Description from extension meta
One-click access to your Trello Boards
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Description from store
Quickly access your Boards on Trello via a handy popup in Google Chrome using Trello official API.
Features included:
- Access all your boards on Trello in one click
- Quick-search filtering of your boards
- See your unread notification count
- View starred and unseen activity indicators
- Boards are grouped by organization
Just click to the extension icon to get access to all your Trello boards and your tasks.
Now you don't need to open Trello webside each time you want to recall you current tasks.
You will save a ton of your time! Just use our extension with Trello.
We also add your Trello boards on the New Tab for quick access! You should only open new tab page (hotkey Ctrl+T) and you will see your boards with actual tasks for nearest time.
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Latest reviews
- (2023-08-12) a “the” w: Invalid return_url. Wildcard ("*") allowed origins are no longer supported. Contact the developer. See
- (2023-07-21) Inox Produtos Ltda: Não funciona, diz que alguns caracteres não são mais suportados e pede pra entrar em contato com o desenvolvedor.
- (2022-08-26) Branimir Kolar: not working
- (2022-01-04) Dan McGaw: The app no longer works because Atlassian changed API rules
- (2021-12-23) DownHouse DownHouseRe: Doesn't work Invalid return_url. Wildcard ("*") allowed origins are no longer supported. Contact the developer. See
- (2021-12-01) Ladislav Šulc: Stopped working. See:
- (2021-08-08) Bryan Conlon: Hijacks your New Tab. This was useful from the pinned extensions, but now I have to remove it. Add a configuration to set the new tab behavior if I want it. Poor development!
- (2020-09-07) Alexander Ku: I do not need the home page to open my tasks. Why is it not disabled in the settings?
- (2020-09-07) R G: This was ok until recently when it hijacked my New Tab function, and now every New Tab opened goes to the Trello boards. A terrible idea and there is no control to disable that function. I have disabled this extension and if the issue is not repaired will simply remove it from Chrome.
- (2020-07-29) Petar Ivkovic: This extension contains malware. DO NOT INSTALL!!!!!
- (2020-07-29) lanice serafim: uma merda
- (2020-07-29) Лейла Мамедов: вроде все ок
- (2020-07-28) Geraldo Santana: otimo
- (2019-11-16) Eno Thiemann: Edit II: The original app seems to have been taken over, the old URLs and the paid features disappear once you re-install it. Furthermore, it changes your Chrome start page to their own. Not recommended. Edit: Problems have been solved after some e-mails, a daily time saver, reliable and effective :). Started out pretty neat, but is constantly showing notifications even though I disabled it. Also, notifications cannot be cleared, and some UI improvements are long announced but overdue. Sadly, this seems like another project being (temporarily?) abandoned.
- (2019-09-09) It was my surprise to find a new tab page is changed even though its overview does claim this will happen. I don't like the idea of choosing a search engine of a new tab every time.
- (2019-09-04) Wue Xiang Gooi: The idea is good and would be useful if it works as described. But it doesnt, cant load any content after login my trello account.
- (2019-05-11) Silokini Santhanakrishnan: original, very good and handy
- (2019-04-22) 李逸池: I bought the pro version about 1 year ago but today it went back to the free version and noticed me to unlock the Pro version again. When I clicked the upgrade button in this extension, it redirected to one unavailable URL: . I do think this is the major reason why the pro status was expired. Disappointed.
- (2019-04-11) Miku Okajima: このエクステンションを追加してから新しいタブのページがGoogle検索に偽装した別の検索エンジンに置き換わってしまいました。詳しくはすべての言語のレビューを参照してください。昨年末のアップデートで改悪されたようです。 Googleに偽装している時点で悪質ですし、何らかの情報を集めている可能性がありますので現時点では削除推奨です。
- (2019-02-03) Franz Haidacher: This extension is broken! It breaks the new tab page! Stay away from it!
- (2019-01-31) Fabrice Verrier: Remplace la page de nouvel onglet, ce n'est pas le comportement attendu.
- (2019-01-28) Great functionality but totally overrides your Chrome theme visualization
- (2019-01-22) Shakil Shahadat: Why it is changing my new tab page?
- (2019-01-11) Esteban Viveros: Parecia uma excelente aplicação a princípio, porém fiquei muito decepcionado ao constatar que a extensão toma conta do botão adicionar aba e modifica o buscador principal, modificando para o bing sem me pedir e ainda quebra os ícones das últimas páginas visualizadas.
- (2018-12-21) Waninkoko: Just as mentioned in previous comments, the extension has just replaced my new tab page.
- (2018-12-09) ekarron: it replaces new tab page!
- (2018-11-23) Birgit Schultz: Ich habe die Erweiterung jetzt mehrere Jahre im Einsatz gehabt und war begeistert. Trotzdem nur ein Stern? Ja, denn seit dem letzten Update übernimmt Boards for Trello die Steuerung der "neuer Tab" Funktion und deaktiviert das von mir gleichfalls installierte Momentum. Das war's dann leider für Boards for Trello, denn das ist für mich nicht akzeptabel.
- (2018-11-22) Maciej Bartylak: After the recent update replaces the default new tab page for absolutely no reason with no option to turn off.
- (2018-11-22) Charlie Fisher: This extension just automatically replaced my home page tab and most people wouldn't notice as it looks the same. The 'about us' sends you to Parallis website. Reported.
- (2018-11-22) Jonathan Turetta: Replace the page that you see when opening a new tab, a brutal change that was not agreed before. Shameful.
- (2018-11-21) Pietro Lo Fria: It was great until recently. Now it hijacks my New Tab page and can't search my trello board from Chrome I used to. Glad to know I'm not the only one this has happened to.
- (2018-11-21) Rob Schaerer: The extension is pretty cool with what it does for Trello, but there was a recent update that hijacks the browser and redirects the new tab page through a different search engine and makes an intentional effort at deceiving the user that they are actually searching through Google's home screen on Chrome, but the search and data is actually being redirected elsewhere. No idea what they have been collecting or what they are after.
- (2018-11-20) Tong Teng: Replace the page that you see when opening a new tab????
- (2018-11-19) Ewen Wallace: MALWARE - this extension seems to have been sold to a hacker. Now hijacks your new tabs page and $Detiy knows what else.
- (2018-11-19) Just Sturgis: Was a 5 star extension. Suddenly it has hijacked my 'new tab' page and without any obvious clue that this new "Parallis" page is tied to "Boards for Trello". No way to disable the new tab hijacker in settings or anywhere else. That's shady. Uninstalling.
- (2018-09-04) Flameater Flameater: Now it's not working. Been working before. Now it keeps on telling me to install it, even though it's already installed.
- (2017-07-03) Extension Guru: Hello! We want to introduce to your attention the most profitable extension monetization. By using our system developers get the maximal income. For more detail information contact to us using this contacts. Skype: extguru ICQ: 654784658 Jabber: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
- (2017-05-10) Michael Doepke: Klasse Erweiterung um schnell zu Trello allgemein oder zu einzelnen Boards zu springen