Description from extension meta
Copy the title and URL in plain text/markdown format by keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl+C/Cmd+C for plain text, Alt+C/Opt+C for markdown.
Image from store
Description from store
FIX: Description on chrome web store
ADD: Duration settings for notification
FIX: Workaround for non-https pages
FIX: Correction of the phenomenon that text is not copied to the clipboard
ADD: Option menu
ADD: New customizable toast UI
1. Copy title and URL in text format
Control+C(Win/Linux) / Command+C(Mac)
2. Copy in markdown link format
Alt+C(Win/Linux) / Option+C(Mac)
3. Normal copy
Select -> Control+C(Win/Linux) / Command+C(Mac)
Right click the extension icon -> Options
Latest reviews
- (2022-11-02) shiqi shen: It's better to give the users the right to define the short-cut keys.
- (2022-06-23) Hieonn Kim: I've loved this extension so far, however it suddenly stopped working. I can't make it work again though I've removed and reinstalled serveral times. Please check why it doesn't work for now. Thanks. For your information to get the situation, Black popup pops with the title and url when I cmd+C but the the title and url is not conveyed to clipboard.
- (2022-02-20) Hanka: Doesn't work, Alt+C does not copy anything. Not sure how to make it working.
- (2022-02-20) Qinshi Wang: I hope to have this feature but this extension doesn't work.
- (2021-07-13) 淡空醉花: 👎The only downside: cannot use Ctrl+C copy for multiple-tabs-selected. In other words, Ctrl+C is only for the current tab. 📖 multiple-tabs selected/highlight API: ↴ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- What is the feature of selected/highlight multiple tabs ? 1) You can try to holdding Ctrl/Shift/Ctrl+Shift on the tab-bar and click the non-current tab. 2) At this point, you have selected multiple tabs at the same time. 3) Finally, you can perform batch operations on these selected tabs. e.g. Ctrl+W to batch closes them, F5 to batch reload them ... can also drag them in batches. etc... --------------------------------------------------------------------- To sum up a sentence: Ctrl+C it can support for selected/highlight multiple tabs. 💪👍 If can be achieved, will be perfect + very smart!
- (2021-04-30) Alex K: There is not setting the "URL Separator" field. Not suitable for me. The plugin and hot key - not working for me (Windows 10 Home). (RUS: Нет настройки поля «Разделитель URL». Не подходит для меня. Плагин и горячая клавиша - у меня не работают (Windows 10 Home).
- (2021-02-07) 淡空醉花: 👍Very smart Ctrl+C , 👎The only downside is: not support to Ctrl+C for multiple tabs selected. In other words, Ctrl+C is only for the current tab. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ❓ What is the feature of selected/highlight multiple tabs ❓ 1) You can try to holdding Ctrl/Shift/Ctrl+Shift on the tab-bar and click the non-current tab. 2) At this point, you have selected multiple tabs at the same time. 3) Finally, you can perform batch operations on these selected tabs. e.g. Ctrl+W to batch closes them, F5 to batch reload them ... can also drag them in batches. etc... --------------------------------------------------------------------- 💡 So can you add to support for this browser kernel/API function (the API document can be used directly) Expected behavior: When the user selects/highlights multiple tabs, At this time, it becomes an operation for the selected multiple tabs, that is, at this time, it cannot still remain as an operation for the current tab/page. To sum up a sentence: Ctrl+C it can support for selected/highlight multiple tabs with holding Ctrl/Shift/Ctrl+Shift. 💪👍 If can be achieved, will be perfect + very smart!
- (2020-11-27) Masna Kifla: does not work.
- (2020-07-02) 淡空醉花: Perfectly intelligent Ctrl + C; very smart. But there is a problem👇 Why Alt+C/Alt+Shift+C/Ctrl+Alt+C are all copied in Markdown format, because the Markdown format is never used, The most critical issue is conflict. Ctrl+Shift+C is used to open Chrome-DevTools, at this time it is not want to copy the page information. so can you add option to custom ON/OFF ? if (((!isMac) && event.ctrlKey) ·····👉if (((!isMac) && event.ctrlKey && !event.shiftKey) ····· suggestion, can support multiple selected of tab by pressing Ctrl/Shift in the tab bar (Chrome API itself) . When you multiple selected of tab by pressing Ctrl/Shift in the tab bar. Then Ctrl+C can copy the title&url of the selected tab. Maybe Chrome not this API. if it is possible, Ctrl+V can be used to open the URLs in the 📋clipboard and supports batch opening. This will be very convenient and intelligent/smart. When you copy multiple URL links, and then you can directly open these URL links by pressing Ctrl+V, it will be wonderful❣❗
- (2019-10-21) Peter S: I have not figured out any way to get this to work. Certainly the behaviour of CTRL+C has not changed after installing
- (2018-10-31) Ro Kr: Cool! All that I need: - Title + URL - Keyboard shortcut - Markdown or plain
- (2018-05-07) Daniel Kim: Works well. I love that it uses cmd+c on Mac as keyboard shortcut to get URL. My wishlist: I would love to see it create markdown-compatible URL (ie "[title](" ) instead of just "title" <newline> "URL"
- (2018-03-02) William Chen (William): Didn't work at all