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Description from store
使用 UTorrent Chrome 擴充程序,您只需單擊即可將要下載的種子傳送到 uTorrent 程式。 它是免費的,您無需支付任何費用。
Shǐyòng UTorrent Chrome kuòchōng chéngxù, nín zhǐ xū dān jī jí kě jiāngyào xiàzài de zhǒngzǐ chuánsòng dào uTorrent chéngshì. Tā shì miǎnfèi de, nín wúxū zhīfù rènhé fèiyòng.
Ānzhuāng kuòchōng gōngnéng hòu, qǐng zhuǎn dào xuǎnxiàng yèmiàn bìng ànzhào suǒyǒu bùzhòu cāozuò.
With the Utorrent For Chrome Extension, you can send the torrents you want to download to the uTorrent program with a single click. It's free and you don't need to pay anything.
After installing the extension, go to the options page and follow all the steps.