extension ExtPose

Ecosia – Le moteur de recherche qui plante des arbres

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Description from extension meta

Cette extension permet de faire d'Ecosia votre moteur de recherche et de personnaliser la page « Nouvel onglet » de votre…

Image from store Ecosia – Le moteur de recherche qui plante des arbres
Description from store Utilisez Ecosia pour planter des arbres et agir en faveur du climat au quotidien. Comme les autres moteurs de recherche, nous gagnons de l'argent grâce aux publicités, mais nous consacrons 100 % de ces profits à la planète. La communauté Ecosia a déjà planté 200 millions d'arbres dans plus de 35 pays. Plantez des arbres grâce à vos recherches et agissez pour le climat au quotidien — En plantant les bons arbres aux bons endroits, la communauté Ecosia lutte contre le changement climatique, protège la faune sauvage et collabore avec les communautés locales du monde entier. Protégez votre vie privée — Nous ne vous créons pas de profil personnel, nous ne vendons pas vos informations à des annonceurs et vos recherches sont toujours cryptées par SSL. Nous voulons des arbres, pas vos données. Ayez un impact positif sur le climat — Les arbres que nous plantons absorbent bien sûr du CO2, mais nous avons aussi nos propres centrales solaires. Elles produisent non seulement assez d'énergie renouvelable pour alimenter toutes vos recherches, mais elles en produisent même deux fois plus ! Cela se traduit par davantage d'énergie renouvelable (et moins d'énergies fossiles) dans le réseau électrique. Transparence radicale — Nos rapports financiers mensuels détaillent tous nos projets, pour vous permettre de voir exactement où est distribué l'argent que nous gagnons. Ecosia est une entreprise à but non lucratif qui consacre 100 % de ses profits à l'action climatique. Utilisez Ecosia dès aujourd'hui et agissez pour le climat au quotidien. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Site Web: https://ecosia.org Notre blog: https://fr.blog.ecosia.org/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ecosia Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ecosia Twitter: https://twitter.com/ecosia YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/EcosiaORG TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ecosia

