extension ExtPose

Hlasové ovládání pro ChatGPT

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Description from extension meta

Mluvte s ChatGPT a poslouchejte odpovědi přirozeným hlasem. Hlasové ovládání pro ChatGPT ve více jazycích. Rozpoznávání řeči a TTS.

Image from store Hlasové ovládání pro ChatGPT
Description from store Toto rozšíření rozšiřuje ChatGPT o hlasové ovládání a funkce čtení nahlas pomocí pokročilého rozpoznávání hlasu a technologií převodu textu na řeč (TTS). Což vám umožňuje mít hlasové konverzace s ChatGPT ve více jazycích. Toto rozšíření vám pomůže komunikovat s AI bez psaní. Můžete posílat hlasové dotazy AI a snadno poslouchat její odpovědi. Funkce: • Rozšiřuje ChatGPT o hlasové ovládání a hlasový vstup ve více jazycích. • Slyšte odezvu AI přirozeným hlasem. • Schopnost změnit ChatGPT hlas (text-to-speech hlas) a jazyk. • Možnost upravit rychlost řeči AI, abyste slyšeli odpověď pomalu nebo rychle. • Přizpůsobitelné možnosti odesílání zpráv (Automatické odesílání zpráv poté, co domluvíte, nebo když použijete vlastní hlasový příkaz nebo ručně). • Přizpůsobitelný hlasový příkaz pro vymazání vstupu zprávy. • Automatická detekce jazyka odpovědí pro hlasový převod textu na řeč. • Přidá tlačítko pro čtení nahlas nebo pro poslech pro každou zprávu pro opětovné naslouchání zpráv. • Zvýrazní větu nebo frázi, kterou právě posloucháte. Což pomáhá zlepšit porozumění a porozumění. • Snadno přizpůsobitelné klávesové zkratky. • Odpovědi a konverzace v reálném čase. • Bezproblémová integrace hlasového rozhraní, hlasový chat a hlasové zadávání. S tímto rozšířením můžete používat svůj hlas k: • Mluvte s ChatGPT pomocí mikrofonu ve více než 145 jazycích! • Ptejte se a poslouchejte odpovědi z ChatGPT přirozeným hlasem. • Používejte přizpůsobitelné hlasové příkazy k odesílání zpráv a další. Ideální pro uživatele unavené psaním dotazů a odpovědí do AI. Navíc můžete také použít tuto funkci čtení nahlas, abyste slyšeli odpovědi AI, které vám budou číst zpět jasným a přirozeným hlasem. Tato funkce je ideální pro uživatele, kteří raději poslouchají místo čtení, nebo se chtějí učit nové jazyky poslechem odpovědí AI v různých jazycích. Toto rozšíření se snadno instaluje a používá a bez problémů funguje se stávajícími funkcemi AI. Jednoduše nainstalujte rozšíření, zapněte mikrofon a začněte chatovat s AI jako nikdy předtím! Hlasové ovládání (rozpoznávání hlasu) je k dispozici ve více než 145 jazycích včetně angličtiny, španělštiny, mandarínské čínštiny, ruštiny, hindštiny, bengálštiny a dalších. Návod k použití: • Po instalaci rozšíření otevřete nastavení kliknutím na ikonu ⚙️ umístěnou poblíž vstupního pole ChatGPT. Zde můžete změnit jazyk hlasového ovládání a zadávání, upravit rychlost mluvení a nastavit vlastní hlasové příkazy a klávesové zkratky, aby byl váš zážitek více přizpůsobený. • Chcete-li aktivovat hlasové ovládání ChatGPT, jednoduše klikněte na ikonu 🎙️ nebo stiskněte klávesu „Mezerník“ mimo vstupní pole a začněte mluvit. • Pro delší hlasové vstupy s více větami stiskněte a podržte klávesu "Mezerník", dokud nemluvíte. • Chcete-li si poslechnout konkrétní zprávu nebo ji slyšet znovu, klikněte na ikonu 🔈 umístěnou na pravé straně zprávy. • Chcete-li zapnout nebo vypnout čtení nahlas, jednoduše klikněte na ikonu 🔈 umístěnou poblíž vstupního pole AI. Neváhejte prozkoumat nastavení a přizpůsobit si své prostředí tak, aby co nejlépe vyhovovalo vašim potřebám!

