your home-banking site, mitigating remotely exploitable vulnerabilities including Spectre and Meltdown. It protects your "trust boundaries" against cross-site scripting attacks (XSS), cross-zone DNS rebinding / CSRF attacks (router hacking), and Clickjacking attempts. Such a preemptive approach prevents exploitation of security vulnerabilities (known and even unknown!) with no loss of functionality where you need it. Experts do agree: your browser is really safer with NoScript ;-) FAQ: https://noscript.net/faq Forum: https://noscript.net/forum

Latest reviews

  • (2024-12-23) сергей кушнир: сайты не грузятся, не работают, в частности - стримы вк вообще не работает с этим аддоном. жаль, но удаляю - вместо пользы стал приносить вред. после внезапного самоудаления из браузера - стал ужасно тормозить везде, сайты грузятся с третьей попытки
  • (2024-04-29) Josh King: Easily the most practical way to implement a whitelist-only approach to web JavaScript.
  • (2024-04-07) じこで: How to change the language of the extension or option/setting page?
  • (2024-01-11) Dee See: Seemed to be working fine till a couple of days ago, and I am used to having to "temp trust" a lot of the sites I visit daily or selectively trust what I need to in order to make them functional. I have not figured out how to make those specific permissions persist across sessions, if that is even possible. It would however be very useful. It started blocking every page of my search engine which I recently changed to duckduckgo, and I'm looking for a way to load new search/home pages that doesn't automatically block and load the non-js version every single time. Advice on either of the two points above appreciated. Good ad-on I have used for a long time, but maybe I will just have to revert my default search page to Google and continue reallowing the same temp permissions every time I open a new tab. Can't see another obvious option to make those permanent, but I would hope that option would be there somwhere?
  • (2023-11-11) Bruno Martins: Cumpre o que promete , sobretudo , com relação aos sites que jogam scripts em tudo o que há na surface...
  • (2023-11-08) Кото-стрим Games: Ну вроде норм, но белая тема в браузере после установки расширения раздражает.
  • (2023-11-06) João Serra: For some reason recently its blocking some things in some situations even if everything is Trusted... No idea why I didn't changed anything. If i disable the extension things start working so I'm sure its because this extension has some bug...
  • (2023-10-19) bill mcculley (will): I can't believe we live in this insane world where youtube, which has never turned a profit, is demanding everyone bow down to the ad gods. All streaming sites are becoming individual channels. It's insanity and the death of the Internet. Nothing new!
  • (2023-09-12) duuy: i dont get it how it work ;-; btw it really good for improve website loading by remove trackers what is trusted and default, different ..
  • (2023-07-21) AtHoS: Nica kivalo bovitmeny ,ajanlott minden platformra!
  • (2023-05-14) matt martinez: No whitelist, had to turn it off for every website I accessed because there is no whitelist, extremely annoying, would not use this dogshit extension again
  • (2023-05-10) AnimaRytak: Used to be a must-have plugin that didn't try to shut down every single website in the world. Now it's hot dogshit.
  • (2023-02-07) Xao Fan-Tzilin: After typing a certain amount of rules, the extension stopped saving new rules to the database. The new rules only work during the current session. This is very annoying. I don't see any reason why it was necessary to limit the list! Everything else is good. (russian text): После набора некоторого объёма правил расширение перестало сохранять новые правила в базу. Новые правила работают только в течение текущего сеанса. Это очень раздражает. Не вижу ни одну причину, зачем нужно было ограничивать список! В остальном всё хорошо. UPD: (2022-03-20) Please bring back the old interface! This one is terrible. UPD-2: (2023-02-08) Now it work acceptable. But the color scheme is terrible.
  • (2023-01-14) Mert Ey: şimdilik bir kere kullandım ama epey kullanışlı olacak gibi. paywall denen, "okumaya devam etmek için ödeme yapın" tarzı mesajları kapatıyor.
