Description from extension meta
Quick access to bookmarks or favorites.
Image from store
Description from store
Just click on the toolbar button to access your bookmarks.
Main feature:
1. Browse bookmarks with a breadcrumb navigation.
2. Enter a folder when mouse hovering over it automatically.
3. Search bookmarks easily.
4. Set startup folder by clicking current folder title.
5. Hide any items by right clicking on it. (Only hide in Quick Bookmarks Menu)
6. And many other customizations!! Includes horizontal layout, dark mode etc.
If you have any questions or suggestions, you can go to the support page and tell me, thanks!😀
# Changelog ([ver] - yyyy-mm-dd)
[0.6.0] - 2021-10-12
- Add options page.
- Add context menu.
- Add middle button and keep showing customization.
[0.5.2] - 2021-09-28
- Fix horizontal layout not working properly.
[0.5.1] - 2019-09-14
- Rewrite all code for better maintainability.
- New feature: Hide items by right click.
[0.3.4] - 2019-09-06
- Add horizontal scroll layout to display more bookmarks.
- Change: close popup after open bookmarks.
- Fix color theme bugs.
[0.3.3] - 2019-05-08
- Add dark color theme. (auto color theme needs Chrome 76 or later version)
Latest reviews
- (2023-09-20) 张艺波: 临时修复横向滚动过窄问题: 1.找到拓展安装位置 chrome位置参考:C:\Users\Zhang\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\fkemipdcgbeknabedhecepcebhlnlhbf\0.6.0_0 edge位置参考:C:\Users\Zhang\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Extensions\fkemipdcgbeknabedhecepcebhlnlhbf\0.6.0_0 2.用代码编辑器打开popup.css文件 3.全局查找body标签,位置大概在文件最后 4.找到min-width: 300px;max-width: 800px;位置 5.修改min-width: 300px的值为800px;或者添加新的属性width:800px; (修改代码意思是将拓展宽度固定为800px像素,所以当选择竖向滚动时,宽度也会被强制设置成800px) 6.保存popup.css文件 7.重启浏览器后,点击【加载解压缩的拓展】,重新加载修改后的拓展,位置就是上面提到的。
- (2023-09-15) yehaotu: 更新后横向显示书签,整个展示区域变窄,最多只能显示两列,感受比前一版差了很多,希望能恢复
- (2023-09-08) 大狗: 为什么要负优化呢?更新后横向显示书签,整个展示区域变窄,最多只能显示两列,感受比前一版差了很多,希望能恢复,感谢作者
- (2023-08-27) 小徐: 更新后,无法完全展开。比较严重的BUG!请尽快修复。谢谢
- (2023-08-26) jun kazemi: 更新后有bug无法展开显示了,还有其他类似替代的扩展推荐吗?可以横向展开书签栏的
- (2023-08-22) 无月之晓: 更新后横向显示不签,整个展示区域变窄,请尽快修复
- (2023-08-22) Azzinoth-Z Zhang: 更新后横向显示不签,整个展示区域变窄,请尽快修复
- (2023-08-18) wang saral: chrome更新后纵向显示不全
- (2023-08-16) 成成: chrome116版本横向显示不全,但纵向没问题,希望尽快修复
- (2023-08-16) 蓝爵薇: chrome更新后纵向显示不全,需要更新扩展了
- (2023-08-08) 未尽刹那: 中文检索可否支持单字检索?
- (2023-08-01) 梁良: 最新版本0.6.0横向显示有问题,不能全部显示,是我的浏览器问题还是插件问题?
- (2023-07-21) 妄月: 动画非常丝滑。操作简单直接。
- (2023-07-04) Ricardo: I really like the design, but this is just a bookmark visualizer. It would be nice if you could include the ability to add current page as a bookmark to the folder you are sitting on because your folder search engine is actually useful.
- (2023-06-25) Fares Abdo: thank you
- (2023-05-26) Iver Vassilyev: Hi thanks for the extension, this save me a lot of time. Is it possible to add the function of creating folders within folders in the extension? That would be game changer for me Thanks!
- (2023-05-26) Tang x: 太舒服了.把我用了10年的书签工具换下来了
- (2023-04-01) leeuniverse: Needs several improvements because it's the ONLY Extension that has "Multi-Columns" that I can find, and I really HAVE to have those. Please, really NEED your HELP! 1. Please allow the Dropdown "length" to go to near the bottom of the browser window, and be as many columns as is needed, and ONLY "scroll" Right to Left if your favorites in the dropdown get larger than almost the entire window. 2. Please don't use "Ghost Icons"... Change the Folder and Default link Icon "Colors" to something with contrast. It can be a black outline for the links, all white with a black outline, whatever. However, make the Folder Icon be the standard Orange or Tan color, whatever the standard Favorites folder color usually is. 3. I like to use the Favorites BAR still... Please have the Extension pop-up "below" the bar, not on "top" of it. 4. Please have the "Root" be on the "Right" side of the Extension dropdown, instead of the Left. More intuitive there. 5. Please try to make the "size" of everything, and the look similar to how Maxthon Browser does the multi-columns. See image... Thank you for your time... I don't know how long it's goign to take to convince Microsoft or Cromium Dev's to switch or at least have a Setting for Multi-column, so I REALLY need your help.
- (2023-02-25) Mach Nkns: simple is best.