Latest reviews

  • (2024-05-18) Adam Howe: The auto-punctuation works great.
  • (2024-05-08) Laurens Stötzel: Works really well, but why does it need the permission to access every website? 🤔
  • (2024-05-05) Muffl: very easy to operate. Super extension for Chrome and Co. Simplifies the input in ChatGPT by 1000%. Thanks for this externsion :)
  • (2024-05-04) F: Good, but ChatGPT URL changed from https://chat.openai.com/ to https://chatgpt.com/, so right now don't works.
  • (2024-02-27) Joshua Samsoondar: Works well and use this all the time. It would be nice to know what it's powered by (i.e. is it Google's speech to text?). Also doesn't seem to show a way to train it, for example certain words I just can't seem to get it to spell correctly and I end up manually having to type in. But otherwise it's a pretty smooth experience.
  • (2024-02-05) enrico boaretto: Molto buona, funziona bene
  • (2024-01-18) INGO MS: excellent!
  • (2024-01-17) Dr. Jacinto Rodriguez: This plug in works very well with an educational GPT that allows children who can not yet read. Children can verbally ask questions directly to the GPT and the GPT reads the response back to the child. The plug in works very well with Spanish speakers.
  • (2023-12-27) Alex Chiang: Good tool
  • (2023-12-19) Wj Wu: I've used a free voice wave plugin that's effective in both Chinese and English, and it accurately picks up my voice. It's quite good for a free tool, but remember to switch the language mode when changing languages.
  • (2023-12-18) Jie Arro: This enabled me to have a chat session focused on synthesis, argumentation and revisions seamlessly.
  • (2023-11-08) Mike Hatzky: Dear OpenAI Team, I would like to extend my highest commendation and an excellent review for your groundbreaking developments. From the beginning, I have followed your progress with great interest and have had the opportunity to work with all interfaces to your network. The integration of your role-based network has become an essential component of my business, continually opening up new possibilities. Your commitment to innovation and the constant improvement of your technology is not just impressive, but it has also had a direct positive impact on my work. I congratulate you on the developments you have achieved and look forward to seeing what the future holds. Kind regards, Mike Hatzky
  • (2023-11-06) Michael Yudin: This is an essential extension for using ChatGPT very productively. I've been using it for a couple of months now. I've recently found out that I can get access to GPT-4-Turbo in OpenAI Playground, it has a context of 128,000 tokens, this alone made me completely switch to using GPT in playground rather than in chat.openai.com. moreover, you can upload files and have GPT-4-turbo read them when needed based on your questions. Can you make this extension work in https://platform.openai.com/playground?
  • (2023-10-30) Tom Pischke: Didn't work with brave on windows or linux
  • (2023-10-27) Muhammad Sameed: When mic is activated, the text doesn't go onto next line and becomes impossible to see what's typed in the text box
  • (2023-10-26) Moises Morato Guell: El butó de settings m'ha desaparegut !! The settings button has disappeared!! Someone knows how to solve that ?? Thanks !
  • (2023-10-26) Jan Thomas: I really love this and keep recommending it to my colleagues and business partners. Great job!
  • (2023-09-28) Michal Kubis: Simply The Best!
  • (2023-09-26) Son Huu: I like it and appreciate your work so much, but can you make it change voices for different languages? For example: If the answer on Chat GPT or Claude is displayed in English, then you will speak English. And if the answer is displayed in Vietnamese, you will speak Vietnamese aloud. This would be awesome, but for now, I have to change it manually, and it is super inconvenient. And it also don't work on Claude Ai, it would be greate if you can make it availble in Claude and Bard
  • (2023-09-25) hemensan mahilange: I love this extension so much . Now I can listen freely to any generated content . Voice controller are also very much excellent.
