PlainPrivacy automatically summarizes and highlights keywords in the privacy policies of the websites you visit.
PlainPrivacy automatically summarizes and highlights keywords in the privacy policies of the websites you visit. When you visit a website, the extension crawls the page for its privacy policy. If a policy is found, the extension lights up, parses the privacy policy using Natural Language Processing, and then displays what the website collects and why it collects that information.
The Motivation Behind Plain Privacy:
"Most Americans have no idea what they are signing up for because... terms of service are beyond comprehension." - Senator Lindsey Graham in the New York Times, April 11, 2018.
As concerns over data privacy has been become catapulted into the limelight, lawmakers and every day people have become aware of the need to understand Internet privacy policies. However, privacy policies and terms of service with jargon are becoming increasingly complex.
According to an article in the Atlantic, "every Internet user, were they to read every privacy policy on every website they visit would spend 25 days out of the year just reading privacy policies."
Plain Privacy changes that. You should know what information you're giving out without having to sift through legal jargon.
Latest reviews
- (2018-07-12) Jamir Pleitez: Fantastic product! Worth the download!
- (2018-07-12) Andrew Mckinnon: This product is so great! Wish I had it for the past several years :) will recommend to all my friends
5.0 (3 votes)
Last update / version
2018-06-13 /
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