  • (2023-01-14) Tony Kujawski: Humbly stating I provide super geek services, I red/blue team, audit and certify HIPAA/HITECH, PCI-DSS 3.2, and SOC II type2. I use three tracker/adblockers. Ublock origin, NoScript, and uMatrix. Ublock doesn't provide a clear interface for exactly what blocking is occurring in the background, while it does provide an interface to show you what sites were pinged, I frequently find I am required to disable it, before the functionality of a website works correctly. No Script is much more simple and fluid, I would recommend for the intermediate tech savvy, you can quickly trust a single tab, or you can "temp trust, always trust, or never trust" each website that the current one connects to such as ad servers and content delivery networks. If set the always temp trust the site you go to, and are willing to toggle a few permissions, you can lock in your choices and export/import/sync with browsers. Import and exports are not cross browser compatible, but are if using same framework (Chrome to MSEdge / EpicPrivacy / Adblock / (Opera / OperaGX are CHINESE OWNED) and Firefox to Firefox_Focus / Brave / TOR_Preconfigured / Waterfox). uMatrix has similar export features and is more fine grained and configurable per-site and domain. Offers ability to use the highest rate block list should you choose to, this is for the more technically savvy who seek fine grain control, all things considered, if you are only going to use one, this is the one I take the time to configure the way I like and it always puts the "ad site / bad sites blocked at the bottom. It also has a greater visibility into what is happening and a much greater fine grained control.
  • (2022-12-27) Eliseu Carvalho: Ótima para quando se precisa visitar certos sites que insistem em colocar scripts indevidos e anúncios invasivos. Acho que essa extensão poderia ter a possibilidade de ativá-la/desativá-la de forma automática, conforme o site - isso aumentaria ainda mais a produtividade.
  • (2022-11-01) Arthur Meltser: Best extension I use it for years. Should come with every browser as feature. Love it and recommend highly.
  • (2022-10-22) Glenn McGrew II (ReveurGAM): I've been using NoScript (NS) for years, I highly recommend it, and it's my first choice after experimenting with some of the other choices. I'm unaware of anything else that provides the level of control over website's scripts that NS does. Other extensions will require you to disable part or all of the protection to make a website they broke start working correctly because they lack this fine-tuning feature. If you're tired of the inability to selectively block "partnered" websites to make the website you want or need to visit work without potentially exposing yourself to attacks, THIS IS THE BEST I KNOW OF, and I know some security experts who also use it even though they'll officially recommend uBlock Origin because of their employers and because this product isn't for amateurs. Beginner users will find it challenging because it gives you control over EVERY website connected to the one you visit. If you are not an advanced user, you will have to learn how to use NoScript's customizable script-blocking features, and be wary of websites that are connected to the website you're visiting in order to make good decisions. Learning this will give you much better control over how the extension functions with each website and it will remember the settings no matter which webpage you go to. Unlike Malwarebytes Browser Guard (MBBG), Ghostery (G), Disconnect (D), uBlock Origin (uO), Brave's built-in script blocking (BP) and Blur (B), NS gives you full control over how NS deals with each webset and even sub-pages. I found that these other products caused some sites to break but provided no way to give access for other websites embedded in the broken one. For example, cloudfront.com is an important website, which shouldn't be blocked, that companies use to protect their servers from DDOS and other attacks, but they also offer tracking services under a similar name, and that should be blocked. When Brave breaks websites (and it does it fairly regularly using the default settings), I have to turn it off for the site and rely on MBBG and NS to catch the bad stuff. With NS, I never have to turn off some of NS's major security categories, nor do I have to turn off all protections, whereas most of these products require one or the other so I can use a site I know is safe. WARNING: avoid granting access for websites for pirated software, cracking, hacking, phreaking, phishing, stolen movies and videos, anything else illegal, and many porn sites as a lot of them are loaded with malware or are connected to other sites that have malware scripts that will attack and invade your computer. Turning off protection for ANYTHING on these websites invites such attacks, but will often be required if you want the website to work, so just don't try unless you're running a VM (if you don't understand, do NOT try those sites) and anti-malware software. If you have problems with NS behaving incorrectly, which rarely happens, you can go to the creator's forum website to report problems and get support: forums.informaction.com. Mr. Giorgio Maone (from Italy) is the creator and he's very nice. Problems that DO occur are usually because of changes to the way browsers function that Mr. Maone has no control over, which is what caused the big problem last year when several browsers caused NS to break. If you have trouble with a website, click on the NoScript icon at the top right of your browser window. If it's not showing, you'll have to open up the extensions controls (in Chromium browsers, click on the puzzle piece or similar next to the extensions' icons, and then click on the push pin so it'll be shown) by left-clicking on it. You'll see a list of all the websites involved with the website you're visiting. To the left of each website are 5 icons: default, temporarily trusted, trusted, untrusted (blocked) and custom. Click on the 2nd or 3rd from left, depending on how sure you are that you can trust that site. WARNING: If you know it's a site full of malware, such as PortableTurk.com and PornHub.com, do NOT trust anything, so mark those sites as untrusted. Settings you change for the website you're visiting will be applied to ALL websites you visit, unless you customize the settings as local (for a specific site only) instead of global (for all sites visited). Once you're done, press the refresh button in NS or your browser so it'll reload. Keep carefully trusting sites until functionality is restored. If trusting a site doesn't help, then set it back to the default. Sites with words like "click", "marketing", "tracking", "sales", "tag" and so on should almost never be trusted!!! When in doubt, click on a questionable site listed by NS and it'll bring up a new page with links you can follow to sites that will give you more info. Note that when you change settings for some sites listed, this may cause more or fewer sites to be listed, so don't be alarmed - this is why you use temp. trusted when you're not sure.
