Description from extension meta
Konwertuj pliki z jednego formatu w inny. Wsparcie dla ponad 2500 różnych konwersji.
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Description from store
Konwertuj pliki z jednego formatu w inny.
Wsparcie dla ponad 2500 różnych konwersji:
✓ Konwerter Archiwum (rar do zip, 7z do zip, ...)
✓ Konwerter Audio (wav do mp3, m4a do mp3, ...)
✓ Konwerter Dokumentów (pdf do jpg, doc do pdf, ...)
✓ Konwerter e-Booków (epub do pdf, epub do mobi, ...)
✓ Konwerter Obrazów (png do ico, png do jpg, ...)
✓ Konwerter Prezentacji (ppt do pdf, ppt do jpg, ...)
✓ Konwerter Wideo (mkv do mp4, mov do mp4, ...)
✓ Narzędzia PDF (PDF kompresji, scalanie pdf odblokować pdf, strony internetowej do formatu PDF)
✓ Narzędzie OCR (Rozpoznaj Tekst, optyczne rozpoznawanie znaków)
Możesz używać Google Drive lub Dropbox: rozpocznij konwersje, wyjdź z aplikacji i po prostu zaczekaj, aż pliki pojawią się w chmurze.
Latest reviews
- (2022-03-21) can ünal: çok kaliteli ve güzel tavsiye ederim.
- (2022-03-09) Shah Rez: Very useful and handy program but why you don't have any section for adding Link URL? it seems tat you had it before and it is gone now! It is in the pics of extension in here
- (2022-02-17) Imanuel D.: really useful
- (2022-02-16) Robin710_X: Esta Aplicacion Se La Recomiendo Mucho 100% Sin Virus Ni Nada Descarguenlo y No Soy Un Bot
- (2022-02-06) Richard Masny: Fantastický konvertor!!!
- (2022-02-04) andl23: Mi ha permesso di convertire delle immagini da .heic a .jpg in un attimo gratuitamente (seppur a due alla volta) e senza scaricare niente.😯
- (2022-02-02) Andrea Sanchez: Muy buena extensión, útil y práctica. 100/100
- (2022-01-28) Kabindra Thapa: t make cursr but it makes small
- (2022-01-11) hfd 17769737375: 给4颗心不是说你们产品差,而是你们的产品很好,但是依然有进步空间,比如字体转化里面缺少woff2;综合定性:好东西!
- (2022-01-10) CorvusTheFurfag: tak
- (2021-12-23) Shivanesh Kumar: Very Nice And Easy Extension/Website To Convert One File To Other Of Your Chose With A Wide Options
- (2021-12-15) Nonda Justice: Does not give clarity to small items, but is good on large scale
- (2021-12-07) THEOVAN134: DIsculpen gente, ¿Existirá la forma de convertir videos a 60 FPS? Muchas gracias, agradezco su respuesta. (Un abrazo).
- (2021-12-03) khoa Anh Trần Nguyễn: Tốt và HIệu Quả
- (2021-12-01) Fumiko Yoneta: Muito prático, totalmente gratuito e, até onde experimentei, sem limites. Transformou perfeitamente uma foto de um documento em japonês pra um arquivo em word. Perfeito.
- (2021-11-30) Montse Gomez Fernandez: Apunto que No me ha gustado esta app porque solo admite videos de 100Mg para poder convertirlos. La opción es la de pago para los de mayor tamaño. .... Que pena!
- (2021-11-25) Josh Pully: Muhteşem!
- (2021-11-23) Delia Maia: Não consegui usar.... Affs!
