Description from extension meta
An extension that lets you start a Google Voice Search in any website
Image from store
Description from store
Start a Google Now Voice Search through your address bar or just by pressing Ctrl + M.
The easiest and fastest way to start a voice search without having to go to
Voice search where you want it, when you want it.
Update 1.4:
- Fixed a problem where the extension didn't work when opening a new tab
Update 1.3.1:
- Added new icon
Update 1.3:
- It now directs to the https version of Google, to solve some problems with permissions
Update 1.2:
- No longer opens a new tab when it's already on
Latest reviews
- (2021-04-09) Nina Aird: I tried working it and all it did was take me to the Chrome Web Store page
- (2021-03-25) Clinton McCool: doesn't work. no microphone is displayed. clicking the mic icon brings you to the extension page.
- (2021-03-18) JS Lee: Does not work
- (2020-11-09) Ishraq: it just takes me to their is actually no button for a mic
- (2020-10-09) omar orabi: Just opens an goolge on a new tab without even activating voice search, and no support or answers to all the people who reported the same issue.
- (2020-09-18) Madhu A: Does not work in Chrome, W10. Just opens a new google search tab. Pretty lame.
- (2020-07-30) Евкакий Сабакевич: Плохое расширение, написанное плохим программистом. Просто перекидывает на страницу поиска Google.
- (2020-07-14) HenryStickminReview: No voice enabled
- (2020-07-08) First Last: Didn't work for me on any of the pages I tried.
- (2020-04-12) Smart Cat: Не работает в альтернативных браузерах (Vivaldi, Opera) Пишет - нет подключения
- (2020-01-30) Anand KUMAR: Doesnt perform Voice search
- (2019-12-05) Evgeniy Gribkov: Opera - not work Vivaldi - not work UC Browser - not work
- (2019-08-30) Jakaszi: Rozpoznawanie słów działa na poziomie sprzed kilku lat, kiedy takie rzeczy nic nie mogły zrozumieć. Nie rozumie prawie każdego wypowiadanego przeze mnie słowa, a mikrofon mam bardzo dobry do tego ikonka nie pokazuje się w większości czasu. Po prostu bezużyteczne, a nawet gorzej ponieważ korzystanie z tego rozszerzenia po prostu zabiera mi więcej czasu, niż bym wszystko zrobił ręcznie.
- (2019-07-21) Ryan Quinn: Used to work great, no longer works.
- (2019-02-07) Ron Salinas: LIKE IT
- (2019-01-23) Igor Borisov: перестало работать надеюсь скоро поправят
- (2019-01-09) Robert: Not working, just opening new tab with google search
- (2019-01-02) RA!: Не работает вовсе)))
- (2019-01-02) starboy Richards: All there is to do now is tp Automate it have it custom Activated by its user or just by saying ok google like the good old days
- (2018-09-20) Brian L: Works great until you open any additional tabs.
- (2018-08-14) Vitaly Zdanevich: Please use event page instead of background page - do not waste my RAM when not used.
- (2018-08-05) Krzysztof Domagała: Full wypas, działa idealnie.
- (2018-06-27) Gersivan Oliveira: Nada.
- (2018-05-30) Robert How: Was working ok but then the icon randomly disappeared though still installed, odd. Other times the button opens a context menu instead of searching, and even then it seems to load the google voice search page extremely slowly. Quicker to search with my fingers!
- (2018-05-26) Andre Zazomazzo: Funktioniert einwandfrei.
- (2018-04-01) Angela Eley: like this
- (2018-02-14) Dean Roman: Works great! But how do I disable the Ctrl-M shortcut?
- (2018-01-28) Shawn Denney: when it work its ok
- (2018-01-07) Dilip Ravikant: vioce search engine is very awesome feature. its works very good and easy to seach, helpfull in time saving.
- (2018-01-02) Israel Santiago: Help get to your search faster
- (2017-12-20) Michał J: Thanks, that really works great ;) Is it possible to allow searching in the same tab, not in pop-up window?
- (2017-12-08) chung leung wong: Nice and easy.
- (2017-11-26) Patrick Nichols: Works great since the Chromebook does not use Ok Google function or the Google assistant.
- (2017-11-24) Jean Guion: about every 3rd time i tried to use said check your microphone settings...suct
- (2017-10-19) Mark Ifi: exactly what I was looking for. (hotkey ftw)
- (2017-10-16) Анна Франскевич: Искала что то что бы можно было вызвать голосовой поиск по горячим клавишам. Хоть через это расширение мне не вышло выставить хоткей который который хотелось бы (боковая кнопка мыши), но хотя бы на клаве норм. Пока единственно расширение что нашла с такой функцией.
- (2017-09-22) Denis Kamikaze: Meu microfone funciona perfeitamente, mais a pesquisa diz que ''to sem conexão com a internet'' nada a ver..