功能强大的 Pixiv 图片、小说批量下载器。Powerful Pixiv images, novels batch downloader.
Batch download, filter works, rename when downloading, convert animated images, and more.
QQ Group:675174717
Discord: https://discord.gg/eW9JtTK
Latest reviews
- (2024-05-25) Pongsatond Trechinapong: It become buggy and not so powerful.
- (2023-11-10) sakurako大魔王: 预览图变成长条了很难受能回复到以前样子么
- (2023-11-10) 包子: 用了一年多,超级好评!已经离不开了。就是预览图最近不知道怎么回事变成了长条。看着好难受
- (2023-11-09) Dracky “96”: No longer works with Vivaldi for some reason, even after uninstalling it and reinstalling it, restarting browser, restarting computer, and clearing history and cache. Works fine though on chrome browser without having to do any of that.
- (2023-11-01) 朱然: 请问下载之后每张图片都需要手动保存才行是为什么?就是以前是直接自动下载了也不需要点设么,之前bug了一次删除重新安装之后,抓取一个作者的图片开始下载之后,每完成一个下载就会出一个图片保存的那个窗口,需要手动点击保存,之后才会继续下载,我应该是哪里调的有问题,请问一下如何解决?
- (2023-10-29) Ar Zk: Works great, but whatever I do, I can't use the file naming rules. And the default naming suddenly dropped 'p' before page number, which is extremely annoying.
- (2023-10-26) H1dd3n Tango: 对比fanbox下载器少了“投稿标题不能含有文字”的功能(有的artist会给草稿起固定标题)
- (2023-09-14) aqua rama: 在为未注册的插图批量添加标签时,如果添加了所有标签,pixiv 书签屏幕就会变得非常沉重,因此需要一个功能来提前指定标签,并只在插图存在标签时才添加标签。 例如 设置功能强大的 Pixiv 下载器 标签 [aaa,bbb,ccc,ddd]。 插图标签 标签 [aaa,bbb,eee,ff]。 使用强大的 Pixiv 下载器功能后插图侧的标签状态。 [aaa,bbb]. 感谢您的关注。
- (2023-09-11) DudeSicko: Holy.... it actually worked :D
- (2023-09-09) fly wang: 您好,作者。 关于标签功能我有一些疑问。是否可以,精简提炼某一项(几项)标签作为文件名命名。 比如一个作品,作者可能贴了无数个长标签,而目前的功能貌似是一次性复制下来所有的标签信息。 如果已经有类似功能,请指路,谢谢❥(^_-)
- (2023-09-07) Vaughan Greer: Worked like a charm, and saved me a ton of time
- (2023-09-07) mauve: Genuinely incredible in every way- there's so many features in here that I didn't even know I wanted! Thank you for developing this! Makes Pixiv browsing a breeze- literally anything you could think of is in here in terms of organizing bookmarks, downloading art, etc.
- (2023-09-05) 乔: 这两天更新了吗,预览图不能全部显示出来,只显示出竖着的长方形的内容,好麻烦,希望能出个选项,能像以前那样预览完整的图片
- (2023-09-02) Tirahon: Отлично работает
- (2023-08-31) Ayumu Belfegor: nice work
- (2023-08-13) 葛屁: 有時候擷取範圍挺微妙的。明明手動選了範圍卻還是全部下載,問了就是全載的概念。整體來說挺實用的
- (2023-08-06) paron lin: 为什么一直显示“可能发生了错误。请刷新页面重试。”但是又能下载下来呢?
- (2023-08-04) 重村悠那: 更新后搜索页面显示的缩略图太大了,感觉不如之前用着方便,然后就是最近更新后经常报错,要求刷新网页。
- (2023-06-10) 962 hiina: 之前可以在手动选择作品的时候点红心,现在一旦手动选择作品,就没法点红心了,这个问题有解决措施吗?
- (2023-06-09) Bumpa Bang: 请问,现在下载的时候,下载到中途就自动停了,用户没有点击暂停或者停止,网络也没问题,需要点一下暂停,再点“开始下载”才有速度,是什么原因呢?
- (2023-06-04) Kaneki: 现在下载作品主文件夹都没了怎么办?只有插画,漫画,动态图的分类文件夹了
- (2023-05-15) Nick Zim: Best Pixiv downloader hands down. Just please please please consider making a Firefox version. Firefox has zero bulk downloaders for pixiv.
- (2023-04-30) Henrry Zevallos: esta es la mejor extensión que encontré de pixiv realmente necesario
- (2023-03-30) azu: 功能完整很好用,不過最近不知道為甚麼,明明下載項目都有跑完,但下載進度那邊永遠卡在0/N(N是我下載的張數),所以也沒有的下載下來,重新安裝也是一樣,不知道是甚麼BUG 3/30更新 不知道是不是有修改了,今天使用已恢復正常,非常推薦使用
- (2023-03-24) saasan s: 画像にカーソルを合わせるとポップアップするようになって非常にウザい
- (2023-03-19) ShinRa Co: 出现了429要怎么办,好像抓取超过一百多张就出错了。需要限制抓取速度吗,怎么限制啊
- (2023-03-16) Pbice: 功能十分強大,支援多國語言,且作者用心維護。萬分感謝!
