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Create change sets faster than ever! Boost your productivity with this google chrome change set helper extension!
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Description from store
Turbo charge your admin power during code deployments! Boost your productivity with this google chrome change set helper extension!
*** Version 2.2 (Bugfix & UI Label Changes)****
1. Fixed bug: If record type is included then All option doesn't work in view mode
2. Fixed bug: Show All Components in edit mode is limited to 1000 records per page. Updated the link label to "Show More Components on Page".
*** Version 2.1 (New & Improved) ****
1. New ajaxified interface for adding as well as removing components.
2. Introduced "view" and "edit" mode for removing/ adding components respectively. Everything can be done from a single screen and without page reload!
3. View last modified date, last modified by, report folder name.
4. Search/ sort/ group by individual columns as well as search globally.
5. Remove multiple components by selecting manually or uploading CSV.
6. Matching columns are highlighted in yellow. Removed restriction where number of CSV columns should match with number of columns on screen.Only requirement is all CSV columns should be visible on screen and should match.
7. Configure different options to suit your need.
and many more improvements. Visit extenstion options page for complete list.
*** Version 1.5.3 ****
1. Fixed issue of incorrect generation of unmatched rows CSV file when there are duplicates in the original csv
*** Version 1.5.2 ****
1. View field and object API names when "Custom Field" is selected from the Component Type dropdown!
2. Filter by object API name when viewing custom fields!
3. Upload a CSV file of components and let this extension automatically match and mark components at once. Please note that all CSV header columns should be visible in the current screen. Column names are case-insensitive and should not necessarily be in the same order as displayed in the current screen. Rows which couldn't be matched can be downloaded using "Download unmatched rows" link.
4. Real time search for all displayed columns!
5. View all records at once instead of having to click on "Show More" or "Next Page" multiple times.
Latest reviews
- (2023-09-12) Chris Richard: The extension hasn't stopped working. It is only working for Salesforce Classic change sets though. This is because the whitelisting is for - https://** , could this be updated to include Lightning URL's for change sets. Seems we are unable to edit the whitelist.
- (2021-07-15) Dennis Palmer: This extension stopped working. Not sure if it was a chrome upgrade or a salesforce change. Lots of warning messages in the console now.
- (2020-03-26) Amit Asolkar: Not working
- (2019-07-18) Timothy Greenwood: Great Plugin. Need CSV Documentation. To Use CSV: Create a CSV with column headings. (Column Headings must match the Change Set Type) for e.g. "Custom Object" the CSV only needs to have 1 column called "Name" and then each row will be the Object Names. NOTE* There needs to be a blank row with any value (I used the value of "1") as the code doesn't grab the last row, it just loops through each row except for the last row. However, if you create a "blank" row with the value of "1" it will grab all the rows above it. Click Upload Components via CSV button and then click "Mark" it will then look through that UI list against your CSV list and mark any that it finds. Hope this helps everyone. Cheers, #salesforcebros
- (2019-02-14) Chris: In view mode nothing shows up despite my change set having 300+ items in it. Is the a limit with the tool?
- (2019-01-11) Monique: This is impressive!
- (2018-08-20) Yakau Verameyeu: Though it fails with opening simple changeset and works only on changing it, it is awesome tool that saves lots of time!
- (2018-02-01) Olivier Lemaire: Love it, what SF product management should have done 10 years ago.
- (2017-11-08) Markus Koch: !! Best !! Addon !! Ever !! ... Seriously, if I had to chose only one addon to use, this one would it be without any doubt. Saves me hours of frustration about how userUNfriendly normal changsets are.
- (2017-10-03) ankita das: Very helpful extension. This will make deployments a lot easier and faster. Kudos!!
- (2017-07-28) Andrew Raymond: Awesome job! Not sure how I would use the upload components from csv.
- (2017-05-29) M. Shiv Kumar: Excellent plugin....this made working on change sets more fun !!
- (2017-04-10) bhumireddy sreenivasulu: Great and Excellent tool.. to make easier and faster. Thank you very much for helping. Is there any planning to enhance the search functinality on object wise
- (2017-02-25) shreya barua: Thanks for making deployment this easy....well done..
- (2017-02-19) kalpana reddy: Great tool.. Loved it. For the Salesforce admin it makes deployments easier and faster. Very helpful Congrats to the Creator.
- (2017-02-18) Ardhendu Saha: Good one..
- (2017-02-17) Dhrubajyoti Debnath: awesome bro!!!
- (2017-02-16) yash sharma: It's really a great tool and very helpful.
- (2017-02-16) Deep Banerjee: Great tool......
- (2017-02-16) Dipasree Ghosh: Really helpful. Congrats to the creator!
- (2017-02-16) Debopriyo Dey: A breakthrough in change set deployment, a marvel of a simple yet genius piece of code. Startled by the convenience it offers through in searching,multiselecting and csv wise changeset deployment of all API components in one go. We always faced difficulties in keeping a component list handy but yet always finding and selecting feature of salesforce. The creater is an absolute gem of a being, and should go places where even salesforce has not been.
- (2017-02-15) Sheshadri Chakraborty: Brilliant!! :) Awesome extension...with csv upload feature.
- (2017-02-15) Amlan Sengupta: This is an extremely special extension which makes your work easier as a Salesforce Admin. Recommended for all the "Real Programmers" of this world. Congrats to the person who created this extension.
- (2017-02-11) Ankita Ghosh: This is the first Salesforce chrome extension which supports API names when adding custom fields from change set. Also, loving the csv upload feature!! Must have for every developer as well as admin!
- (2017-02-11) Sourav Bhowmik: Really helpful... awesome
- (2017-02-10) Joyjit Mukhopadhyay: Awesome extension!! Must for every deployment using changesets.
- (2017-02-10) Ayan Hore: Helpful, handy and your new best friend if you're an Salesforce Admin..! Makes quick work of those long deployment components. Recommended for developers and admins alike...