  • (2023-09-18) claudedd pro: Hello, Thanks for your great tools of control Chatgpt. I used it for 3 months, it's great! Now, I want to use the function "Hear ChatGPT's response in a natural voice:", I activated this, but the voice sounds like a same sound of robot, even I tried most voice in the box"ChatGPT's (text to speech) voice/language:" Could you please suggest any idea to hear the naturel voice?
  • (2023-09-09) rory mcelhinney: didnt have any of the english inputs work
  • (2023-08-29) Z Z: ดีมาก สุดยอดจริงๆๆ
  • (2023-08-24) vahid tehranipoor: The Persian (Iran) language is read as it is Arabic and it is not understandable.
  • (2023-08-24) Florian Wurm: This is brilliant! Works flawlessly and seemlessly. Love it so much! I only wish that there would be a fast way to switch between languages with one click or an automatic recognition function. Lots of people work in 2 languages, like me in German and English. It is a pain to let ChatGPT write something in German and then when it outputs it in speech it talks English :D
  • (2023-08-23) Jeremy Vincent Elliott: useless, get errors, wont work, tried with VPN and without, on brave, useless
  • (2023-08-21) Nano Jiang: Perfect!
  • (2023-08-19) Youssef Ahmed (Joo): Add keyboard shortcuts, Controlling ChatGPT voice by turn on / turn off. thanks a lot.
  • (2023-08-10) Oscar Ramos: Interfaz más limpia que otras alternativas
  • (2023-08-02) Veit Becker: Overall I recommend giving this app a try! Send messages via voice commands, get the model reply back in audio. That's the real selling point of this app. I was doing laundry while working on a project. Pros: Setting up the app took only a few minutes and was rather easy. The transcripts of my voice are of good quality and I feel confident that what I am saying is actually send to the model. The options to customize the app are good and helpful Cons: After about one hour the app stopped working. I will keep using it but with lowered expectations. The keyphrase to send the recorded messages automatically is always the last word in the message to the model, which is not very clean.
  • (2023-07-26) Zachary Cannon: Worked okay but the listen button doesnt work in other languages than English
  • (2023-07-03) Jayson: the extension itself looks good and seems to work well except for it sometimes stops a gpt voice answer midsentence but you can at least press a button to make it start over reading the whole answer again, would be cooler if you could select part of the text tho and of course if it didnt bug and stop reading in the first place. but whats an absolute no-go is that theres no volume bar where the speed bar is to change its volume independently from the volume of the rest of the browser by using windows mixer. a volume key in voice apps must always be easily accessible and without it i cant really use it at all. and on top of that i cant even tell em that feedback because bug reports and feedbacks are only handled via facebook and not everybody is ok with using facebook. so handle your consumer contact in a different way please. if you fix those flaws fast and maybe even add some more voices this could be more than 5 stars and the best gpt voice extension so far ;) edit: they added the missing volume bar which finally makes this extension usable without waring a headset or cumbersome external volume control so i rate this 4 stars instead of 2 now. great extension, but the feedback and bug report issue using facebook is still the same, this still must change.
  • (2023-07-02) Deadliner: Классное приложение особено с другими плагинами речь переводит в текст очнеь хорошо!
  • (2023-06-29) A Rezaee: Love it. The voice input you have put in the message box causes the send button of the ChatGPT to block the text as I type. Please move it somewhere else. Thanks
  • (2023-06-28) Michał Lepczyński: TTS won't work on Linux so the extension is useless
  • (2023-06-20) Jiří Šírek: Best one i found so far! only thing is that it does not switch languages automatically. Or does not recognize what language is used in text. That is kind of bad if you use more than one language. Otherwise great! Best i found as i said. I tried 6 so far
