extension ExtPose

Instant Multi Search

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Description from extension meta

Search on multiple websites, instantly. An ideal companion for power searchers.

Image from store Instant Multi Search
Description from store - Want to quickly learn about a new movie on your favorite review websites? - Need to look at several dictionaries for a definition that finally clicks? - Tired of typing the same search term again and again? *** Then Instant Multi Search is for you *** #HOW TO USE# - Type m and Space/Tab in the address bar - Enter your search - Profit. The results open up in multiple tabs. #FEATURES# - Lightning fast and lightweight (< 30KB). - Pick a category by typing its keyword followed by your search. - Use built-in categories such as "Movie Reviews", "Shopping", etc. - Customize or create your own categories. - Get research suggestions from Google Autocomplete. - Only search via the Chrome address bar, which is the best tool for the job. No cheesy buttons and HTML overlays used by other Search extensions. - The options panel uses the same Chrome UI that you use every day.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-11-10) Vyacheslav Sh: Всё работает: Набираем в адресной англ. "м" и потом - пробел. - включается наш поисковик. Далее набираем набор символов категории поиска, пробел и поисковый запрос. Очень удобно. Можно прописать поисковики маркетов и сразу везде посмотреть. Однако в браузерах Vivaldi и еще паре других "m" - не срабатывает как вызов расширения. Просто ничего не происходит. Автор добавь пожалуйста возможность назначать горячую клавишу самому.
  • (2023-10-04) Paley Lyndon: What a time-saving extension that's super easy to customize. Highly recommended for anyone who want to save time on searching through multiple search engines.
  • (2023-07-15) Hồ Thị Diễm Phượng: help me save a lot of time, thanks
  • (2023-06-07) Max Morais: É pro nicho de sites de avalação de filmes. Procuro algo mais amplo.
  • (2023-04-09) Adan Md: This is great something I've been looking for and almost creating myself but lack the know-how and talent. Was thinking of just creating a simple html page with embedded search engines from different sites. So glad someone created a much simpler method. 🙏😍
  • (2023-03-05) DanikaD Dakika: This is perfect for me as a language learner. I loaded the default group with my favorite dictionaries. This saves me so much time!
  • (2022-12-16) W: Exactly what I was looking for. This is going to save me so much time. Only improvement would be allowing custom shortcuts instead of 'm'. Chrome's Site Search allows custom shortcuts, albeit only for one site at a time, hence the need for this extension.
  • (2022-12-16) cypher leo: simple to use and really achieve the multi search 1. Could you add the export function
  • (2022-11-23) Dara Dina: very useful
  • (2022-09-13) 케일: Wow. This is the app I was looking for. The interface is great, too. How do I change M to another letter?
  • (2022-06-05) Charles Gallagher: Awesome, fantastic tool for searching things. I couldn't get letters besides 'm' to work yet, but I only use it for one thing so no problem for now.
  • (2022-03-13) Laurent: Works great, and excellent idea to make the queries go via Google I'm Feeling Lucky, so it works even with websites that don't have a good search engine.
  • (2021-10-23) Koworu Nagisa: But setting page is too narrow
  • (2021-08-07) Shelby Cobra: defaul hotkey is first letter, category is second. The only extension to search for several tabs
  • (2021-08-03) Renat Gabitov: It's good, but hasn't been updated since 2015. I've added functionality to add multiple websites and use RegEx to do searches. Here is how it works: https://www.bardeen.ai/posts/how-to-search-multiple-websites-at-once
  • (2021-07-10) Lukáš Béza: Wonderful tool to make your search faster, no need for any other extensions with custom searching bars. !!! Important fact I haven't found very easily is that you always need to turn it on by typing "m" into the searchbar and then you need to write your secod key like "d" to switch from default category to other defined categories (like dictionaries fe.). Therefore you don't need to change default category in settings all the time. !!! Example: "m d pursuit" - Looks for word pursuit in category with key signed "d".
  • (2021-07-03) zhenjiang peng: nice extension, i was thinking write one then i found yours, pretty suilt my scene
  • (2021-06-24) anthony zhou: very useful
  • (2021-04-24) Amir Work: Claims to do exactly what I want, but does not work on Chrome Version 90.0.4430.85 (Official Build) (64-bit)
  • (2021-04-23) David Pirrie: Really very good! Can't believe it's not more widely known. Once you configure it to your requirements it rocks! Thank you.
  • (2021-03-27) Martin Lichtblau: Great idea and simple execution. I use it to search on multiple social media plattforms and for word translation and dictionary lookup at once. *Everything is possible!*
  • (2021-01-05) Larissa Rodriguez: This is an essential extension for me. I needed an extension that would let me type in one word and search 7 websites simultaneously (for the curious, I'm making flash cards and I need pronunciations, pictures, definitions, explanations, and translations for my target language). I was able to customize my group and edit it later as my needs changed. My browser always had difficulty showing the "save" button when I was done editing, so I sometimes forgot that it was there and ended up closing my edit window without saving changes. If I could take off only a half star for that minor quibble instead of a full one, I would. True rating: 4.5 stars.