- (2021-11-22) Nico Rodriguez de Pinedo: Es un muy buen programa, me facilita los trabajos
- (2021-11-17) Nguyễn Hạnh: Rất thích
- (2021-11-10) Dragon Vietnam: Chất lượng rất tốt, ổn mặc dù không biết nó có theo dõi gì ko nhưng nó chuyển đổi rất ok nha
- (2021-11-07) Rebecca Stewart: easy to use
- (2021-10-04) josh Fernandez: Esta bien la app pero no me corre el fry fayer
- (2021-10-04) Ibrahim Alturky: Simple and Easy to use
- (2021-09-23) Sudhir Shenoy: Its sooooo satisfying!!! Must try extension!!!!! Loved it! Awesome and useful for both teachers and students!!!!
- (2021-09-01) Alexander Demidov: Попробовал десяток конвертеров (онлайн и оффлайн, включая Calibre) для конвертации сложно структурированного doc-файла на русском языке, некорректно отображаемого в ONYX BOOX Darwin 4 и Moon+ Reader на Андройде, в формат MOBI для Kindle Paperwhite - это единственный, который справился с задачей безукоризненно.
- (2021-08-16) Minh Long Trần: được... tốt hơn nếu có thể chuyển đổi tại chỗ
- (2021-08-06) Александр Борисенко: Приложение SUPER ! Быстро сделал конвертацию документа и распечатал. Спасибо Вам большое !!!
- (2021-07-29) Jose Enrique: Muy útil para convertir archivos CSV a formato de Excel estándar.
- (2021-07-26) Samuel zito: Convertio esta destruido, ele é serviço de pagar
- (2021-07-25) Shaka: Works well for me converting those pesky jfiff files!
- (2021-07-03) yelsp: unica cosa: le gif occupano un casino, sarebbe figo se modificaste il vostro sistema di conversione in modo da alleggerirle un pochino.
- (2021-06-17) Prashi Dash: The only online file converter i trust tbh
- (2021-06-02) Minh Trịnh: cảm ơn ad nhé
- (2021-05-27) Christopher Trimm: I d'l the extension to google extensions without sync, it converts files in my drive and I download from convertio to my files. It could not be easier.
- (2021-05-27) Wal Wes: Хорошо,DOC,DOCX,PDF в FB-2 без претензий.Спасибо.
- (2021-05-20) jojomullerr: Muito bom! Agora posso transformar minhas imagens PNG em ICO, muito obrigado aos desenvolvedores!
- (2021-05-06) Moey Gaming: Terbaik , Recomended dah, thanks Developh
- (2021-05-05) Сергей Прудников: Лучшее что я встречал! работает четко и быстро!
- (2021-05-03) Eternal Youth: ¡ES LA MEJOR CONVERTIDORA DE ARCHIVOS DE JFIF A JPF! ¡DESCARGUENLA AHORA! Si no la descargan los mato. (Broma)
- (2021-04-28) Саша Ткачев: Всего 10 минут в день! Это мошенничество!(((
- (2021-04-22) kevin ataman: cant convert exe files
- (2021-04-19) Albino Oliveira: Não consigo trocar png por ico
- (2021-04-06) Phiêu Lưu Công Tử: convert bảng từ file pdf sang xls hay xlsx bằng tool này bị mất các ô bảng, bị trộn vào chung 1 dòng
- (2021-03-25) sᴇʟɪᴍ ᴋɪʙᴀʀ: Funktioniert sehr gut! Auser dem ist die Website am besten
- (2021-03-08) Brito Bluestaks: Interface e Funções perfeito. vamos dar lhe uso, e se for bom na utilização reconsidero 5 estrelas. Desde já, Parabéns.
- (2021-03-02) KpuaTuB: Очень удобно, мне нравится.
- (2021-02-27) yanbin chen: 超级棒
- (2021-02-21) Kim Ambrosius: Only 100Mb files!!!! Simply not enough!!!
- (2021-02-21) Faith nichole: I was looking for a quick converter to help with unemployment docs that needed turned into a PDF from a JPG. Everything i found wanted $ to even let me sample. This extension did not. If i needed something like this more then 1x a year if buy it in a heartbeat! GREAT JOB AND THANK YOU SO MUCH!