  • (2022-10-15) yasin ullah: Quite an awesome app and experience
  • (2022-08-25) s f: Good in principle, poor execution and options. Breaks most sites, can't spend a lifetime in manually whitelisting and figuring out which places work and which won't. It's mostly hit-or-miss on a large number of sites. Ideally there should be a blacklist of most used sites (from google to fb, twitter, amazon, youtube, yahoo, wikipedia, and so on sites) so that users could pick up crowd-created settings shared via options selection where a user could load and apply such shared settings or choose to create and use its own. Obviously that would require the extension to have a more granular control over what is allowed and what is filtered out. Until then it's not very useful IMHO... certainly not to me. Since it's not feasible nor practical in any way to use it I ended up uninstalling it rather quickly after testing it across a few major sites: 8 for effort, 5 for execution, 2 for support.
  • (2022-08-13) Michael Christiana: One of my two required extensions with Chrome, I absolutely love the control and security this extension gives. Between this and uBlock, Chrome just feels incomplete without them.
  • (2022-08-07) MonoRayJak: For the most part this extension is amazing, I've used it for months with only minor issues (namely just being minor annoyances not even really linked to the extension itself, such as what script is causing what to pop up and what are needed for the site to work), but, as it appears a lot of people started noting around February 3rd, the extension started having some... issues. Now, for me, the most prevalent was just that it forgot what was trusted, which was small inconvenience that was relatively easy to fix, if not just a bit annoying. HOWEVER, as of today, August 7th 2022, the extension seems to have completely broken on my pc. This could easily be an issue on my side and somethings gone wrong with my computer or connection, but given the similar accounts given by others on this page, I believe it to be an issue with NoScript itself. I cannot access any sites and had to turn the entire extension off just to load a single page correctly. Hopefully whatever issue is causing this will be fixed in the near future, because as I said, this is a great extension. It just seems to be a bit broken right now.
  • (2022-06-24) ᚨᛚᚠᛟᚾᛊ “ᛒᚱᛟᚢᛀᚲᛁᛃᛉ” ᛊᛏᚱᛁᛈᛏᛁᛉᛇᚱ: Всплывающие окна и скрытые ссылки неплохо блокирует.
  • (2022-06-07) akm faisal: Excellent extension for getting the job done has also evolved a lot throughout time. Before leaving a bad review, please understand how it works and why it isn't working.
  • (2022-05-25) Ryan B: This extension is nice, but has alot of issues in Chrome and Edge chromium. I can trust everything on certain pages but in devtools i will see errors thrown for some of the javascript trying to execute. This breaks blade view in some places in azure and also microsofts own addon page.
  • (2022-04-13) RascalCoyote: keeps freezing when to many tabs open , after using in 5 tabs it freezes, Trusted web sites and scripts NOT SAVING resets when ever browser is closed, it is NOT supposed to be doing that. anything marked 'Trusted ' is Supposed to be SAVED as trusted and not reset every time browser is closed. the firefox version works way better.
  • (2022-03-26) CBM: верни синие значки, придурок! черные значки на черном фоне - НЕ ВИДНО!
  • (2022-03-24) GAMJA KOR: 선택적 JavaScript 차단 기능이 정말 마음에 들어요~ 잘 사용하고 있습니다.