  • (2020-12-08) xilliron: Works fine.
  • (2020-04-07) Dao Ha: I want to change the websites in the list which I added it at the first install times, but I don't know how I can make this. Can you give instruction for me? If you don't have this function, It will be a proposal in order that you can improve your App. Thank you
  • (2020-03-27) Vaclav Dekanovsky: It helps me to see if the desired picture is in 10 photobanks. CTLR+N to get a new window, m "Picture content" and immediately I get results from all photobanks, I quickly go through them and when I'm done I simply close the chrome window. It saves a lot of time
  • (2020-03-20) Thize Neeyee: It would be nice if we can use a different hotkey to trigger the search. Using "M" means I have to take my left hand out of position to press the "M" then reposition my hand back into position to type. Keys Q, W,E,R,T or Y would be a better key to trigger the search.
  • (2020-02-12) Myung Sam Ku: THIS IS WHAT I've searched for.
  • (2020-02-08) Burak: That was the thing that I exactly need!
  • (2020-01-11) Nome próprio Apelido: Incribel!
  • (2019-12-05) Jarod Zhang: Very useful tool, I replaced the FluentForever multi-search tool with it already. If the developer could add the "select and right click to search" function(adding it to the left-click drop-down menu), this tool will be even greater!
  • (2019-12-04) Mike: I use this to search multiple website's inventories at work and it is a life saver. Highly recommend to anyone who often needs to search multiple sites!
  • (2019-11-03) kieu oanh: I love it, it's very useful <3
  • (2019-09-23) minh tien: cám ơn chân thành đến nhà phát triển...
  • (2019-08-29) C Cast: This is amazing. If it were possible to trigger the multiple search by selecting text on any app and pressing a specific shortcut, my life would be complete.
  • (2019-06-30) Gronso Bitburg: This needs a way to swap quickly between categories. Even allowing options from the toolbar would help. Because having to go into options and clicking and saving each time i need to chage the search category is an absolute pain.
  • (2019-05-22) Golden Eyes: i know well its been a while since it was last updated, but still works great! and exactly it does what i expected it to do! if you want to simply search for something based on your personal engines. this is the best for you!
  • (2019-05-17) Steve Bendshadler: Edit: I didn't realize I needed to include the full search URL for each site and replace the query with %s. The instructions could perhaps be a bit more clear on that. It works wonderfully now. Previous review: Added several URLs to a new category. It opens the sites but does not actually execute the search on any of them. Clearly it lacks compatibility. Love the concept. It's likely related to how each site is coded.
  • (2019-03-19) ekarron: THIS is so helpful!!
  • (2019-03-16) ★★★★★
  • (2018-10-23) Ivo Simeonov: This is exactly what I need! Just search with a single key phrase in multiple search engines for the same term... However it just doesn't work (at least with Chrome 69). When I go to the search engines list in Chrome this is what I get: Search engines added by extensions Instant Multi Search m It only shows the default search engine collection that comes pre-set with the exension. When you add a new one, it doesn't work. Change the keyword from "m" to anything else? Doesn't work. Try any of the other default search keywords in the extension? Doesn't work... Is there a way to circumvent this, or is the extension abandoned ( :( I hope note since I've been looking all day and nothing comes closer to what I want to do than this). Conceptually this is the perfect power search users' extension, however practically it doesn't work at the moment :( Please fix it! Love this one, and if fixed I promise to donate :)
  • (2018-07-30) mark audacity romberg: Only one of my search keys works, all the rest if I type the key and hit tab, it fills Chrome's first autosuggestion instead of activating multi search.
  • (2018-07-30) Peter Anderson: Very nice 3 years since last update so this is a long shot: Would you consider implementing multiple key support to boost useabiity?
  • (2018-06-12) จิรสิน ชาติวิเศษ: ดีมากๆ เพราะผมใช้ค้นรูปภาพและการออกเสียงไปพร้อมกัน ฝึกภาษา
  • (2018-05-11) Gábor Klement: Can't express how I love this.
  • (2018-04-12) Daniel Turner-Lloveras: love it use it
  • (2018-04-04) Gersivan Oliveira: Ótima, bem útil em muitas situações de uso. CONTRA: Faltou só uma forma mais prática de adicionar os mecanismos de busca para usuários comuns. Backup.
  • (2018-03-06) Dexter Cuad: Nothing to say yet i dint try it,just good job
  • (2018-01-24) Brandon MacKendrick: It is pretty good, and I use it all the time. However, sometimes, when I try to save a new group, I'll paste in the search group, and scroll down and click done, and then when I try to use it, it doesn't work. I'll go back in, and the whole thing has vanished - it never saved. A 'save' button per group might be nice, that force saves the group, so you know it's in there to stay.
  • (2017-12-22) Dean Dolić: Simple, lightwight and elegant. Working exactly what it says. Keep up the good work Jerome!
  • (2017-11-15) Would be awesome if would work in other chromium-based browsers.