  • (2023-06-19) J M: Very cool. Should add a feature to demo what the voices sound like. I found the google voice after a few tries, it sounds better than the default one. Like the minimal interface.
  • (2023-06-07) Marko Savic: Really excellent extension, much better and cleaner than the 2 more popular ones.
  • (2023-06-02) Subdes: Desde hoy ha dejado de funcionar. No me funciona imposibilitando poder trabajar con él. Espero lo solucionen pronto.
  • (2023-05-31) Brad Pitcher: No option to install TTS languages in Linux
  • (2023-05-25) Tony Lenart: Fantastic. I'm currently using this on my Android phone, using the Kiwi browser that works with extensions. The text-to-speech works very well, meaning that I can use it while I am active. And unlike some other extensions, it doesn't take up valuable space on my Android screen. However it does have a problem with the voice input as it seems to repeat every sentence about 5 times. Nevertheless, I am OK with using my Google keyboard's speech-to-text input - which also allows me to correct any mistakes before searching with Chat GPT.
  • (2023-05-22) Hendrik Jander: Generally very smooth experience, really great extension ! One hint: Please disable recording when leaving the tab, right now microphone is always on, if it stays like that this is a deal breaker.
  • (2023-05-15) Vladyslav Butovskyi: I really love it. It helps me to prepare for interviews
  • (2023-05-15) Elia Wise: doesnt read aload
  • (2023-05-14) Travis Miller: Ive been looking for this for several weeks! I needed several important features for it to work correctly: accurate voice entries of my queries, including using voice prompts to send my queries instead of sending the query by clicking the mouse or space bar, chatbot answers which were read back to me, and settings which allow it to be paused or modified. I was able to setup my bluetooth headset with my laptop, which allowed me to converse with chatgpt while not at my computer. One unexpected finding was that my bluetooth microphone would go into low power mode when not in use, and my queries would be cutoff, giving nonsense entries. I fixed that by playing music at a low level in the background which kept the bluetooth microphone active.
  • (2023-05-10) James Kuo: better interaction and better pronunciation than voice control for chatGPT.
  • (2023-05-05) Sri Harsha Guthikonda: great.!
  • (2023-05-04) Denis Driamov: Best out of the 4 i tested
  • (2023-05-01) D. Grimes: Works best of category for voice and chat AI. Downside is it will not run on Chromium, Brave, etc. We were not able to get it to work on anything but Google Chrome. If that's not a limiter for you, It works exceptionally well as voice integration to ChatGPT.
  • (2023-04-28) MATHEUS MELLO: só não dou 5 estrelas pelo motivo que ainda tem poucas coisas que faltam que faria ser perfeito, no comando por voz com opções de customizar pra todos. comandos de voz sugeridos 🔊ler a resposta: linha X, primeiro paragrafo, texto completo ou ate o ponto.... exemplo 🔊mudo e escreve ( "mudo", para parar de escrever depois do segundo comando "escrever", retomar) 🔊apagar linha. (apagar somente uma linha acima) 🔊apaga tudo. (apaga tudo o que foi escrito) 🔊PDF: (converte em pdf e faz download das respostas e perguntas) 🔊pesquisar: (se possível, ter opção de integrar no youtube ou navegador, com base na resposta do chatGPT, iria gerar uma resposta como titulo e abrir automático uma pesquisa com titulo criado, - a ideia seria de quando pedir para pesquisar no comando falado, "pesquisar, 🔊 iria gerar a resposta = "resumir em ate 10 palavras a resposta do texto" então abrir o navegador com isso, uma sugestao semelhante a uma extensão chamada crxmouse gestures, que seleciona a palavra e arrasta abrindo uma busca direta) 🎈mover os ícones botões de configuração de lugar pois as vezes se sobrepõem em outros. 🎈ter mais opções de falas naturais. obs cliquei e nao leu na ultima vez no demais esta no caminho certo, a cada atualização uma novidade extra seria perfeito, melhor q usar qualquer alexa só se pudesse atuar no navegador com comando de busca de popup.


100,000 history
4.0583 (206 votes)
Last update / version
2024-11-12 / 3.14.66
Listing languages
