Description from extension meta
An extension that allows local viewing of Axure RP prototypes from Google Chrome.
Image from store
Description from store
Install this extension to allow the viewing of Axure RP Prototypes from your local hard drive in Google Chrome.
This extension requires a high access level to allow the viewing of the file:// protocol. This extension only requires these permissions to allow viewing of prototypes in Chrome - Axure does not track or access any of your information.
IMPORTANT: After installing the extension you must check the setting "Allow access to file URLs". This can be accessed from Tools > Extensions > Axure RP Extension for Chrome.
You do not have to install this extension if you want to view prototypes hosted on the web. For example, you don't need this to view prototypes from Axure Share (
If you have any issues or questions, please email [email protected]
Latest reviews
- (2022-10-21) 云暗雪山: 在该插件下面进入详情,然后打开=》允许访问文件地址的按钮,就可以了
- (2022-08-05) 昂秦: 要在插件 详情中打开 运行访问文件地址就行了
- (2022-07-27) 邓胜平: 就一垃圾,安装了也不行。要插件干嘛。不能看吗
- (2022-04-28) Chang Qiu: 一个没有任何功能的插件
- (2022-03-04) shaojian ge: Axure10的母版功能不能用,这个插件该升级了
- (2021-11-12) Stephanie Brenton: This is just a simple extension to work around an issue where local files were not displaying for "Preview". This isn't for Axure Cloud or prototypes stored on an enterprise HTML server. It works perfectly fine for that (which really only impacts the designer as they try to preview interactions while working). Most of the reviews are old and unhelpful. Does Chrome Web Store ever archive old reviews that are no longer valid? If you are having trouble Axure support is very helpful. I've gone to them many times over the 12+ years I've used their product and they have always been highly responsive and helpful. The Axure forums are also a good place to look for help, if you need it.
- (2021-11-04) 许建辉: 装插件的意义在哪里,有什么不可告人的目的吗
- (2021-10-05) Nate Thompson: Viewing the Dev Tools it appears this extension was trying to fetch/GET the URL: from the axurerp-content.js file (line 1154) which is deemed as 'Suspicious' on some security websites. I uninstalled this Plugin.
- (2021-09-09) Krzysztof T Tellyo: Doesn't open rp file as it supposed to do.
- (2021-09-07) edwin zhao: 这插件几年了也不更新的么?设置输入框为密码时,都不显示可见图标。还没有Edge版的好。
- (2021-05-18) Iseeq: Funktioniert nicht (oder nicht mehr) mit aktuellen Chrome Versionen...
- (2021-05-13) Kara Hockley: I too am experiencing the same issue. Chrome continues to force the download of the .rp file instead of browsing in chrome, even after enabling the setting "Allow access to file URLs" not work. Is there going to be a fix for this???
- (2021-05-04) weicao gu: 太难用
- (2021-03-29) able zhang: 浏览器三个点哪里打开---》更多工具---》扩展程序---》Axure RP Extension for Chrome (可能名字会不一样)---》允许访问文件网址 点击打开 就OK
- (2021-03-23) ChChhite: do not work
- (2021-01-25) chao tang: 不能使用,已经勾选了可访问文件。浏览器和插件都重新装过,都不行
- (2020-12-23) xingcun jiang: 这么多年不更新了?
- (2020-12-03) Brak danych TV: It does not work. I expected to open the .rp file in google chrome. Instead of it' just dowload me the same rp file ...
- (2020-11-28) 雨煙成謎: 有意思恶意程序行为, 不要听水军说的什么更改拓展设置完全没用.
- (2020-10-30) Seven Chen: 总是不能用
- (2020-10-27) bo wang: 应该为了chrome适配一下!这插件就不应该存在。
- (2020-09-25) 高橋南: 能来人把它举报成滥用行为而下架吗
- (2020-09-10) 郝金玉: 什么玩意,苹果的safri都不要装插件,装了还要设置,果断举报
- (2020-08-28) Can Nguyen Ba: very good
- (2020-08-28) zm l: 毫无必要,毫无用处
- (2020-08-27) Endolith: This doesn't do anything
- (2020-04-09) 枋柚梓: 强制非要安装插件才能打开由此导出的 html 文件
- (2020-04-07) Евгений Jen: ТИХИЙ УЖАС работает очень криво и тормазнуто, + расширение сливает всю инфу из браузера на сервера axure. советую поискать другую тулзу без анальных зондов.
