extension ExtPose


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Description from extension meta

Almacenamiento seguro en la nube, chat y reuniones

Image from store MEGA
Description from store MEGA es un servicio de almacenamiento en la nube seguro, cifrado punto a punto y controlado por el usuario, que ofrece un amplio espacio de almacenamiento gratuito. A diferencia de otros proveedores de almacenamiento en la nube, tus datos se cifran y descifran en tus dispositivos, no en MEGA. Esta extensión te permite instalar MEGA en tu navegador para reducir los tiempos de carga, mejorar el rendimiento de las descargas y aumentar la seguridad. Esta extensión captura cualquier URL de MEGA, que permanecerá en local (no se carga JavaScript desde nuestros servidores). Los archivos de código fuente de MEGA (HTML, CSS y JavaScript) se cargan desde la propia extensión y no requieren verificación de integridad adicional. Al no tener que descargar estos archivos de los servidores de MEGA y verificarlos cada vez que visitas la página web de MEGA, el proceso es mucho más rápido. El código de cliente se ejecuta directamente desde el dispositivo local del usuario, en lugar de cargarse desde MEGA a través de TLS / SSL. Las actualizaciones de la extensión del navegador están protegidas con cifrado. Para obtener más información, consulta la sección 2.2 de nuestro informe técnico https://mega.io/SecurityWhitepaper.pdf. Los ingenieros de seguridad pueden encontrar nuestro código fuente en https://mega.io/sourcecode.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-10-28) Pascal Arevalo: Ni con Mega Pro deja descargar correctamente los archivos, siempre sale un error diferente
  • (2023-10-19) Dainis Opulis: Forced to download. Also alter on forced to buy subscription. Don't bother, just keep looking elsewhere :)
  • (2023-10-02) Landen Anderson (Wildest): forced to install gross]
  • (2023-09-18) Ekzo hammer: В описании написано 20 гигабайт бесплатного места. После скачивания 4,05 гигабайт пишет что лимит исчерпан и просит ждать еще 6 часов.
  • (2023-06-09) Aye Pwint Phyu: good for use.
  • (2023-04-26) Jason L: This extension causes Google Analytics to be unusable in your browser where this extension is installed. Both Chrome and Edge have the same issue.
  • (2023-04-22) Sophia Shaw: Can't download large files! Don't waste your time with this.
  • (2023-04-20) Lorenzo: Lo uso quasi quotidianamente, tuttavia non ho notato differenze di prestazioni sostanziali rispetto ad il sito web, devo essere onesto.
  • (2023-03-31) Daki Kokic: new / old user here and satisfied with everything.Desctop app and mobile apk works exelent ,and even with PC machine 10+ years old app works exelent becouse it is not consuming RAM and CPU .Mobile is Samsung with 3 GB RAM and run on android 13.
  • (2023-01-20) Kady Esin: Going on almost 2 years now and I won't use anything else.
  • (2023-01-08) Сергій S7: Расширение то нормальное, минус не за него, а за то что с любого браузера на компьютере нельзя зайти в ваше облако, даже впн не помогает, а вот как раз из расширения зашел.
  • (2022-10-22) FURRYHUSKY1000: Hated that mega forces you to download their app or download this extension. the site kept complaining that my PC has no free space when I have 4 TB of free space and the size of the download is only 12 GB.
  • (2022-10-21) 清靈語: Chrome 扩展程序版本的 MEGA 使用 HTTP 而不是 HTTPS 传输文件,有被中间人攻击而泄露文件的风险。 Chrome 擴充功能版本的 MEGA 使用 HTTP 而不是 HTTPS 傳輸文件,有被中間人攻擊而洩露文件的風險。 The Chrome extension version of MEGA uses HTTP instead of HTTPS to transfer files, risking a man-in-the-middle attack that could compromise the files.
  • (2022-10-16) TIAGO DE ALMEIDA TORRES: Não consigo usar, realizo backup com o mega, tenho uma conta com 8TB de espaço. Acontece que o site simplesmente fica extremamente lento, só para logar e conseguir acessar minhas pastas fico na frente do computador mais de 15 minutos esperando, aparece uma mensagem "recebendo dados da conta" e nada acontece, quanto finalmente consigo entrar, tento apagar os backups anteriores ele começa a ficar lento novamente!
  • (2022-10-12) dima -: With this extension uploading doesn't work in Vivaldi browser.
