Description from extension meta
Snabbt och enkelt sök upp om Pokémon på flera olika sidor!
Image from store
Description from store
Detta tillägg låter dig snabbt och enkelt söka efter Pokémon, attacker, föremål, förmågor och platser på Serebii, Bulbapedia, Pokémon Database, Smogon och Veekun. Du kan finjustera dess färg och standard sökparametrar. Appen har också ett automatisk komplettering system som gör dina sökningar ännu snabbare!
Latest reviews
- (2020-10-31) Silver Stevens: Thanks for making this. Please update it for the DLC soon!
- (2018-08-23) So good it made me write a review, and I never write a reviews
- (2018-04-27) Matthew Berrios: This is actually really useful! It's by far the quickest way to search serebii and smogon at will, which I do a lot while playing pokemon games. This extension will always be useful from here on
- (2017-12-18) JDaniel Cruxis: Simple yet very very usefull.
- (2017-09-27) Flameball537: So easy to use, love that it can take me to multiple sites and that I can search for more than just Pokemon, but also moves, items, abilities and more.
- (2017-09-01) KiRaViP: bakan
- (2017-06-15) Idiotic Person: soo cool. love how when u search missingno there is that cool page with all the calls of the different forms of missingno. would reccomend to other people.
- (2017-03-29) Alden Lekenila: Love It
- (2016-12-01) Shenv 9927: The writer for this extension is very down to earth and actively working to better their project instead of using chrome as a last ditch trash can like many other coders.
- (2016-11-23) Gabriel de Matos: Perfeito! Atualizado frequentemente e funciona perfeitamente. Essencial pra todo treinador Pokémon! Além disso, mandei uma sugestão e no mesmo dia foi implementada, o developer é um gênio. *-*
- (2016-11-19) totter otter: nice
- (2016-08-10) Claudio Nel Ceron Muñoz: este juego es divertido
- (2016-08-02) Bruno Beyonder: muito bom sempre atualizado e com as melhores pokedex para escolher e muitas outras opçoes
- (2016-07-22) Corey Martin: Exactly what I was looking for, even provides real-time suggestions as you type.
- (2016-06-09) Caleb Radik: This extension was helpful and I like changing the icon
- (2016-06-08) Jacob Fales: Quick and easy search for any pokemon needs. Love the app and can come in handy when in a pokemon debate with your friends.
- (2016-06-05) Vihan Anand: Perfect, some things unavailable, but doesn't affect me TOO much
- (2016-05-25) Zachary Kaplan: Very helpful, because i am always too lazy to look it up(first world problems). 5/5
- (2016-05-06) Mitico Mito: legal sinho
- (2016-04-29) Dat Revan: Its a pretty cool and helpful app! I did experience a hard crash when I chose the option "surprise me" and had selected the search Smogon. A little window popped up telling me that there are no games on Smogon and I assume it simply ran into an exception and crashed my whole browser.
- (2016-04-21) Random Moron: Great for making pokemon theoris
- (2016-04-09) Robin Keaton: Very useful and easy to use. Definitely recommended!
- (2016-03-27) Jamie Genet: Nifty and useful :-)
- (2016-03-03) Shadowtail: Awesome! Also, would the thumbnail happen to be a Noivern, and if so, why?
- (2016-02-07) Gabriel Sallas: Muito bom, facilitou minha vida, meu projeto de Poketibia totalmente grátis, agora vai ter seus dados avaliados em tempo real.