extension ExtPose

Samsung Internet

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Inicie sessão na sua conta Samsung para aceder aos favoritos noutros dispositivos.

Image from store Samsung Internet
Description from store ※ New features * Improved UX and usability The Samsung Internet extension allows you to easily sync your bookmarks on Samsung Internet for Android to your PC. It can be activated by logging into your Samsung account, and the synced bookmarks are saved in the secure Samsung Cloud storage. The extension is available on Windows, Linux, and Mac. privacy policy https://account.samsung.com/membership/etc/specialTC.do?fileName=personaldatamgmt.html

Latest reviews

  • (2024-10-05) Jiri Triska: Myšlenka dobrá, možná by bylo jednoduší pouze odkazy přeposílat z mobilu do PC místo ukládání formou záložek. Problém je neustálé odhlašování z doplňku chrome. edit: 2024 - opraveno, doplněk se už náhodně neodhlašuje Good idea, maybe it would be easier to just send the website link to PC instead of saving them as favorites. The problem I'm having is constant logging out of the Samsung Chrome addon. edit: 2024 - fixed, the addon is no longer randomly logging off
  • (2024-07-07) Рамазан Магомедов: Ни с того ни с сего пропала бóльшая часть закладок, импортированных с браузера Chrome. Пришлось отказаться от этого недорасширения и недобраузера от Samsung...
  • (2024-07-03) 김주영: 북마크 동기화를 하고 싶어도 로그인하려고 이메일 적고 다음을 누르면 웹페이지를 불러올 수 없음 이 웹페이지가 일정 시간 내에 응답하지 않았습니다. ※ IAMUSSauseast1_1719982730557_99999-0279794704.999 이렇게 뜨면서 로그인이 안되고 있음. 확장프로그램 삭제했다가 다시 깔아봐도 같은 현상만 계속되고 있음.
  • (2024-06-07) 허진행 (미원): 일단 잘 안되는것 같아서 별은 1개만 주는데요 삼성에서 Windows용 삼성 인터넷을 개발중이라 합니다. (개발 중 패키지가 실수로 Microsoft Store에 노출되었고 삼성측에서도 기자에게 개발 중인건 사실이라고 밝혔으므로 뇌피셜은 아님) 이 답답함이 곧 해소되기를 바랍니다.
  • (2024-05-14) S Taylor: BEWARE OF NEW FEATURE - IMPORTING CHROME BOOKMARKS using the Samsung Internet extension on the desktop and then enabling sync on phone so that chrome bookmarks are available there. In the Desktop extension my bookmarks looked ok, with the folder structure for my Chrome Bookmarks all correct. ON THE PHONE OMG! My samsung bookmark folders are now empty and the Chrome bookmarks that did sync are all higgledeepiggledy with the original folder structure gone, folders empty and an endless list of bookmarks. I think that there must be a limit to the number of bookmarks that can be synced to the mobile samsung browser and I have a lot more in Chrome. Perhaps that is part of the problem. Cannot find guidance or help anywhere. May just delete all my bookmarks from Samsung and start again. Ugggh!
  • (2024-03-02) T_web: It's working again, thank you (2./2024)! The extension works as expected. It's possible to access my Samsung Internet bookmarks on my Chrome browser (PC version). BUT: You cannot drag them into Chrome. This ist not possible. Instead you have to open the bookmarks from the Samsung Extension per Folder and Ctrl-Shift-D them all at once into another folder in Chrome. This is quite a lot of work to do if you have a large bookmark hierarchy in Samsung Internet (as me). It too many, many hours... ;-/ WARNING: Do NOT use Samsung Internet for bookmarks any further, because it is a one way story. Do not use a tool which is not able to export your data. But ok, the browser is fast and comfortable for webpages and I will use it further on. But not for saving bookmarks...
  • (2024-02-23) Aprino Achmad (Ino): Mohon untuk menambahkan tombol sinkron dan kata sandi yang tersimpan di Ponsel saya