Latest reviews

  • (2024-01-13) sooi callebaut: Eindelijk geen schuldgevoel meer bij zoekacties!!! Ik hoop dat ecosia uitgroeit tot een van de meest gebruikte zoekmachines! Enkel nog aan het zoekniveau van google geraken (enigste reden waarom mijn vrienden het niet installeren) en er gaat weer een hele wereld open! Update, 3 jaar later en ik kan zeggen dat ik zelden nog een beter resultaat krijg bij andere zoekmachienes!
  • (2023-08-21) Andrés Quintero: I'm quite enthusiastic about the concept of a search engine that supports tree planting efforts. However, I've noticed some concerning elements while reviewing your privacy practices. The mention of network monitoring, click tracking, mouse positions, scrolling behavior, and particularly keylogging records raises some questions for me. Could you kindly shed light on why these practices are in place? For now I stay away from the extension.
  • (2023-08-05) Дима Листьев: Это очень крутая идея, слышал об этом поисковике недавно. И только теперь установил его
  • (2023-08-03) Marcos Lara: Es una magnífica idea poder ayudar al planeta plantando árboles, es inevitable buscar información en internet, pero si podemos lograr que esos beneficios vayan a objetivos ecológicos y sostenibles, mejor que mejor.
  • (2023-07-31) Shemay: I've been using this for 2 years and recently Ecosia became slower compared to using without it. I hope ecosia fix this.
  • (2023-07-19) Amgad Mohamed: It's an amazing tool! It makes web searching so much easier and faster. and u can et what ever u want from it easly even u use google of fire fox its the best ever
  • (2023-07-19) Nathan Bergfelt-Roundtree: Such a simple and useful search engine that works just as good as the rest! Plus it puts all that ad money to better use with particularly transparent business dealings in their monthly reports. They are a culture, activists, and pragmatists, love their copmany!
  • (2023-07-08) LoDYt coding!!: i just downloaded it cause of mock parliment
  • (2023-06-19) Anna Schwartau: I loved this for a long time, but now longing into my computer, it dosn't work anymore. It used to atamaticly go to the Ecosia search on the screen, almost like google, but now it goes staight to google, and I have to add it to my bookmarks if I want to use it, and even that doesn't word becase it brings me to the websight and none of my searches count. I would love it if someone could tell me why it changed or how to fix it. I also tried removing and readding it several times. Thank you, please help
  • (2023-06-08) Ratkingbob: bad
  • (2023-06-04) Sawyer P: It saves our planet
  • (2023-05-26) RACHAEL ORILEY: it really steals my info
  • (2023-05-26) loukas kotas: it really took a long time
  • (2023-05-26) seckel alex: revert back please
  • (2023-05-25) john ritter: Switch back to google search
  • (2023-04-19) Piper Mcleod: Ecosia is a great search engine i use in my everyday life to indirectly help the planet while i work. However there are many ways Ecosia can improve. 1. When you search a direct question on google it answers it in bold letter immediately without you having to look through websites yourself, if not asking a direct question, google will offer the "frequently asked questions" section which can be very helpful for gaining answers. Ecosia does not have these options, and it makes it difficult to find answers to research questions fast. 2. I wish Ecosia was customisable as when I used the google search engine I was able to add my own background of my family, which I can no longer do anymore. Other then this Ecosia is great and since it's fairly new I can definitely see these search engine updates in the future. However I have one more question: It says 170,000,000 Million trees have been planted by the ecosia community, I don't believe this many trees have been planted and this is just how many are going to be planted from the users searches, I'm worried Ecosia will not be able to planet this many trees with the number continuing to rise.
  • (2023-04-03) Caitlin O'Donnell: Overall love the extension but my only complaint is that it isn't customisable. This isn't a huge problem for me personally though so I would recommend this as it works the same as a normal browser with added benefits like grading websites on their environmental impact and sustainability. Love this extension personally
  • (2023-03-08) Iliana Camus: my only complaint is that the new look is gaudy and atrocious. can you add a feature that lets us toggle between the old look and the new look please? thank you :)
  • (2023-02-19) Sil Alicia Soriano Eusebio: Excelente proyecto!!!1 ayudemos al planeta!
  • (2023-02-15) Ryan Diskin: Love Ecosia! I have planted nearly 100 trees since starting to use this over the last couple years. Feels good
  • (2023-02-09) Lucas Franco Torres: I love ecosia, but I don't want its extension to change my new tab page. The only way to prevent it, is to disable the whole extension.
  • (2023-02-08) Bruno Alves: The extension helps to integrate ChatGPT into the search engine, it will display ChatGPT's response on the results page along with the results of Google, Bing, .... https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chatgpt-for-search-engine/feeonheemodpkdckaljcjogdncpiiban
  • (2023-01-27) Ada Law: Counter for tree planted was reset a while ago, and recently stopped at 10 for a prolonged period even though I used it every day.
  • (2023-01-20) 夜行凉: We are not allowed to change our default search engine after installing it?
  • (2023-01-16) Sara Castaño: Estoy muy contenta con Ecosia, hace su trabajo y esa consciencia ecológica satisface mucho. El estilo, la estética y la dinámica del diseño es enriquecedora y totalmente agradable. Lo recomiendo muchísimo.
  • (2023-01-14) Kaelyn Peterson: been using this extension for years and it has never given me any issues. why not give it a try
  • (2023-01-13) Duck Song Fans: good
  • (2023-01-06) Mirian Luzia C. Fonkam: Tecnologia é pode também a preservar ajudar o meio-ambiente. Brilhante iniciativa!
  • (2023-01-05) leconte julien: Rapide, fluide, similaire aux grands moteurs de recherche du marché en terme de résultats de recherches, je recommande
  • (2022-12-07) KARTIK RATURI: best projet ever
  • (2022-12-03) Michelle G: Maybe let's let people chose their own background. I love Ecosia just in the future let us make our own background. I don;t care about light or dark I just want my own tab background back. You do that and I'll come running back + many people!
  • (2022-10-13) Floofi CLAY (Fluffy Mercury): i have this on all of my google accounts it plants trees and helps me get answers to questions fast and easy
  • (2022-08-31) i love intellectual talk “exposing our stupidity”: For people who need Dark mode : you can enable dark mode by chrome flags if you don't know about it please search it. ----------------------------------------------------------- hope we all can help even little help to make earth best place for all creatures and all of us can help each other out even its very little help
  • (2022-08-19) Pol Marzo i Montoro: Genial
  • (2022-08-02) switch hero gaming: I hope u may make a bit like google. eg started websites etc. But still SUPPORT ECOSIA. Love the work team ECOSIA.............THANK YOU for helping the world
  • (2022-07-23) Steve Rogers: i heckin love trees.
  • (2022-07-04) sshitw aw: rất hay ^^
  • (2022-06-26) Cody Saucier: Works great! Awesome way to help the planet while browsing.
  • (2022-06-22) Víctor Adrián Rodríguez Armas: En mi opinión es el mejor buscador del mercado, la empresa es transparente y no hay reparto de beneficios entre socios. Aproximadamente el 80% de los beneficios los utilizan para plantar árboles y el resto se reinvierten en la empresa. El buscador es muy bueno y no echo de menos usar Google. Aparte de esto, la empresa es europea, por lo que al utilizar la app estarás creando empleo en Europa y ayudando al mundo a plantar árboles. Algunos de los lugares dónde Ecosia ha donado dinero para plantar árboles es Sudamérica y también en España :) Te recomiendo encarecidamente que aunque sea pruebes el buscador!
  • (2022-06-16) Fractional Void (FVoid): Great extension, they should add a option to disable ecosia new tab though because I use another extension to customize my new tab page and i prefer that over ecosia + ecosia doesn't have dark mode
  • (2022-03-23) jefferson: exelente
  • (2022-03-22) Jason Rivera: no sirve
  • (2022-03-20) 슈나: 뭔진 모르겠지만 아주좋아요
  • (2022-03-20) Madeline Christabel: Honestly its a great and awesome extemsion! Love how we're saving the evnvironment too while searching. I just wished that there's a dark mode available though
  • (2022-03-19) Raban Kathariya: this is good
  • (2022-03-17) jhon depablos: Ecosia is a search engine like Google
  • (2022-03-09) Tareq Patwary: Yeah it is truly the best!
  • (2022-03-09) HyBro The Hysonist: really helpful for the economy!
  • (2022-02-26) Sarah Duncan: Great way to help the environment just by searching the web! Just wish it was a google search engine rather than bing.
  • (2022-02-26) Jake Small: love this... a simple and free way to help protect our planet's fragile ecosystems and the innocent animals who call them home


1,000,000 history
4.7093 (2,401 votes)
Last update / version
2025-03-06 / 7.1.0
Listing languages
it nl en es de fr
