extension ExtPose

Fonts Ninja

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Speed up your design workflow!

Image from store Fonts Ninja
Description from store Identify fonts from any website, bookmark and organize them. ----------------- Features : Whole new UI! Font DNA Our proprietary algorithm analyses font files to get more accurate results. Rollover any text to get the font name and CSS properties. The main extension window will also display a summary of all font used on a website. BTW, we dramatically improved the processing speed (this could change depending on websites). Font details You can get more information about fonts. Check how many styles are available, their foundry, and price. Font Bookmarks Bookmark fonts and manage your font bookmarks right within the extension. You can also share them with your friends or the people you work with. Similar Fonts We help you get inspired and find similar or complementary fonts. Search You can also search fonts using multiple parameters and filters (characters shape, license type, price...) Feedback and support: [email protected]

Latest reviews

  • (2023-11-14) Dmitry Shuklin: I no more recommend this service. It looks very bad now, I would prefer to choose an alternative. Good luck.
  • (2023-10-28) LIL: не работает
  • (2023-10-23) Samuele gg: Preferire questa estensione rispetto ad altre significa avere il meglio per questo scopo. È la migliore estensione scoperta e testata finora. I risultati sono affidabili e il riconoscimento è accurato e preciso. L'estensione è particolarmente pratica poiché, una volta attivata, mostra un popup dinamico visibile continuamente senza il fastidio di un menu contestuale o di un popup che scompare. È un'estensione completa e altamente funzionale che ti consente di salvare e installare caratteri, annotare informazioni, eseguire backup e ripristini. Inoltre, scegliendo tra una varietà di stili, vengono evidenziate tutte le parole della pagina che corrispondono allo stile scelto, il che è molto utile. Infine, l'estensione ti dà la possibilità di modificare il tema e l'icona visualizzati nella barra delle estensioni. Preferring this extension above others means having the best for this purpose. It is the best extension that has been discovered and tested so far. The results are trustworthy and the recognition is accurate and precise. The extension is particularly practical since, once activated, it displays a dynamic popup that is visible continuously without the bother of a contextual menu or a popup that vanishes. It is a comprehensive and highly functional extension that allows you to save and install fonts, annotate information, perform backups and restores. In addition, by choosing from a variety of styles, all the words on the page that match the chosen style are highlighted, which is quite helpful. Finally, the extension gives you the option to modify the theme and icon that display in the extension bar.
  • (2023-10-14) OwenCece Cute TV: It works
  • (2023-07-27) Tony Cinquieme-Dimension: Ça fonctionne... uniquement pour les polices qu'il connait. Pour une police propriétaire, il ne la reconnait pas. Pourtant, il suffit de lire les propriétés CSS de l'élément... Si on regarde la propriété font-family de l'élément, on voit bien la bonne police. Je comptait dire à mon client d'installer l'extension pour qu'il vérifie les polices, je m'en garderais bien ! Dommage.
  • (2023-07-25) Harsh Singh: Loving it.
  • (2023-07-19) Bianca D' Amelio: Funciona bien, super útil
  • (2023-07-09) Crispin Schröder: What they said.
  • (2023-07-04) نورا مصطفي: Awesome , i love it thanks
  • (2023-05-12) Quang Công Tiến: QUÁ XỊN XÒ CON BÒ LUÔN
  • (2023-05-11) Test User: Не работает
  • (2023-02-16) Prakhar: So good and helpful
  • (2022-12-05) Jacob Zinn: Works great! Just remember to click on chrome extension to activate.
  • (2022-11-24) Al FA (Psy_pmP): Doesnt work in DevTools
  • (2022-06-30) NachtStern85: It's a good tool but it's lagging, he replace the tags and the unterline appears but there is no pop-up (under extension icon and text that is hoverd on) to show the attributes, this issue is often the case.
  • (2022-06-23) Madison Schutt: Within seconds extension helped me identify a font I'd be searching for elsewhere for aaaages! So incredibly helpful!
  • (2022-04-11) Всеволод Толкачев: очень слабый функционал
  • (2022-04-10) José Herrera: Súper Útil, Recomendadísima.
  • (2022-03-27) Samuele gg: Per aggiungere fonts ai segnalibri dell'estensione, richiede la registrazione, ma non funziona il modulo di registrazione. _____________________________ To add fonts to extension bookmarks, it requires registration, but the registration form doesn't work.