  • (2023-11-28) Steve SDL: Excellent app works with my Chrome Bookmarks and I can see the same on my PC and Phone. The easiest way to set this up is go to your Samsung internet extension then click on Import Chrome Bookmarks either by importing or replacing then it should sync with your phone, you can sync again via settings in the Samsung internet extension just click on sync... but you may have to do this process again by importing & syncing if you make any changes :)
  • (2023-11-12) Alan Miller: this does absolutely nothing. I have spent an hour trying to get my bookmarks to simply sync and it DOES NOT WORK remove this from the extensions as it is completely broken
  • (2023-11-04) A simple Cam. Chambers: just brings my back to home page
  • (2023-10-29) Luis Angel Viramontes (L.A.): Wont sync all of your bookmarks for whatever reason. It's always been like this for as long as i can remember. Terrible extension.
  • (2023-10-28) Александр: Работает даже на стареньком S8+. Надо подождать несколько минут и все закладки синхронизировались в обоих направлениях. Супер!
  • (2023-10-27) Joseph White: I was disappointed to learn that all this does is sync bookmarks, then even more disappointed to learn that it doesn't actually do that either. Huge missed opportunity.
  • (2023-10-24) 俞宜: 能不能增加導出書籤和導入書籤的功能?你們同步書籤功能像詐騙集團,常常沒作用
  • (2023-10-23) Nick Polwin: A few things. Do Samsung actually look at the reviews here if they do they will discover this is useless and doesn't work. On both of my Samsung devices phone and tab shows 37 items synced. These are all bookmarks but do they show up in Samsung Internet itself?? NO just the default ones in there so what these 37 items are I don't know. The stand alone Samsung Pass also doesn't work on my new Dell XPS laptop with the latest Windows 10 and 11 builds and tpm module, all I get is Cant run on this computer message and just bombs out. Good greef. Its not as if I'm a novice, been in I.T support for 30 years Back to using Chrome and Edge on the phone and Tablet. Waste of time and effort.
  • (2023-10-23) Burak: It works
  • (2023-10-23) Daniel Tullis: Broken. Does literally nothing. Don't waste your time - your Chrome bookmarks will not appear in Samsung Internet on your mobile device.
  • (2023-10-19) Máté Kampf: Nem szinkronizálja a könyvjelzőket és ha rendezni akarom a könyvjelzőket töröl néhányat belőle!!
  • (2023-10-18) chuva chuvicka: Sync doesn't work!!!!!
  • (2023-10-14) Lisa: Does not work....no surprise there, Samsung. Why does Samsung have to make everything so difficult. If I would have had any idea that I would not be able to export my bookmarks to another browser, I never would have used it in the first place. There is an extension you can download on Chrome to import your Chrome bookmarks to Samsung but you cannot export Samsung bookmarks to Chrome. Then you add in their non-existent tech support and it goes from an annoyance to being utterly maddening. Thank you for holding my bookmarks hostage, Samsung. An iPhone looks better and better all the time.
  • (2023-10-14) Shirley Hsiao: 好用,能把手机上的书签同步到电脑,也能把chrome的书签导入到三星浏览器,
  • (2023-10-05) Baran Arslan: Bazı eksikleri var bilgisayarda yeni yer imi ekleyince otomatik kaydetmiyor benim tekrar yer imlerimi aktar demem gerekiyor, bide bilgisayardaki yer imlerini telefondan görebiliyorum ama telefondaki yer imlerini bilgisayardan göremiyorum ve samsung cihazlarda açık olan sekmeleri samsung cihazlardan görebilmemiz gibi bilgisayardan samsung cihazlarda açık olan sekmeleri görebilsek güzel olurmuş.
  • (2023-10-03) Kristina Edwards: Sync does not work. only clear prompt, cant see any bookmarks. please fix