- (2020-03-12) 阿远: 为什么一定要用这个扩展程序才可以访问Axure RP生成的页面呢。还需要在Axure RP的【管理扩展程序】中设置访问文件地址,麻烦。 您的评分:讨厌、讨厌、讨厌、讨厌、讨厌、讨厌
- (2020-03-03) محمد حاج محمد باقر: axure 9 does not show pages
- (2020-03-03) 夏威夷: 需要手动进入chrome管理扩展程序那里,把允许访问文件网址打开就可以用了。不能直接用应该是导致差评的主要原因
- (2020-02-26) Jimbo: 卡死了 其它浏览器不用安装
- (2020-02-17) 姚阳: 插件很好用,起码在chrome80版本之前很好用。 更新到80版本以后,直接在chrome中预览会出现一片灰色,什么都没有。重新卸载安装也不行,这个插件上次更新还是两年前。axure是放弃chrome了吗?
- (2020-01-08) wei li: 不能用
- (2019-12-24) D Dragon: 记得进入插件列表,点击对应的<详情信息>,然后在靠下面的位置,将<允许访问文件网址>开关打开即可 有时候,真的是我们的打开方式不对,不是软件的问题
- (2019-12-17) 冤犯: chrome79 允许访问文件网址也依然don't work
- (2019-11-12) Noriko Oshima: crash crash crash .........
- (2019-10-28) Yifei Kong: It sucks that you need a plugin to view static html files.
- (2019-10-22) huang di: Can't open local file , it's so bad!!!
- (2019-10-04) Scott Stefan: It kind of works! Missing native shapes. interactions don't work between pages. cant open other pages when I click on them (I started building in mobile adaptive and only the index.html) also I can't select Options inside the Extension icon, its blanked out. I used the software a long time ago to build a wire frame and it worked fantastic, but now a few years later this viewer function is not working great, but maybe i'm don't doing something correct. Thanks
- (2019-09-05) 叶耀俊: 19年最新使用操作:点下扩展的插件-->管理扩展程序-->允许访问文件网址 再打开你要打开的页面就好了
- (2019-08-27) Yuwei Peng: 很难用,装了还是提示安装,而且生成html后必须打开浏览器,去掉浏览器打开也不行,很烂
- (2019-08-09) James Brooks: I really like Axure. Great program. EXCEPT for this extension. I work in a large company that is very paranoid about security. I should be able to preview my prototypes without any plugin... but especially without one that can read data on every site I visit. And the funny part is that I CAN do so. If I open the html files directly from the folder they work fine. Haven't used any complicated javascript/actions/variables yet... and I'm not likely to so that probably fine for me. I understand that this plugin is necessary because of something Chrome is doing and not Axure. Only EVERY SINGLE TIME I publish the reminder to install the plugin opens and yells at me. EVERY SINGLE TIME. Do you know how many times the average designer updates for review in a given day? Like... 50. So fifty times a day I have to get yelled at by a plugin reminder that I can't respond to and every time I want to see my prototype I have to close that tab. It's annoying. You should allow user to acknowledge that something may not work correctly in Chrome and disable the constant reminder.
- (2019-07-26) 刘孟美: 不能用
- (2019-07-24) 岳思伟: 安装了,不过还需要自定义一些东西,导致浪费掉了好长时间,那个访问文件路径的设置,不能默认是打开的么
- (2019-07-12) DaWen Chan: 即是允许访问文件网址, 依然不可用
- (2019-07-11) YangJing lv: 允许访问文件网址 选了以后 还是不能用哦
- (2019-07-11) Chrome continues to force the download of the .rp file instead of browsing in chrome, even after enabling the setting "Allow access to file URLs" not work.!!!!
- (2019-07-03) yue Li: 非常不友好的设计,默认不允许访问文件url,即使设置了,有时候也不起作用 仍然弹出设置错误
- (2019-06-14) Yu Zhang: trash
3.3609 (762 votes)
Last update / version
2022-10-27 / 0.7.0
Listing languages