- (2023-03-12) llo Cia: 最近在爬取的时候出现了429,无法爬取,请问是什么情况?
- (2023-03-12) Hữu Huynh Nguyễn: Better than Pivix toolkit
- (2023-03-07) Yi Chen Xie: 有史以來最強的下載氣!
- (2023-02-27) Pun Pokopan: great
- (2023-02-26) Xiang Ji: Great tool! Be sure to read the FAQ and 1. disable "ask where to save each file before downloading" in Chrome settings and 2. disable any other mass downloader extension which you may have installed before if the filenames look weird.
- (2023-02-22) Roger Lee: 很少主动给某个插件打分,安装与否,完全是两种体验! 如果能指定下载目录就更完美了,或者把下载任务转给IDM(o゜▽゜)o☆ ps 话说没上油猴是因为功能受限吗,一直以来只会搜插件,反倒忘了找这样的优秀拓展hhhh
- (2023-02-20) Marcus Wilde: como puedo hacer que se guarden con la fecha original? para tener las galerías de mis artistas favoritos en orden cronológico (mas antiguo a mas reciente)
- (2023-02-14) Gregor Chekoslavich: the really good app!!!
- (2023-02-12) Cheshire: Perfect, really nothing else to say careful though, if you go all in you will get IP restricted for a few mins can't say if it's bannable on repeated offenses but yeah try to go slow
- (2023-02-11) 小白: 作者是AI吗(滑稽)
- (2023-02-08) Ollie “catdog” Harrelson: edit: works great now!
- (2023-02-05) Le Hu: I'm so grateful this saves so much time for me.
- (2023-01-23) Yaorui Shi: 非常好用!功能全面,设置也很人性化,同类软件中最棒的产品
- (2023-01-17) Tsuki Kuriyama: 108内核的360安全浏览器在抓取完图片后下载下完前5张就没有反应了(下载线程是5张)
- (2023-01-13) KA BA: 你好,想问一下插件有可以把一个作品的,比如一个10页的图画作品,然后作品除了标题还配了比较长的描述文本,就是在 标题下面 和 点赞按钮 上面的那些文本,这些文本也可以一键同图画一起保存下来吗?
- (2023-01-04) Van Nguyen: Some people who're spreading false information about how this extension wanted access to modify and/or block *all* sites needs to go to the psych ward right away because from the Extensions tab straight from your browser, it clearly says that it has only access to these sites: *://*.pixiv.cat/* *://*.pximg.net/* *://www.pixiv.net/* *://www.pixivision.net/*, Which are all Pixiv related, where do you even get the 'asking for access to all sites'?? Absolutely no pop-ups asking me that. The tool is a bit more difficult to use now since Pixiv has put in a new anti-crawl system, but it should still work fine - a tad slower that's all.
- (2023-01-04) Пушистая Лисичка: no working!
- (2022-12-28) ONE EDGE: Chrome 95 使用15.0.1和15.1均出现详情页图裂无法显示现象,退回到15.0正常
- (2022-12-28) Justin Rhoten: The new permissions this extension wants is extremely sketchy, I've been a fan of this extension for ages but I wont be using it anymore after the recent update, there is no reason why a PIXIV downloader needs access to every single website you visit.
- (2022-12-26) Tirsiak Ingolf: Guys, remove this as soon as you see this review. I have reported it for illegal activity. This now wants to block access to any site you visit, any page on any site. This is in direct violation of user autonomy, freedom, and peoples rights. This new permission, is very illegal and the people should know, it wants one thing: -Block pages on any site you access. Remove immediately, remove immediately, report it to authorities, do whatever you can to get this app banned. Everyone should know that the permission it wants to grant is HIGHLY illegal.
- (2022-03-15) Zosoft宿泊: 非常厲害的pixiv的插件,有個小建議是,希望可以新增“檔案排序功能”或“下載排序功能”,這樣就可和藏列表的排序一至,方便查看該區的圖片。
- (2022-03-03) L宅大喵: 希望能在我的关注页面下载时也能按照作者分类文件夹 同时我下载的时候经常会下载进度条加载完之后就卡在那里 也不下载完成也不开始下一个下载 经常就是五个加载完成的进度条卡在那里不动
- (2022-02-22) 沉墨: 非常好用,简单便捷,感谢开发!
4.7338 (402 votes)
Last update / version
2025-01-13 / 17.3.2
Listing languages