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Švajčiarsky armádny nôž pre front-end vývojárov
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Gridman je nevyhnutným rozšírením pre prehliadač Chrome pre každého vývojára na strane frontendu. Tento súbor nástrojov je vytvorený na zvýšenie vašej produktivity a zlepšenie vášho zážitku z kódovania.
Okamžite inšpektujte prvky DOM. Stačí prejsť kurzorom myši, aby ste odhalili podrobnosti cieľa a jeho nadradených prvkov, čo zjednodušuje váš analytický a ladenie procesu.
Gridman sa jedinečne udržiava medzi znovunačítaním hostiteľa. Kliknite na prvok a zachovajte si svoje poznatky aj po obnovení stránky, čím ušetríte cenný čas a úsilie.
Vývojári Tailwind, radujte sa! Jednoducho inšpektujte sady tried a pozrite, ako Tailwind CSS oživuje vaše dizajny.
Či už pracujete s CSS Gridom alebo Flexboxom, Gridman zobrazuje riadky, stĺpce, okraje a oveľa viac. S ľahkosťou pochopíte a manipulujete s komplexnými rozloženiami.
Jednoducho kliknite na ikonu rozšírenia, aby ste aktivovali tento nástroj na akúkoľvek webovú stránku.
Odhaľte zložitosť štruktúry DOM jednoduchým prechodom myšou. Vizualizujte a pochopíte, ako sú prvky vnorené a prepojené.
S Gridmanom nepracujete len s nástrojom; vylepšujete celý svoj vývojový proces. Stiahnite si ho teraz a zažite revolúciu vo vašom vývoji na strane frontendu!
Vaša skúsenosť s Gridmanom mi veľmi záleží. Ak ste ho považovali za užitočný, bol by som neuveriteľne vďačný, ak by ste si na chvíľu vzali čas a podelili sa o svoje myšlienky v recenzii. Vaša spätná väzba pomáha nie len na zlepšenie, ale aj ostatným vývojárom pri objavovaní výhod tohto rozšírenia. Ďakujem vám za podporu a za to, že ste neoddeliteľnou súčasťou komunity Gridman!
Ak sa niečo neuložilo podľa očakávania, láskavo vás žiadam, aby ste zvážili, či by ste mohli kontaktovať s akýmikoľvek otázkami alebo problémami, ktoré by ste mohli mať. Chápem, že každá recenzia, či už pozitívna alebo negatívna, mi dáva príležitosť učiť sa a zlepšovať sa. Verím však aj v dôležitosť porozumenia a riešenia problémov prostredníctvom komunikácie. Neváhajte sa ma na niečo spýtať na: Som tu pre vás kedykoľvek!
Snažíte sa to použiť na miestne súbory ako 'file:///...' - ale nič sa nezobrazuje?
ODPOVEĎ: Gridman, ako aj každé rozšírenie Chrome, nebude fungovať na miestnych súboroch. Chrome to neumožňuje z dôvodov bezpečnosti. A je to správne. Vieme si predstaviť dôsledky, ak by akékoľvek rozšírenie Chrome mohlo pristupovať k súborovému systému vášho počítača. Ak chcete použiť Gridman na miestnych súboroch, odporúčam použiť malý HTTP server, ktorý môžete získať tu:
Latest reviews
- (2023-04-27) John Alexander Barreto Diaz: No muestra absolutamente nada no me sirve para los desarrollos pesimo servicio
- (2023-01-13) Louis Shine: sounds cool. not responding. no guidness. wasted my time.
- (2020-12-28) Mitchell McPhee: Amazing extension, helps me out a bunch! I use it ever-day and it works as advertised!
- (2020-11-20) Chandrashekar B S: Very helpful extension for designing my websites. Thank you
- (2020-11-03) Eduardo Mejia: no me muestra nada, la ayuda no contiene nada, no existe algún video de apoyo, en general no me gusto, la voy a desinstalar.
- (2020-08-18) Андрей Кобзарь: Еще бы лучше было, если бы при наведении на каждый из элементов внутри контейнера показывались id и class этих элементов.
- (2020-07-08) deni rachmadi: wow thanks man for this extensions. do help on my work, anyway nice if we can see the width or heights when hovering.
- (2020-04-14) Unfortunately this plugin only seems to work on like a quarter of pages/elements I hover over.
- (2020-03-24) German Duterte: W0W! it helps me a lot
- (2020-02-08) Дмитрий Макаров: Крутое расширение!!!
- (2019-12-16) Ed Garzaro: Worked right out of the box and super easy to use. I want to love Firefox but Chrome is so fast. Thank you for the alternative.