Latest issues

  • (2023-05-20, v: Marc Doni: M + TAB no longer working
    all of a sudden, hitting tab toggles onto the website itself instead of kicking off your app. Did something change?
  • (2022-08-05, v: 케일: Change
    <m + space> ==>> <3 + space> How can I change it like this?
  • (2022-06-10, v: Иван Николенко: ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
    YandexBrowser (Cromium). After you enter a "SearchRequest", new tab opens: chrome-extension://aamgapdgopfdmokckpkfciiddpahbbcg/?q=SearchRequest Could not access the file It may have been moved, modified, or deleted. ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
  • (2022-05-26, v: Tamas Szabo: not saving
    It's not saving new changes all of a sudden
  • (2022-04-19, v: Benedict Harris: stopped saving search urls after latest chrome update
    cannot save new search urls after latest Chrome update. please fix!!! great extension!! cheers Ben
  • (2021-12-15, v: Dean Dolić: Updating the plugin.
    Hi sir, My name is Dean and Im from Serbia. I really like this extension and use it on daily basis. Do you have intention to upgrade it since it wasnt been updated from 2015. Im ready for making a donation in that regard :) Thank you in advance Dean
  • (2021-02-15, v: Luca Gentile (Cyclorbit): It stopped working
    Hallo, you wonderful extension stopped working, I guess it´s because of the Chrome update. PLEASE update the extension, me, and several others, would pay for this little extension. Chrome Version 88.0.4324.153 (Official Build) (64-bit)
  • (2021-02-14, v: Alex T: Instalt Multi Search stopped working for me in Chrome v88
    Wondering if this is a problem for more...
  • (2021-02-14, v: Cozca: Everything's functional, but..
    If I use the shortcut M+spacebar in google's search field, Google search is prioritized over multi-search. So after typing in the text, I have to press down (to select multi-search) and then enter to multi-search. Is there a way around this? I've never had this issue before.
  • (2021-01-31, v: Francisco Guzman: Thanks!
    Thanks for the extension and thanks to Miroslav Makarov for his advice on how to get it to work.
  • (2021-01-30, v: Bimo Tyastomo: Sometime it just won't work
    Hi Instant multi search Developers! Firstly I would like to appreciate your program, it really helps me to search much more efficiently! I have been using your extension since last year and this week I happen to experienced some bug in which after pressing the "m" and "tab" the instant multi search shows on the search bar, but when I typed in the keyword, the instant multi search icon just disappear and I cant search using it. This bug will then just be fixed itself after sometimes, but still it's quite a pain to know why and when will the multi search can be used once those bug occurs. Kindly investigate this ya! Feel free to ask me for anything. Thanks Bimo
  • (2020-10-23, v: Phil Whalen: Using the plugin to search multiple parameters on the same site?
    Is it possible to use this plugin to search multiple parameters using the same URL, rather than searching for one parameter across multiple URL's?
  • (2020-05-06, v: Yves: Settings Window automatic sizing
    Great Extension! How do you adjust the settings window size to automatically fit the screen ? I can share screenshots if you want. Best, Yves [email protected] San Francisco, California
  • (2020-04-25, v: Ninna Shapiro: selection of websites
    I am trying to do a shopping search but every search i enter only gives me three options and they are always the same 3 sites (amazon, ebay and newegg). Is there a way to search more then 3 sites and also to search different sites, not just these 3?
  • (2020-04-15, v: David Eason: This works on Microsoft Edge but..
    Awesome extension..and it works on the new Chrome-flavored Microsoft Edge as well except the options window is really narrow so the URLs don't fit in the window and you have to scroll. Is there possibly something you would take a look at? Thanks.
  • (2020-01-12, v: Greg Waxler: Reusing the same tabs
