Automatically like & comment Reviews, shared posts, and other things in Facebook to attract client's attention
This version DOESN'T supports automatic switches between pages.
License: 1 month.
Check more versions or pay forever:
Increase visits of your page! Interact with your clients! This script can:
- automatically comment on reviews, check-ins, mentions, shared posts, visitors posts.
- Like only good reviews, check-ins, mentions, shared posts, visitors posts.
- invite people that liked visitors posts to follow your page.
Everyone like if someone pay attention to them. Do it with our script! :)
Price not available? Or for any question/feedback/problem/suggestion: contact me at [email protected]
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Latest reviews
- (2017-10-28) Y. S.: Amazing, great tool!
- (2017-10-28) E U: Perfect, very useful tool!