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Provides better integration with the KDE Plasma desktop.
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Atlikite daugiaprogramį apdorojimą, valdydami naršyklės funkcijas tiesiai iš darbalaukio netgi tuomet, kai Chrome fone. Valdykite garso ir vaizdo atkūrimą, tikrinkite pranešimų srityje atsiuntimus, siųskite failus į savo telefoną naudodami KDE Connect ir atlikite dar daugiau KDE Plasma darbalaukyje!
Tam, kad veiktų šis priedas, privalo būti įdiegtas paketas "plasma-browser-integration". Jis turėtų būti prieinamas iš jūsų platinimo paketų tvarkytuvės, naudojant Plasma 5.13 ar naujesnę versiją.
Latest reviews
- (2023-10-23) TheCorruptCat: works great some may rate it one star because they use windows and don't know what this is
- (2023-09-21) No funciona en Chromium :(
- (2023-06-28) Solar Doctor: Что умеет не понял , буду разбиратся ,со временем! fedora linux 38.
- (2023-04-11) Guillermo Bianchi (Willeye): Not sure why, and willing to increase the rating once solved. But for the past few weeks a number of websites (for a particular example, corsair's) would block me with an "Error 15 - Request blocked by security rules" message made by the website's imperva system. This was not one site, but multiple. After accessing 2-3 pages, the block would appear and then would only disappear after clearing the site's cookies (only for it to reappear after another 2-3 pages). Today I realized it's this extension. Not sure if it's some incompatibility with Windows (I did install it on my linux PC, and had sync turned on). Hopefully the issue can be pinpointed, and a fix be implemented.
- (2023-04-01) М д: does not work in flatpak applications, otherwise it is normal
- (2023-01-26) Matěj Šusta: I guess most people don't get they need to also install a package on their system that sets up additional stuff. I like the integration and it works well for the published use-cases, but in the end I did not use any of them so uninstalling for now.
- (2022-09-02) Tapiwa Zimunhu: Perfect extension on my Arch Linux
- (2022-07-28) Daniel: Para ficar ainda melhor falta permitir direcionar os downloads para serem feitos pelo KGet
- (2022-05-16) Alex Chebyckin: great and amazing
- (2022-05-15) Shawan: Didn't work on my system. I don't know it is a browser problem, system problem or the problem is in the extension itself. It showing "Specified native messaging host not found" and asking to upgrade the plasma to 5.13 even I am running 5.21.4 . I know that this extension is great as I use it in my firefox browser but it didn't work for me on both brave and chromium. If someone know the solution please let me know. I am using the latest version of both brave and chromium.
- (2022-05-13) Vladimir Mikulic: The extension is amazing, but I have one issue with it. When I download files from the internet, if I turn on "Show Downloads in the notification area" it starts eating my CPU. On the other hand, when this option is disabled, my CPU temperature and usage is normal. Please fix this as soon as possible.
- (2022-01-13) David Losantos: Works great!
- (2021-11-11) Jean-Luc Leroy (GrandLuLu): Peut-on contrôler les vidéos (twitter) au clavier ? Vivaldi 4.3/Zorin (Ubuntu)
- (2021-08-26) Tensor Flow: Is this spyware? or something very poorly optimized. On KDE system I installed i3 session, logged in, started chrome, watched some stuff and seeing my laptop fans working full on, hot can't even touch and my battery draining af. Opened htop, seeing 100% cpu load on single core from this extension. Disabled it and fan stopped, battery remaining estimation trippled from 1 hour at 50% to 3 hours. This extension needs some serious work.
- (2021-08-21) Mojtaba Vahdati: This extension made my Google Meet not to be able to open my camera(It DID open, but only showed the message "Camera is starting" and never actually could pass that point), I had to disable all my extensions one by one to find the culprit. I've uninstalled this extension. Please fix it.
- (2021-08-13) Joan Pou: Funciona perfectamente con Chrome y con Brave en Kubuntu 20.04.
- (2021-05-05) Magowjzeta Leibowitz: Plasma 5.21.3 / iron et chrome réagissent parfaitement.
- (2021-05-04) Marcus Blanco: Não funciona com o Vivaldi.....todos os demais funcionan, Gnome, Fedora, menos o do KDE.
