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Free to unblock bilibili unlimited.
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Bilibili cannot watch oversea? have area restricted?
🔥Unblock Bilibili Upgrade to 3.0 to support most of Chinese streaming websites
Unblock Bilibili help Chinese overseas watch Bilibili better and fast. Just one-click to use it, no more config, free and unlimited.
[PS: This extension is developed by Malus, it’s totally free, but only work for Chinese streaming websites, if you want unblock all Chinese services and apps, please install Malus to instead.]
Latest reviews
- (2024-04-13) 宋介甫: 現在好像用不了了。
- (2023-11-09) Wanwan PO (碗碗): 嗯.. 也不是不能用 但由于免费线路很拥挤所以要一点技巧 你打开B站被提示区域限制的时候打开该应用进行代理 然后它会以很慢的速度重新加载页面 由于很慢 所以基本上不指望它能拿来看视频 但是呢 当网页加载到 "你感兴趣的视频都在B站" 的时候就差不多可以关掉代理了 此时 地区验证已经完成 线路切换后一般会自己转换成直连 就顺了 简单地讲 就是只用该应用绕过验证阶段 不做其他 其他它做不到
- (2023-10-06) Peifeng Li: Useless
- (2023-09-14) William lei: 不开至少还能上b站,开了直接慢到打不开,来搞笑的吧
- (2023-08-31) 8 GA: 甚麼垃圾東西,一開就不能用B站了。
- (2023-07-31) Aelita: 账号密码?
- (2023-07-11) Singer Ice: 免费线路都用不了,指望谁有信心买付费线路啊
- (2023-06-26) shenglan chen: Super!
- (2023-06-24) Sheng Qi: 一直loading 完全没用
- (2023-06-22) chan chan: 比之前更差
- (2023-05-29) Zhizhong Pu: So slow that it's virtually un-usable
- (2023-04-15) Zy: 垃圾 根本加载不出来
- (2023-03-20) Ry Zao: loading... loading... loading...
- (2023-03-05) JiaYue Liang (JackL): Useless
- (2023-02-15) 羽川翼: 不介意付费使用,但是既然是必须要付费使用的,就不要打着免费的噱头,让人下载了以后才发现根本没办法用。
- (2023-02-05) 猜阿猜: e.3
- (2022-12-24) Sidney Shi: 一直在load,没一点用
- (2022-11-20) hqysflser: uselee rubbish
- (2022-11-10) 李台儿: 好用啊
- (2022-09-20) Francis: Useless extension
- (2022-07-19) Xiaoran Zhang: useless
- (2022-06-28) 陳果洛: 不能用還要逼你付錢
- (2022-05-07) vy I: 使えなくなった。。
- (2022-04-06) jiahao wang: 还b站专用 就看个b站还能三分钟一卡五分钟一黑 超过五分钟就开始视频加载失败 别的用过的都比你这好用 拉圾
- (2022-03-18) JC1204: 逼你付錢的 一開就慢到不行 360也一直卡
- (2022-02-27) Bingsheng Lim: Can I know how it does this? The theory behind it.
- (2022-02-18) 黎浩嘉: 完全不能用,会一直弹出登录框
- (2022-02-07) L W: 完全没用的,别被骗了!
- (2022-01-22) MOON-LEAF WANG (嵐夜): 無法使用,點影片會錯誤,上方網址列一直跳出輸入帳號密碼登入,類似FTP或Server登入的帳號密碼輸入導致無法正常看影片
- (2022-01-05) A W: useless
- (2022-01-05) Winthere C: wrong description,dont use this app
- (2021-12-24) Wendy C: i clicked into bilibili then it showed that I need to sign in. Since i dont have an account I registered with both my wechat and mail. However I tried to sign in yet it still did work. waste of time.
- (2021-12-18) Xiang Li: Slow and require account
- (2021-12-14) Yuxuan Xie: I don't mind paying for VPN services. But it claims to be free and unlimited, while in fact requires VIP membership by limiting bandwidth. False advertisement.
- (2021-12-08) Markus Zhang: 完全没有解锁啊,电视剧纪录片之类的完全看不了。
- (2021-12-01) 之間倏: 根本不能用
- (2021-11-08) Margaret Ancco: good 👌
- (2021-11-04) tao wuli: 首先与拓展程序 Proxy SwitchyOmega 冲突,这个拓展程序是我主要的工具。 其次作为只为了解除bilibili地区限制的程序为何要无条件访问那么多无关的网站?
- (2021-10-05) 王家和: 太好了 解决了unblock youku没法看bilibili的问题 免费的插件 超爱!
- (2021-09-26) HANGYU YANG: 垃圾
- (2021-09-16) 八雲沁: 无效
- (2021-08-25) 安育: 完全無法使用 爛透了回去食屎
- (2021-08-25) 外星人: 一直跳出啟動異常請聯絡客服,開都開不了
- (2021-08-25) wen x: 完全不能用
- (2021-08-23) 黃盛鴻: 不能用
- (2021-08-13) Jiazhou Tan: very bad, no free trial, no moeney, no use
- (2021-08-11) Bangguo Chen: 可以,还不错
- (2021-07-22) 丛泽文: 为什么我这边打不开Unblock Bilibili 一直显示正在初始化 有没有大佬传授一下经验
- (2021-07-17) Kelvin Shi: extremely slow, not always working, work from time to time
- (2021-07-07) Nina Wang: It was fine for the first month. Then it becomes so SLOW! The speed is only 0 to 100kb/s. There is no way I can finish anime with that speed. It's not because of WIFI speed btw. I can watch other anime website without lagging. 第一个月用起来还好,之后就变得特别慢!加载速度只有0 到100kb/s。 都没办法开完一集番剧。不是我网速慢,我看别的动漫网站一点都不卡