  • (2023-09-30) Zoltán Gábor Németh: Jelszavakat nem képes átvinni. Samsung Pass-t követel hozá, ami csak és kizárólag Samsung számítógépeken működik. Könyvjelzőknek az ikonját nem viszi át, így amik csak ikonnal vannak kitéve a könyvjelzősávba, abból egy nagy rakás "no title" lesz, ikon nélkül megkülönböztethetelnül. Legalább a webcímet tenné oda...
  • (2023-09-21) Eric Domingo: no longer syncs as of july 2023 please fix
  • (2023-09-21) sukhdeep gill: Samsung bookmarks from my Tablet (S7 FE) stopped syncing to chrome extension while those being created in the extension are syncing back to the tablet !.., that means I need to create the bookmarks in the chrome extension only to sync them back to the tablet and not vice versa ... this actually takes away the charm !
  • (2023-09-06) i.am. Martunovich: Вообще не синхронизируется через Google
  • (2023-09-02) Hamid Reza Daryanavard: Not Working no sign in ! Fix this issue! -------> For Now sign in with QR Code! but add send and receive directly sites with Samsung browser and edge. and make faster sync bookmarks and samsung notes add Samsung pass for all pc and Samsung Notes sync and sync history and add dark reader extension for samsung internet. tank you! from Iran <3
  • (2023-09-02) Rokuro En: 최근들어 북마크 동기화 수동으로 해도 업데이트도 언되고, 폰에 있는 북마크가 갑자기 사라지고 하네요
  • (2023-08-30) JhecC (ジェック): I cant sign in with the extension. Please fix using google chrome.
  • (2023-08-26) rishi: very poor..sync never occurs automatically..pathetic
  • (2023-08-16) Carlos Andres Cerda Veloz: Pretty useless. Sync does not work and the way the extension opens the bookmark view is just too paintful to use when looking between many bookmarks.
  • (2023-08-15) Jason G: Sync does not work and has not it seems since mid-July 2023, tried disabling the ad-blocker as others have mentioned, signing out and signing-in again, hitting 'Sync Now'.... no change, bookmarks saved on my Tab will show up in bookmarks on my phone and vice versa, but nothing on the PC in the past month.
  • (2023-08-15) Murat Khabibulin: It doesn't work! No sync at all. Ad-block on the laptop is diabled. Sync to cloud is enabled on both the laptop and Samsung Internet on smartphone. Frustrating!
  • (2023-08-06) Дмитро Алєксєєв: your app doesn't !! does not synchronize
  • (2023-07-31) 난닝구: 크롬하고 동기화 하기 힘들어 죽것네
  • (2023-07-30) K TS: 7월 내내 북마크 동기화가 안되고 있음
  • (2023-07-27) 樂多養: 連登入都沒辦法登入...
  • (2023-07-23) David Císař: Funguje pěkně.
  • (2023-07-11) Karoly Hellner: Samsung A52s 5g-n Android 12-re frissítés után újra működik :-)
  • (2023-07-05) 김태희: 현재 북마크 가져오기를 하면 가져오는 중이라고만 뜨고 완료되질 않네요. 어떤 문제인거죠??
  • (2023-06-12) Iñigo Fuertes Alonso: dont work
  • (2023-06-09) Achyuth Suchit: This worked fine on edge, but on opera gx none of bookmarks are shown, even though I've signed in and it says it syncing with cloud.
  • (2023-06-01) Tony Lex: doesn't synchronize bookmarks
  • (2023-05-29) Lorenzo Ghedini: Funzionava bene, ma da qualche settimana non sincronizza più nulla.
  • (2023-05-24) bau haus: 正常に動作すればとても素晴らしい拡張機能ですので、下記の対応をお願いいたします。 以前は設定の「Samsungクラウドと同期」という項目から同期を実行できていましたが、すべてのブックマークが同期されず空っぽのフォルダがいくつもできていました。同期できるブックマークの件数に上限がある場合は、その上限を大きくしてください。(※2万件以上でお願いします。)それ以外の原因があれば修正をお願いいたします。 最近は設定の「Samsungクラウドと同期」という項目自体がグレーアウトになっていて、同期を実行することもできなくなりました。修正をお願いいたします。
  • (2023-05-21) Christoffer Andersson: Does not work
  • (2023-05-10) Joonhyuk Song: 계정 로그인은 시도 때도 없이 풀리고, 크롬 즐겨찾기 동기화 할 때마다 삼성 브라우저 내 즐겨찾기 폴더 초기화되고 순서는 다 뒤섞임
  • (2023-05-09) 오현석: 엣지 브라우저로 북마크 옮기고 있는데 만들어 둔 폴더 밖으로 웹사이트들이 다 튀어나옵니다
  • (2023-05-05) Silivan Munguarakarama: The extension stopped working as of April! Please fix


100,000 history
2.9865 (1,110 votes)
Last update / version
2024-12-13 / 2.8.16
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