- (2019-08-07) Jonathan Alumbaugh: Super helpful as Chrome's devtools don't do the greatest job with grids (it'd be great if we could just toggle them on like in Firefox, but I don't like Firefox). This extension solves that problem, I only have one small gripe: When resizing responsive view, if the grid is toggle on, you need to toggle the grid on and off after resizing for responsive to work properly. A very small inconvenience, but overall a huge improvement.
- (2019-06-16) Cedric Clark: Great job! Its excellent for learning CSS Grid!
- (2019-04-11) james foley: It's been a while since I have used this extension it has come along way thanks for all the hard work you have done on bringing this along. Also like the addition of the CSS Grid Playground. Cheers Jim
- (2019-03-14) Cesar Suarez: Me ha ayudado bastante, sin embargo falta mejorar ciertos aspectos, cómo el de tener en cuenta el re-acomodado de la pantalla, o los "borders" del elemento que tenga el grid... ya que en estas circunstancias la rejilla que arroja la extensión se corren y no se ajustan a donde en realidad esta la GRID CSS
- (2019-02-06) M G: Sure makes edits quick and easy, and ideas transferable without eating up time. Thanks for the extension!
- (2018-11-23) SiriusGD: I am having all sorts of issues with Chrome not responding to grid changes. I installed the flag and it seems to make no difference. Your product did absolutely nothing on my chrome browser. I'm not sure why chrome is giving me so many problems developing with grid. I don't have issues with firefox and very few with safari but chrome is a nightmare. (I had to rate it to post this so I put a neutral rating)
- (2018-06-19) Nils P.: Very helpful extension to debug grid structures! Even though I don't know if the feature of persisting the grid lines is already implemented I managed to do so by opening the DevTools and targeting an element inside the grid there. I'd call it a must have extension for front end development.
- (2018-04-25) Jayne Chartrand: I do wish there was a way to make the grids show without hovering mouse, but it's the best chrome extension for this in the web store!
- (2018-03-18) Thank you ! if it would be possible to have the grid shown at all times, would make it a 5 star.
- (2018-01-06) Butterfly Wing: Very useful addition to Chrome. Looking forward to future improvements. Thanks for your efforts.
- (2017-12-08) Does not work with devtools responsive mode on (which should not be an issue), doesnt work at all if working with frameworks like Angular or React.
- (2017-12-04) Bryce Barbara: Fairly useless due to not being able to do anything more than show the name of the grid columns/rows.
- (2017-11-30) Piotr Wierzbicki: This works well and is really snappy. Seeing as this has promise I'm giving the author the benefit of the doubt for now and slapping a solid five stars on the extension to motivate him :)
- (2017-11-28) Ronald van Middendorp: As said by others; it only shows grid on hovering, which is not very useful. Also, without the names of the grid-areas it is pretty useless for investigating on an existing site. No data in grid, grid not shown. Good effort, but still needs a lot of work.
- (2017-11-10) Taylor Mason: Simple and very effective. Its been a godsent on my current project. My only request would be to add a way to have the grid persist when you're not hovering.
- (2017-11-06) Jacob Schneider: It is brilliant because it's simple, and works. nothing more said. Fantstic work!
- (2017-10-20) Diamonds: Very useful for development with grid, although with a few glaring issues. First, it only shows grids when you're hovering over an element so it can be a bit of a pain to switch between inspecting and writing, also it breaks on nested grids past the first one, making it nearly useless on more complicated layouts. Still the best tool I've found so far for working with Grid, but I can't wait for something better
- (2017-10-19) Nicole costa fonseca: this doesn't work
- (2017-10-18) Jacob Dubail: doesn't seem to display auto-filled rows properly.
- (2017-10-15) Glen Ihrig: First it does not display grid lines if the grid cell is empty. Second grid lines only show when mouse hovers over grid content. These shortcomings make it too difficult to use for grid development. And finally, the large number of (evidently) fake 5 star reviews make me wonder if I've installed some kind of malware :-(
- (2017-10-05) Xian Brock: This doesn't work at all when you have the dev tools in device/responsive mode so you can't test how your grid looks at different screen sizes. Since this is on mouse-over only, there is no option to always show grids so you can actually work on them without constantly having to keep your mouse hovered over the grid. As an aside, I'm reasonably certain that all of the 5 star reviews for this extension are fake.
- (2017-08-24) Ken Jones: This extension is awesome! It's a must have for css grid lovers.
- (2017-08-15) Anton Savinskiy: Awesome! )
4.0115 (87 votes)
Last update / version
2024-08-03 / 2.3.3
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