- (2021-05-01) Filipe de Moraes Paiva (pandeiro e cavaquinho): Não funciona.
- (2021-04-14) Ivan Lyapunov: it breaks google meet virtual backgrounds on Linux :(
- (2021-04-14) Maxime Dirksen: Doen't work with Vivaldi 3.7.2218.52 and Plasma 5.21.3 :/
- (2021-04-08) Andrzej Marczak: It was OK before I started using Google Meet. In Meet there is an error when I switch to background image on camera view, When I disable Plasma Integration, Meet works great.
- (2021-04-07) n: Works realy nice with Brave :)
- (2021-03-11) Sinan Aybar: güzel
- (2020-12-25) Thangaraj J: Works great! Fantastic to get downloads in my kde tray :)
- (2020-12-09) Juan C. Canto: Me ha sorprendido gratamente. Muy bien logrado.
- (2020-11-22) 123 456: Debian 10.6, Plasma 5.14, 'plasma-browser-integration' package is installed correctly, chrome 87.0.4280.66 (64b) - don't work.
- (2020-11-20) Rayddit: cool
- (2020-10-30) Zlendy: It's just fantastic, works even better when you have KDE Connect installed
- (2020-10-25) Bruce Davidson: Doesn't do jack
- (2020-09-06) Raphaël Messebet: One of the main reasons I love KDE, Linux and can't go back to Windows ever again, much love!
- (2020-08-27) The Linux-hanny: Nice work, nice implementation. KDE Plasma is great
- (2020-08-27) Oliver Brodowski: KDE is best <3
- (2020-08-12) Filip Kendes: I love this extension. Work great, no problems at all. Just amazing. I do have one minor annoyance. When I play video in brave browser and control it through KDE Connect's multimedia control (play/pause, volume), phone notification loses video cover art and turns orange. Also, video source changes from brave to chromium.
- (2020-08-11) Richard&Amy Hubeny: Works great for more sites and has good potential. BUT, it breaks some video playing websites, for example, Sling TV, in Google Chrome or Chromium. Therefore, I had to remove it to restore the functionality of Sling TV via the browser. Overall, KDE Plasma is fantastic.
- (2020-07-04) Tapiwa BRIGHTON: This is an awesome extension. I have even installed it for all my browsers
- (2020-04-16) Val Och: Works really well! Kdeconnect sharing is the best part.
- (2020-03-21) Manuel: Genial!!
- (2020-03-16) Dimitrios Charalampidis: Excellent extension for KDE Plasma integration. I would appreciate Breeze-dark scrollbars. Many thanks for the devs.
- (2020-03-14) Gianmarco Gargiulo: Non funziona per nulla sulla versione più recente di Chromium! Risolvete!
- (2020-03-01) Timothy Butterworth: I love that it integrates chrome with plasma. they are two of my favorite software products.
- (2020-02-21) Rafael Alves: Funcional e eficiente. Melhora a produtividade.
- (2020-01-28) Abner Carvalho: Amplia bastante a integração do navegador com o KDE Plasma.
- (2020-01-17) Doug Baxter: I don't know what it does. This came with KDE neon and websites look the same as the did with Mint Cinnamon. So I gave it a neutral rating.
- (2020-01-09) Juan Camilo Sánchez Urrego: It works fine with almost everything, but it avoid playing sounds in the google translator, so I have to disable plasma integration to play sounds in translator and some other web pages. I'm using Kubuntu 19.04. Update: Fixed
- (2019-12-30) Hendrik Eckerle: This Extension sadly broke with installing chomium from snapcraft and using Kubuntu 19.10 keeps yelling "Failed to connect to the native host."
- (2019-12-22) Alex Smith: In case this is helpful to anyone else: media keys wouldn't work for me while Chrome's builtin support for them is enabled (with or without this extension installed). After turning off "Hardware Media Key Handling" in chrome://flags, the media keys work with this extension.
- (2019-12-03) John f: Все отлично, только музыка из плеера "вконтакте" не показывается, хотя на зайцев нет и других все ок
- (2019-11-24) Александр Суслов: Отлично дополнение для KDE!!! Можно управлять воспроизведением музыки и не только ;)
- (2019-11-18) Reece: I love this when im playing games and have youtube on my 2nd monitor I can use my media keys to play and pause the video im watching without alt-tabbing.