    Good morning, First off, thanks so much, I really love this extension. I'm not sure if its me, but I seem to not be able to use the same tabs when doing different searches under the same category. For example. while searching different stocks where s is my category: m (tab/space)s TSLA (Tesla) - My nine site tabs come up perfectly My second search, lets say I type m (tab/space)s MSFT (Microsoft)- I'm getting nine more tabs, when all I want is for my previous tabs to refresh. It reads as if it should work when inserting my category letter but maybe I'm reading it wrong. Thanks so much for your time and effort
  • (2019-12-05, v: Jarod Zhang: Possible to add it to the right-click dropdown menu
    Every time I need to search a keyword, I still need to open a new tab, activate the extension, then type or paste the keyword. Can you add "search this word" in the right click drop down menu? So when I see a word I would like to search on a webpage, I can directly select , right click and search. I think this would be benefit a lot of people.
  • (2019-09-06, v: Miroslav Makarov: shortcut doesn't work
    if I type the first letter (s for shopping etc), instead of activating your extension, chrome is filling it with it's own stuff. Basically I can't activate your extension by typing into nav bar (s space etc). May I activated some chrome special feature in the past which overwrites it? Any ideas, tips? Thanks a lot...
  • (2019-06-27, v: bjorn fokker: how to find the %s link
    Hello, ive found the %s link for 4 websites but cant find it for kadastralekaart.com
  • (2019-03-15, v: Howard Uong: Is it possible to have an option to open the search in a new window?
    Hi, Since the users has many tabs in the current working window, there are times they may search for a very specific topic (such as finance, investments, healthcare) with a bunch of new tabs. It would be nice to have an option to open in a new window (many tabs) just to deal with this specific topic and the search result will not clutter the current window which is already busy enough. Thanks.
  • (2019-03-15, v: Howard Uong: It looks like only the 1st %s in the URL is replaced by actual value
    This is the query with two %s: https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/%s/analysis?p=%s This is the actual URL after %s replaced by HAL https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/HAL/analysis?p=%s Problem description: The 2nd %s (at the end of the URL) is not replaced by HAL as expected
  • (2019-01-25, v: Martin Lichtblau: Read/Write Permission
    Why does the extension "read and change all your data on websites you visit"? I don't see why it needs that. Please remove.
  • (2018-11-27, v: Allen Beasley: Right click menu ability
    Would it be possible to make this search feature work in the right click menu when highlighting a work? I would like to highlight a word and have it open multiple tabs of search results.
  • (2018-11-15, v: Dielle Industrial Automation: Shared Categories
    Hello, we are using this extension and it is just great! I would like to know if would be possible to have shared categories between our team , so when a team member add a new link then all the team will have the new link instead of adding it on each computer.
  • (2018-09-11, v: Yehlin Lee: multiple %s in URL?
    I have a site search result like this: https://tw.bid.yahoo.com/search/auction/product?kw=%s&p=%s but the plugin only opens up with the first search term replaced, not the second.
  • (2018-07-30, v: mark audacity romberg: Keywords don't work
    when I type a keyword and hit tab, it selects the Google autosuggestion with that letter in it. Is there a way to engage IMS without keywords?
  • (2018-07-08, v: Goodfellow Rose: Keyword search not working
    Hi, I'm quite new to this and struggling a little! Would be very grateful for help. I have installed the extension and added the following urls to a category called 'plants' : https://davesgarden.com/%s https://www.crocus.co.uk/%s http://www.theenglishgarden.co.uk/%s I then search for a keyword ("hosta" for example). For some reason, all 3 pages open with a "Ooops... Error 404" message. What am I doing wrong? Thanks! Rose


6,000 history
4.4787 (94 votes)
Last update / version
2015-08-09 /
Listing languages