  • (2022-03-22) Axel: Thank you for all the work on this valuable extension, which I have appreciated for years. For this 5 stars. But the new user interface is unfortunately so repulsive and terrible that I have to reduce to 1 star. This is the worst user interface I have ever had to see on a PC. Have only been using PCs since 1984! My URGENT recommendation is to completely rethink it again and change it to a reasonable level in a near future. I have appreciated NoScript for years. However, I am shocked by the new user interface. I find it butt ugly, a real imposition. I would appreciate it if the user interface promptly gets a reasonable look again.
  • (2022-03-20) swinka 137: Possible to revert to previous UI look ? Current one is way too bulky / thick, previous was small, and more clear
  • (2022-02-21) Albin Kottaram: I install it to block js stuff from google. Apparently everything from google is listed as trusted and I cannot untick the script for trusted pages. great.
  • (2022-02-16) Jeff Kumanga: This is hands-down, the best ever script blocker. INSTALL THIS EXTENSION!
  • (2022-02-09) Igor Obraztsov: A great extension for blocking scripts
  • (2022-02-04) Flarey: The only reason that I am not giving this useful extension 5-stars is due to the problems that occurred with an update on Feb 3, 2022, that was effectively blocking scripts on all pages, but besides that SINGULAR instance that the extension caused problems it is an effective tool to keep scripts that you do not want running on your machine off the machine.
  • (2022-02-03) Daryle Tilroe: OK I'm not giving a poor review because I have been using forever and like it *HOWEVER* this evening's update completely broke Chrome. Found this thread on the forums too: https://forums.informaction.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=26513
  • (2022-02-03) kucink kerikil: Today's NoScript update just broke the internet, or more specifically it broke Chrome. Nothing is working, not even YouTube. I can't even login into my Google account without disabling NoScript first
  • (2022-02-03) Chochisko Hamido: they frise my channel i can't believe this just not happening
  • (2022-02-03) Nue Houjuu: I don't know what you just did but now trusted sites don't work anymore
  • (2022-02-03) Mike B: today's update of noscript broke the internet. Nothing is working. websites are broken. Youtube is broken. extension must be disabled in order for the internet to work.
  • (2022-02-03) Mecha Kumquat: Even with everything enabled, the entire internet is blocked right now. Not even google will load despite all of the scripts being allowed.
  • (2022-02-03) Canada Please: For some reason I have to completely remove NoScripts to be able to do anything on the web. It has the little blue plus sign that means there is a top level site that is being blocked and it won't allow it to be unblocked. Likely happened in an update around an hour ago with how many reviews are talking about it
  • (2022-02-03) Petter Jakob: Started acting up today and hindered my access to both Facebook and Youtube. Even when seemingly "allowing this page" or "allowing globally", nothing would come up on those sites before I disabled the extension altogether.
  • (2022-02-03) o chan: What happened? It's blocking us from browsing web pages everywhere.
  • (2022-02-03) Salazaar Xionon: As of today No Script is suddenly blocking elements of nearly all the webpages people would use. That includes normal things like using a search engine (e.g. duckduckgo) or using youtube. Could the Devs look into this? It's making normal browsing a bit difficult if everything is blocked.
  • (2022-02-03) bob with: its blocking youtube right now for some reason
  • (2022-02-02) Drowned: Awesome
  • (2022-01-28) Jan Guse: Would really love an option to sync the settings/rules between my devices...
  • (2022-01-23) test test: Great extension, if you put some efforts into configuration ❗️ For users, that want to use this extension for specific sites only: ❗️ right click on extension's icon -> manage extensions -> site access -> on click -> add templates for your sites This template: "*.example.com/*" should be enough for majority of sites Notice, that sites that are part of the blocking list in the extension won't be blocked outside of the list you gonna have in "site access" section, ie you can block content from a site, say some social media, on the other site, but keep using social media's original site without any issues (unless you won't add it the "site access" section) Mark this review as helpful, so that users stop complaining about this use case
  • (2021-10-07) luke Cole: Causes facebook not to be able to load, not sure if there is something I can do, adjust the settings or something to make facebook load?


100,000 history
4.2015 (263 votes)
Last update / version
2025-01-03 / 12.1.1
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