  • (2022-01-28) M B: Отличное приложение... Благодарю
  • (2021-10-26) 永永YongYong: 不错不错的
  • (2021-09-06) Adnan: great !
  • (2021-07-08) Pascaline Lefebvre: Excellent!
  • (2021-05-18) Валерия Минакова: Единственное расширение которое точно определяет шрифты, размеры и цвета
  • (2021-05-14) Axel Thauvin: English : Clearly this extension is the best of its kind. Already, the fonts are explained very clearly, and we have an incredible overview of the fonts (not to mention that they have pushed the sense of detail to know what type of font is used on the page) The application allows in 2 clicks to download the font / or even better to have it on adobe font Best application, I'm going to buy it right now! Français : Clairement cette extension est la mieux faite en son genre. Déjà, les polices sont expliqués très clairement, et on a une overview des polices incroyable (sans compter qu'ils ont poussé le sens du détail pour avoir jusqu'à quel type de police est utilisé sur la page) L'application permet en 2 clicks de télécharger la police / ou encore mieux de l'avoir sur adobe font Meilleure application, je vais l'acheter de ce pas !
  • (2021-03-30) Dmitrij Paškevič: It has become overly complicated to use. Not loading every other time.
  • (2021-03-23) Mélan Rouillon: Très utile !
  • (2021-02-01) Bjorn Bennett: I am a Front-end Designer/Developer and this is definitely a must-have extension. I use it every single day and it's a lot quicker than opening dev tools to track down the font. Thanks!
  • (2020-12-05) Thanaphon Sribunruang: Very easy and convenient to use.
  • (2020-12-03) Mircea W. Gutu: It used to be a godlike tool to quickly see the font and size etc. But since some updates in freezes very often and it just doesn't work as it used to do. Really sad! : /
  • (2020-11-05) Emad Uddin: Great Extension
  • (2020-11-05) DIVERSANT: Отличное приложение и простое в управлении
  • (2020-10-22) Sofi Ratzabi: Very useful for designers. I love option add fonts from Adobe fonts!! May be you can add option recognize font from picture in future? !Thank you very much.
  • (2020-09-10) Richard Fogaça: Awesome!
  • (2020-09-08) Chris Becker: Solid. Worth a try
  • (2020-09-04) Moira Langton Sørensen: Elsker det! Gør hvad den siger den gør (hvis du ved hvad jeg mener!). Fortæller dig hvad fonten hedder og hvor du kan skaffe den... hvis den kan skaffes. Skaffer den ikke for dig, tja!!! Super nemt at anvende!!
  • (2020-08-21) Сало Звисало: инструмент пушка. не много не удобно с первого раза, но оценки не меняет.
  • (2020-08-17) 062 Muhamad Daffa Wicaksana: Keren! Berfungsi dengan baik, cocok digunakan oleh developer maupun designer, atau bahkan kalau sekadar penasaran font apa yang digunakan di suatu website.
  • (2020-08-14) Ali Hamza Aybek: abicim ben nasıl kullanılıyor anlamadın biri dermi üstüne tıklıyom bişey olmuyo?
  • (2020-08-03) Anton Mukha: При открытии расширения он меняет все стили на странице
  • (2020-07-22) Aske Aske: Это лучший плагин из подобных, но ставлю 4: Есть серьёзная UX недоработка - не могу выделить и скопировать название шрифта. Я каждый раз ищу шрифт в гугле и мне приходиться делать больше кликов заходя в информацию о шрифте или набирать его. В некоторых случаях он выделяется. Ещё одной проблемой становится исчезание списка всех шрифтов на странице, если начать вводить его в окне. Нет кнопки "вернутся к списку" приходиться обновлять страницу. Я надеюсь вы исприавите это.
  • (2020-04-14) Can't identify font from image Hi at the first time when i installed this extension i can used identify font from image in chrome browser. But now i can only find fonts from websites. But in fire fox font ninja extension it have ability to identify fonts from images. Now my question is that how can i identify images in chrome font ninja extension??
  • (2020-03-30) Serge Kashevko: It' nice, but please add option to change the extension icon.
  • (2020-03-13) AL Mamun: nice
  • (2020-03-02) Sue Howard: Can no longer identify font in images. Looking for an alternative.
  • (2020-02-29) TV-Obscure: scam
  • (2020-01-30) Inner Dragon: It's not free anymore...
  • (2020-01-22) Maxime Ramos: Before we could save the fonts of the sites we visited as favorites, but is that no longer possible? It was really interesting!
  • (2020-01-22) Molly Cutts: I've been using this extension for years, it has been great for my design workflow. However, recently it stopped working entirely. I just get a spinning wheel and the fonts never load. This has been a problem for a couple of months now. Please fix.
  • (2020-01-20) ALi Kazemi: Easy to use!


900,000 history
4.3243 (700 votes)
Last update / version
2024-12-17 / 7.1.4
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