extension ExtPose

ContentBlockHelper (delisted)

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Description from extension meta


Image from store ContentBlockHelper
Description from store 不要な広告やスクリプトをブロックする様々な手段を提供します。 このエクステンションは、不要な広告やスクリプトをブロックする様々な手段を提供します。 = 主な特徴 * AdBlock Plus 互換のフィルタの購読 * 簡単なユーザーインターフェースによる規則の編集 * ブラウザの標準の UI を保護 * 高速な処理エンジン = 購読フィルタ 購読フィルタタブでお好みのフィルタのチェックボックスをオンにして「購読を開始」をクリックしてください。 = 簡易フィルタ 簡易フィルタは、複雑な規則の編集をせずに、スライダーを動かすだけで不要なコンテンツをブロックします。 フィルタはスライダーを左から右へ動かすほどより強化されます。 = 詳細フィルタ 規則は、エクステンションポップアップのコンテンツのリストのボタンをクリックするだけで簡単に追加したり削除したり出来ます。

Latest reviews

  • (2023-11-05) Google User: Extension is deprecated.
  • (2022-12-25) L. Campoli: has the app changed? there are no longer site settings. also, a clear link to the blocked sites masterlist would be useful
  • (2022-04-04) Carlos Bittencourt: Bom para ler alguns jornais que exigem assinatura para poder ler suas matérias, que eles restringem utilizando alguns scripts. Basta descobrir qual script precisa ser bloqueado para inibir a restrição. Pra mim foi uma mão na roda, já que sabia qual bloquear por ter usado anteriormente a extensão "script click", que foi banida pelo Chrome. Ainda bem que essa ContentBlockHelper faz a mesma coisa.
  • (2022-01-13) Gintara Sonny Wenas: Good but how to undo google recaptcha? my recaptcha gone and i cant do anything
  • (2021-05-29) Роберт Покотило: Кращий блокувач. Якщо інші показують заблокованих зазіхань 2 - 5, то ContentBlockHelper - 28 рекламних проникнень! Оцінка - 5!
  • (2021-04-04) Google User: I see the number count on the icon and I assume it's blocking, but I don't think it is. The website link is from the land of covid. Not helpful whatsoever. Uninstalled.
  • (2021-02-20) The interface is confusing at first but this was the only javascript blocker that really helped me out. The "tree" format to display all scripts was especially helpful
  • (2020-09-29) John Doe: Great!
  • (2020-09-02) Yggdrassil Surtur: I Was waiting for the update, thank you so much. Great tool.
  • (2020-07-28) FeediWeb: Fantastic
  • (2020-07-05) Ella Blun: useless. if you don't allow me to click on element like cookie banner, or some such, and choose to block it from the page, then you should not come up when I search for "block page elements"
  • (2019-04-27) 李松涛: a great extention,but it has some bugs on new version chrome,wish you can repaire it. Thank you.
  • (2019-02-20) DON T HAVE access ELEMENT SOFT98.IR faceit.ir
  • (2019-01-22) Ruslan Nasyrov: Пока что не имеет аналогов. Так что это пожалуй лучший вариант...
  • (2018-12-21) Max P: отзывы купленные яндекс диреко не удаляет зайдите на авито убедитесь нет нормального механизма удаления раздражающих элементов сайта как у других блокировщиков
  • (2018-11-27) BlueStreak: So useful. I used it to allow copy and paste on a website. Pretty good extension in my opinion.
  • (2018-10-29) Zlhur MQuery: I don't know how to use your extension before but I push and push and play around a moment, i think your ext. very helpful for me very much. I apply at the frist time to rate your work espcially
  • (2018-09-21) kr: Garbage, always worked great but since 2 days ago it doesn't do anything, doesn't block any ads anymore, no a single one...
  • (2018-08-04) iidjkg: Garbage - far too difficult to use. The user interface is horrible.
  • (2018-07-18) youser777: ホームページの構成要素ごとにブロックできると思ったらそういうものではなかった。 設定項目なども全く無く使い物にならなかった。
  • (2018-07-07) Mr. Kevin: (Vi-vn) Rất tiện lợi (En-us) Very useful (Fr-fr) Très efficace
  • (2018-06-14) MohammadHossein Haqiqatkhah: Very useful and easy to use. You can simply get rid of many annoying ads and other stuff.
  • (2018-05-31) Natasja Bina: o melhor
  • (2018-05-27) Simmertyn Odd: Thank you.
  • (2018-05-04) Bujank Galink: Perfect. Exactly what i need. Just one suggestion, can you make the font little bit larger ? :D
  • (2018-05-04) Stefan Michael: Your sliders in Quickfilters are difficult to use and with no explanation until you move that slider and see what it says... This causes 4 times the work just to decide which is the appropriate position that you want. While looking pretty, it is functional clunky. Please just consider putting buttons with an explanation of the fields available above. Beyond that, I became so disgusted with your extension, I gave up with setting it up and am now looking for a different, easier to use extension.
  • (2018-04-11) Andrew Stevenson: Doesn't work very well for me, removing
  • (2018-03-17) Алексей Долматов (Dolmatov): Very Good
  • (2018-01-30) Steve Rand: Seems to be lighter and faster than the other adblocks, but I like that you can get a tree of paths and subdomains to block individually. Only issue is the "blocked.js" script it calls to hide an element leaves a big box over content that I can no longer click. No options to hide that placeholder either. UPDATE: If you hide "iframe" on each domain the blocked.js element leaves no white space.
  • (2018-01-14) Timur Gantsev: Adblock нервно курит в сторонке! Шедевр! Мало того что сам все блокирует даже на сайтах где адблок не справляется. Так еще и самому можно выбирать элементы сайта CSS которые не нравятся... Куча настроек, фильтров и т.д. Рекомендую всем! А кто не может разобратся сам просите помощи. Оно того стоит.
  • (2018-01-10) Electric Neko Sama: Malisima
  • (2017-12-09) Rafael Miranda: Muito bom!
  • (2017-11-23) Fans de las estrella: no me sirvo mucho
  • (2017-11-21) Joey Figaro: UI is horrendous. Setting up the options is a nightmare—devs are using an unmarked slider (think volume inputs) for the various options. You have to choose a spot on the slider (again, steps aren't indicated or marked) and hover over it to see what you've selected. Until they swap out the options sliders with dropdowns, this is pretty unusable.
  • (2017-11-07) Kamikaze: no sirve
  • (2017-10-29) Jexon Freeman: [EN] So far I am pleased and should to admit that it is the best extension I ever used for blocking scripts. I strongly recommend this extension to everyone who want to prevent from getting hidden cryptocyrrency miner script, malware or other static trash on the page. [RU] Пока что я доволен и должен признать что это наилучший блокировщик скриптов который я когда-либо использовал. Я настоятельно рекомендую это расширение всем кто не хочет подхватить скрытого майнера крипто-валюты, вирусов или просто остановить другой статический мусор на открываемых страницах.


10,000 history
4.2492 (305 votes)
Last update / version
2022-05-16 / 10.5.1
Listing languages
de fr es ru sr uk pl en tr ja