- (2023-02-09) 舞飞凌风: 清新好用!不过提个建议,Chrome自带的书签有的功能:右键“打开文件夹内的所有书签”,对于追剧等一些使用场景,非常好用的功能
- (2022-12-29) Ryan Smith: 小巧好用!有个小建议,打开文件夹时直接在文件夹旁边显示新的界面,就像chrome的书签栏那样,会方便一些
- (2022-12-02) aunsen A: win系统从浅色主题切换到深色主题后扩展在工具栏上的图标不能自动切换为白色,反之亦然,望修复,感谢作者!
- (2022-10-08) Nocturnal Owl Digitalist: Good but how to open the popup box in new tab? You can add in your addon settings to open the popup box as popup window or as in new tab. I couldnt find it in your addon settings. And what is the point of using your addon if you are going to drive us to browser system default bookmark region (for chrome, chrome://bookmarks/ and edge edge://favorites/ and etc)? I know those so to avoid them or use something better, I installed your addon. I hope your will make some better updates. Also I couldnt find your addon for firefox browsers. Firefox has outdated bookmark manager and bookmarking system and their manage bookmark window cannot be opened in new tab so I hope your firefox addon can be helpful for me to manage my bookmarks of over 40,000. Also please consider adding bookmark counter where user knows how many bookmarks are stored folder wise and overall. And open tabs counter for firefox. Can you provide me with the link for those browsers too? Will wait for your response and updates. Thanks.
- (2022-09-17) jeff george: awesome extension. i tried several several bookmark extension organizers and this was the best looking and smoothest operating out of all. does the job perfectly
- (2022-08-26) Antonio Margheriti: Has a bug, does not keep the white icon when selected, always starts with the black icon again.
- (2022-07-15) Remember: 首先感谢作者,有了这款书签真的很棒! 如果能自定义操作界面的大小就更好了
- (2022-05-28) eff zzt: 很好用,谢谢作者;希望能增加一个【横向滚动速度】的选项,现在是每用中键滚动一次,书签列表向右横向滚动二分之一书签列的宽度,当书签比较多时,滚动不仅费时,还费鼠标,如果能自定义这个每次滚动的距离就好了,希望横向滚动的最大距离能达到四个书签列的宽度,即横向滚动一次,最大可以切换一整屏也就是四列书签,当然,选项值最好能自定义,以便各取所需
- (2022-04-24) Piao David: 你好,当前电脑显示125%缩放,书签文字显示不全,文字的上面会被截掉一点,谢谢
- (2022-04-06) 草上飞: 好用
- (2022-03-20) pulpo zhang: 搜索框有点长了,显得不好看,不协调,如果能与下面的书签图标对齐更好
- (2022-02-25) Shao Zhu: 很好用!
- (2022-01-24) 张晋东: 1.希望增加 - 右键- 删除- 书签的功能 2.希望增加 - 右键- 编辑- 书签的功能
- (2021-12-26) Edward: good
- (2021-12-15) Alan Wong: 希望可以增加删除书签跟排序功能
- (2021-11-10) Bert Yang: 好用
- (2021-09-29) rc guo: 最新版本横向显示有问题,不能全部显示
- (2021-09-29) 孔明菜: chrome最新版,横向显示不全了。
- (2021-09-18) Name User: Seems like what I was searching for for four half a quarters of an hour.
- (2021-08-07) Maasea: Chrome 浏览器 92.0.4515.131(当前最新版本),滚动模式设置了横向,但依旧保持纵向无变化。
- (2021-07-07) Дракоша Пестренький (Drakosha): Расширение неплохое, потребляет мало ресурсов, удобное. Однако ширина меню не регулируется! Заголовки закладок из-за этого не читаются. Названия папок вообще до пары символов сокращаются. Большое упущение :(.
- (2021-05-06) hash marine: 两个建议 1.希望增加右键删除书签的功能,不然删除书签还得去管理器页面太麻烦了。 2.切换成深色模式后,插件图标会变成浅色,和浏览器浅色主题会混在一起看不太清楚。
- (2021-04-04) Nomad: 横向展开特性很棒,
- (2021-04-04) Communist Bandits: 有的时候右键菜单弹不出来,有可能是Mac上Chrome的问题,不过也很不错,反正设置是一次性的
- (2021-03-27) Communist Bandits: 新版本不能设置了?那要你是干嘛的?没有多列显示了还不如Chrome自带的收藏夹管理好用好吧
- (2021-01-21) Whitt D: 找了一大圈new tab和bookmarks扩展,还是这个简洁好用,其实只需要快速查看并打开书签的功能而已
- (2020-12-11) Jefferson Real: Excellent, lightweight no-bull hidden replacement for the bookmarks bar. I tried 10-15 bookmark extensions before finding this one. Two things that would make it perfect for me: o Option to display the button on the left of the browser for 'left-to-right' navigation (western languages) o Option to change the button colour - On my brightly themed browser I can barely see the white icon :D
- (2020-12-03) ye chen: 其他的都很好,完美解决了横排显示的问题,希望有悬停打开换成点击打开的切换?
- (2020-12-03) Ian Patterson: Works well, works fast, looks good! The only downside is that it doesn't support middle-click: It would be better if left-click opened in the current tab and middle-click opened in a new tab.
- (2020-11-29) u: 很好用诶 感谢开发者
- (2020-11-27) 高俊: 终于可以关闭chrome自带的书签了,这个书签插件完美的解决了我的需求