  • (2022-10-11) Sushant Negi: total useless thing I have ever seen
  • (2022-08-28) Eric: This extension is garbage. It forces you to install it if you want to download files larger than a certain size because of "insufficient disk space," which is a blatant lie as I'm using a brand-new 4TB drive with nothing on it yet. You're lucky if you get a dl speed higher than 250kbps. Downloads freeze and hang multiple times, causing you to have to pause and restart over and over. Then when you do finally get to 100%, it just hangs there and doesn't complete. If I could give this dog excrement app 0 stars, I would.
  • (2022-08-15) 芍: 爛死了 還單檔限制容量 強迫下載外掛
  • (2022-06-28) -PARAZIT-: Перестало працювати взагалі на всіх пристроях без впн!
  • (2022-06-10) chillipops: Ive used this app for years, never had an problems
  • (2022-06-06) Evan Watson: I would give 0 stars if possible. Arbitrarily forcing users to download and install your extension or desktop app to download a larger file through your service is not only annoying, it's downright insulting when the reason you give for it is an outright lie. "Insufficient disk space" is not a valid reason when my download is 50GB and I have over 1TB free on the target drive. Seriously uncool, scummy move that ensures I will never use the service to host my own files.
  • (2022-05-04) Sapere Aude: I've had Mega installed on my Mac for a couple of years and it has been quite handy for occasional use but I have recently had to use it more often and about 50% of the time, I get an error saying that the extension has crashed and I need to reload it, which is obviously pretty annoying when you have left files uploading and come back to find that they haven't and there is no way of knowing if those which have are not corrupted in some way - so have to start again. I have not been able to find any support information on this so I am not particularly impressed. [edit] I just reduced this to one star as I just had an issue with undecrypted files and folders and none of the fixes I found online worked. I disabled the extension and everything worked fine just by logging into the Mega site - which made me wonder what is the point of this extension. All it seems to do is provide a link to the site via an extension URL which only causes problems, the upload problem mentioned above, the undecryped file/folder problem plus the inability to log-in using a password manager. A simple bookmark gets around all these problems.
  • (2022-03-20) Blade Finnegan: I haven't had an issue using the extension. I hate that it is now required, but I can live with it. The main issue I have is that I am admin on a message board and this extension blocked embed codes on my site even though the extension claims to only have access to mega domains. Considering it can effect other sites without the user's consent means it is harmful, on top of already being pointless.
  • (2022-03-19) Eli: This is really good. I like it. but i see a lot of users saying its fake but i dont see any single problem
  • (2022-03-11) 王路飞: 不明真相的围观群众
  • (2022-03-10) Michael Sharp: TIME FOR AN HONEST REVIEW!! I have taken note of all the old, negative reviews, and it is all too easy to dismiss Mega. Today Mega is a completley different operation. No, I don't work for them, but do your research like I did and maybe some of you will stop complaining and realise what a gret service this is. I have used all the major cloud syncing services (paid and free) over the past decade, and I can you they all lack something. Mega is the best and easiest of all of them to use and syncing new folders is a breeze. I don't download and store mega files for gaming, etc, so I don't know how good it is for that. But I have multiple synced folders of markdown files, (tiny text files) which are being sonstantly updated during the day. Now I am not your typical user, but MegaSYNC is perfect for my needs as a retiree. I have a free account. They originally gave me 40GB, and I referred some friends to it, but now it has been reduced to 20GB of storage, and I use 1% of it. I have contacted support once, and they got back to me in a reasonabe time with the links to solve my issue, so I can't ask for more from a free account. So, hopefully this review will give some balanced perspective as what to expect from Mega in 2022.
  • (2022-03-03) George Moore: logs me out of onlyfans when I try to click on a profile that I subscribe to. When I disable this extension everything works perfectly. So I guess I'll just enable it before clicking on a Mega link
  • (2022-01-12) Sidhartha Agasti: must have for student . glad to find it on atleast on chrome store. i am using linus. working fine.
  • (2021-12-19) Peter Stindl: It can't be worse. It crashes or I get a decryption error after I download a file. Spent hours to download some files from this/my cloud and I still were not able to download all of them. But it came even worse. Since I had so many useless downloads I tried to download them again. And then I got the message that I have exceeded my transfer volume and I have to buy an upgrade to my account. I for sure will avoid this "cloud" in the future. My worst cloud nightmare so far...
