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An extension which lets you enable LaTeX on any website
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Description from store
Typesets any LaTeX found on webpages using MathJax (
Inline math can be typed with:
$y = 3x + 2$
[;y = 3x + 2;]
Display mode math can be typed with:
$$\sum_{i = 0}^n {n \choose i} x^{i} y^{n-i}$$
\[\sum_{i = 0}^n {n \choose i} x^{i} y^{n-i}\]
Use the options menu to customize which domains the extension typesets and even set your own custom delimiters for inline and display math.
Click the extension's toolbar button to disable/re-enable typesetting on every domain.
This Chrome Extension is open source. See a problem or want to make an improvement? Report bugs and send me pull requests on GitHub!
Latest reviews
- (2023-09-07) M W: Works straight out of the box, unlike the other github specific LaTeX extension. Thanks!
- (2023-08-10) Coal Rock (COALROCK8642): Sometimes don't work. Probably messing with settings is causing this.
- (2023-08-04) Julien Perichon: Worked well, but somehow since 1 or 2 weeks ago this extension has blocked me from using GSheets, GDocs, Looker Studio or Google Forms
- (2023-06-02) JZ Yang: 不知道为什么,他会影响登录一些门户网站
- (2023-05-11) guodong fan: 启用后,无法登录禅道。
- (2023-04-24) 黄磊: 这个插件会替换全局的window变量,导致网站的功能异常。
- (2023-04-21) Leandro O.: It's working with chat gpt
- (2023-04-11) Genius Ji: When Chatgpt is still generating an answer, the plugin starts rendering and then duplicate sentences appear. I hope the author can add a switch so that the plugin only renders the formulas when I need it to.
- (2023-03-19) King Kevin: 在GPT-4的对话中,还是不能显示数学公式。
- (2023-03-06) voyu cf: chatgpt显示不了latex,于是chatgpt让我来下载这个,管用 chatgpt let me use it ,it said it's good
- (2023-02-27) Matheus Pesegoginski (MatheusPese): É simples mas funciona muito bem!
- (2023-02-24) Susanne Moseid Bryhni: Works ok for chatGPT, but it doesnt support equations and packages, only $$
- (2023-02-12) Ayman Gani: Works for things like Reddit but doesn't work for DM::OJ, which is what I really needed it for.
- (2022-11-15) M K: no longer renders on quizlet :(
- (2022-04-28) Juan A. Blanco: Funciona a la perfección, gran extensión completamente necesaria
- (2021-11-24) qiankun wang: It conflicts with my jupyter notebook. Formula in jupyter notebook doesn't render correctly, taking me lots of time to figure out what has happened
- (2021-08-14) awe lotta: Works well on Workflowy.
- (2021-04-10) lucie c: Works great on messenger, but I can't make it work on gmail nor outlook, how do I do it?
- (2021-04-05) Jinning Li: Useful but it conflicts with some websites. 有用 但是和某些网站冲突
- (2020-12-01) Blient Jack: good product
- (2020-11-17) Andrea Manenti: This extension has a major flaw: it is not able to recognize when something is supposed to be a formula or just a price. So if there is a website where they say "this costs $10 while [...] $20" everything between 10 and 20 will be rendered in italics with no spaces. Moreover, the places where Latex matters (Arxiv, Stack Exchange...) already have mathJax.
- (2019-12-24) Hiep Pham: Thanks for great app. Just one comment, and hopefully you have time to take a look. I cannot use the latex syntax like this in trello, Prove $\\{ s_{ij} \\} \text{ is convergent } \to \\{ |s_{ij} | \\} \text{ is convergent}$ If you remove the second _, or keep it but remove the {} right after the second _, it works.
- (2019-11-10) Bruce V. Chiarelli: Inserts Bitcoin and Etherium addresses in random places (check any youtube video descriptions, for example). Who knows what else it's doing.
- (2019-02-18) Youwei Liang: Very helpful!
- (2018-12-04) Tom Bertalan: Works well and logically, but unfortunately really slows down Chrome. Disabling it by clicking the icon does turn off the visible effect, but doesn't prevent it from loading with every web page (and DOM update??). Only disabling the extension or setting "Allow this extension to read and change all your data on websites you visit:" to "On click" helps with this. I'd give five stars if it was possible to fire it off on command, or, even better, as a right-click option for selected text.
- (2018-10-14) Nate Windwood: It’s awesome, but please disable it in textboxes. If it renders before sending the message, $a+b$ becomes a+ba+ba+b.
- (2018-07-28) Johann Kenny: Thank you so very^infinity much, emichael
- (2018-06-27) Vinícius Moretti: It's bad, did not work fine.
- (2018-05-31) Ted: Never works despite all fiddling. Does not format LaTeX on most websites such as reddit, arxiv, mathstackexchange.
- (2018-02-19) Albert Schueller: Have used this for a while. Thanks for your work. Particularly good for communicating with students. Side note, discovered that when it is enabled, I am unable to open the "Script editor" in a google spreadsheet. Not sure what's going on there, but very repeatable.
- (2017-12-17) Фадиме Бекмамбетова: Buggy I will have to look for an alternative
- (2017-12-11) Looks pretty good on reddit. Awesome.
- (2017-11-24) Steve V: Advertised to work with facebook but doesn't.
- (2017-11-07) steffen sulllivan: Excellent when used with Trello!
- (2017-09-18) Andrey K.: Can't work in gmail: too obsessive, can't even move with my cursor after first inline expression (it's even red somehow).
- (2017-04-16) Chris Norris: Thanks - at last I can read math writeups on Github! The only problem with it is it is hard to see if its on or off. Some websites render in strange ways with it on.
- (2017-02-21) Murtaza M. Javaid: Not seeming to work on reddit
- (2017-02-13) Timothy Schelz: It did not TeX all the things. There were a sizable amount of things written in LateX that were not translated.
- (2016-10-20) Eui Sung Kim: Works on github. Thanks. One suggestion: I write notes on MIPS assembly. Registers are being evaluated as equations not mips registers. (ex: add $t0, $s1, $s2 will be evaluated as equations) If this can be fixed, it's great. This extension is the only one that worked for me.
- (2016-09-11) Vyacheslav Patkov: Doesn't work with Evernote Web
- (2016-09-10) Alessandro Dal Grande: Works well with Github!
- (2016-09-06) Kai Huang: This extension is SOOOOOO GREAT!!! From now on I can just use github to manage my math notes!!! You genius!!!
- (2016-04-11) Sivakumar Sankara Subbu: Google chrome browser hangs if I enable custom delimiters. I am not able able to write custom equations in Google hangout chat because of this.
- (2016-04-07) Chris Georgiou: when i write an equation, it goes into a loop of formatting that equation many times over :O Also, $....$ is not working for UK keyboard layout.
- (2016-02-22) Malcolm Mielle: It worked well on a test page but sadly not with evernote :/
- (2016-01-27) Dylan Moore: Breaks flash players when activated on webpages. Try using it on this page, deactivated and then activated. No reason it should be tampering with flash embeds but hopefully this helps fix it.
- (2015-12-05) henring Lei: This is a great extension, very useful. I hope it can render \begin{align} ... \end{align} Thank you.
- (2015-11-03) Kevin Wang: Really helpful!
4.0098 (102 votes)
Last update / version
2021-11-29 / 1.1.5
Listing languages