Hide annoying trolls demolishing your favorite forums. Make them invisible. Make them starve.
Have you ever been tired scrolling through comments of people that know sh*t but acts like they know everything? Have you ever been tired of people writing things just to p*ss you off? You don't have to waste your time seeing posts you don't want to read.
Once you feed extension with troll names while visiting a forum/webpage all posts written by trolls are hidden. Simple as that. No more rubbish. Of course, you can see the post if you really want - each hidden post has an 'eye' icon to show/hide the post.
0.1.1 to 0.1.4:
* Move 'show post' icon (eye) next to username. Make this place configurable via pages scripts.
* Remove unnecessary files (tagify source code) from build
* Remove unnecessary permissions. Matches for content_scripts automatically requests access to listed sites
* add support for optyczne.pl
0.0 (0 votes)
Last update / version
2017-08-27 / 0.1.4
Listing languages