  • (2021-10-21) Lang Thang Ke: rất tuyệt !!
  • (2021-10-14) UNISTAR: NEEEEEEEEEDD a Dark Theme, ffs. It's 2021, Mega. C'mon.
  • (2021-09-20) Andre L.: Seriously what is wrong with you guys. I have already paid for pro, and still can't download. You force me to use some MegaSync, fine I clicked ok. And STILL I can't download!!! Further forced to install this extension. What a scam. Can't download even after paying money.
  • (2021-09-19) Tonatiuh Moctezuma: NO sirve solo es un marcador, no descarga, no hace NADA, solo es tener a MEGA.NZ como favorito en los marcadores.🖕🏼💩 ¡APESTA! A #PAN
  • (2021-08-22) Guangguang Chao: 有谁知道一直转圈打不开链接怎么回事
  • (2021-08-05) Juan b chivas 1810: antes daba 50 gb gratis ahora solo da 20 gb no la recomiendo la voy a quitar
  • (2021-06-19) Richard Newman: They forced an update that changes the look and functionality of the extension. Now folders don't even work right. They've made the left hand navigation pane ONLY function at the highest level, so you cannot see subfolders from the NAVIGATION pane anymore. What were these morons thinking???
  • (2021-06-05) WALDIN_DEZH THUND: estos dias me tira que no puede leer ni cambisr datis de sitios web, lo cual genera que no pueda descargar archuvos con la app de escritorio, pero en general exelente app
  • (2021-05-30) Iván Carlos Saucedo: Es una basura, esto es una addon oficial? Desde la última actualización de la web, no funciona con megasync. Anteriormente también estaba funcionando con errores. Pero ahora, directamente no funciona. La acabo de desinstalar!!!
  • (2021-05-26) adam chmura: Dobre rozszerzenie. Jedyne czego mi brakuje to ciemny motyw
  • (2021-04-23) Mikke: forced to download this garbage
  • (2021-03-27) Anil Paragh: I've been using it for some years now. On cross-platforms as well. I use the free registered version, which gives me 50GB of storage. I sometimes exceed that, and get a warning, but it is quite flexible. For instance: if I'm at the office and need to download something that supports Mega.NZ, I just load it into the cloud, and download it at home. It also allows me to upload some apps I need for work as a back-up in case I forget my install stick. I can just go online and download it from my cloud. The only downside I experience is the download-limit/throttle, but since I'm using the free version, I have no reason to complain. All in all, it is a commendable service. And I recommend it to my friends whenever they ask me when they are in need of something like this. Keep it up. (y) PS: to those who said that they've had problems with anything concerning this app/feature; I've never encountered anything like that. And I've been using it since August 29, 2016.
  • (2021-03-23) Eugene The Red: Works great and I use it all the time, thanks for making this!
  • (2021-03-22) Re_: Круто!
  • (2021-03-07) Den Zero: худшее облако. засирает память без возможности выбора. начинаешь качать,докачивается до какого-то предела и пишет о том,что лимит превышен,просит зарегаться. регаешься-лимит не увеличивается,все то же сообщение об его превышении,а прогресс закачки потерян.
  • (2021-01-17) Preckrasno: Was forced to install it
  • (2021-01-16) Ralph Buttawitz: I don't like Mega very much anymore and I'm a paid customer because of the one thing the speed issue... They need something more powerful from New Zealand to the USA ... I mean google drive the speed is out of control and it's cheap as freaking hell... And they never get back to me about this on going speed issue.
  • (2021-01-08) Kaoru Li: for this site: https://www.nintendo.com.hk/switch/support/netinfo/ when I active the mega,the page can not show the script of the states. Even I set the mega to do not run in private mode of the chrome, once active in the normal mode,still can not show then...I have to shut down the mega first then open this page that it can show the right views...what hell of this???
  • (2021-01-01) Ali: Please add a dark mode to the extension, android app, and basically all platforms! :)
  • (2020-12-30) Iarla Meneses: Extensão muito prática, segura e útil... Apesar da limitação de download ao atingir certo tamanho baixado, zera depois de algumas horas e pode baixar mais arquivos de novo... O download é rápido e pode ser pausado e continuado sem o risco de corromper os arquivos ou reiniciar o download...
  • (2020-12-28) Vishnu Kumar Lahre: very bad


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2025-03-03 / 5.49.3
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