extension ExtPose

Bouton Compteur

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Description from extension meta

Ajoute un compteur contrôlé par un bouton à votre barre d'outils Chrome

Image from store Bouton Compteur
Description from store Si vous avez besoin d'un simple compteur qui peut être incrémenté en cliquant sur un bouton, cette extension est pour vous. Le compteur peut être réglé pour avancer de n'importe quelle valeur, positive ou négative. Le pas par défaut est de +1 par clic. Faites un clic droit sur le bouton pour faire rapidement un pas de -1 ou pour remettre le compteur à zéro. Fonctions supplémentaires (à activer dans la page des options) : 🔔 Notifications : vous pouvez définir une limite et vous recevrez une notification lorsque le compteur atteindra ce nombre. 🔊 Son : activez l'option son pour entendre un son à chaque fois que vous cliquez sur le bouton. 📅 Chronologie : voir une liste avec la date et l'heure des 100 derniers clics . Faites un clic droit sur le bouton et sélectionnez "Options" pour accéder à la page des options.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-09-01) ian foster: 1000 clicks 😎😎😎
  • (2023-07-30) Sahin Sarkar: The notification feature when a certain count is reached is not working
  • (2023-06-12) Long Tran: Love the extension and its simplicity!! There's an issue I encountered. When I switch between 2 laptops, using the same chrome account, the counter number doesn't transfer to the another device, it sets at 0 but seems cannot be increment. hope my review can help the product!
  • (2023-05-29) Sajjad n1: I needed this, thanks
  • (2022-11-18) Виталий Ли: Отличное расширение, добавьте еще горячие клавиши
  • (2022-09-20) Gorjan Anastasov: I have the latest Chrome update, the latest Update for this addon. but sometimes it freeezes and i cant add nor subtract. i can only modify the number through the options menu. Hope it fixes soon.
  • (2022-09-16) Emisa Rista: It stops working after a while, I can neither add +1 nor remove -1 nor reset the counter. I had to constantly remove/add the extension only to find out it still stops working. Do something so it will work correctly and not get stuck.
  • (2022-08-24) Youk Jo: 可以添加每次+1闪一下动画(动画最好可以自定义)
  • (2022-06-15) shubham saurav: My 1st extension review... so simple, so flawless, so productive
  • (2022-05-19) Dex: Extension is still on manifest V2 as i'm looking through the code (unless that's an error) and while i'm clicking the button I can click around ~50 times then it stops working for a few minutes.
  • (2022-04-16) Erika Gabriel: 确实很方便,能不能加个功能,键盘自定义按键+1,鼠标手点击次数太多腱鞘炎了
  • (2022-04-11) linux: Awesome extension
  • (2022-03-02) Maik Kloß: I love this application, it helps me organize my working day better. If there's one thing I'm still missing, it would be a timestamp for each click. A subsequent evaluation with the display of the number of clicks would be a dream. Would it be possible to build in such an extension?
  • (2021-11-02) Bethany Figueroa: PERFECT! This is exactly what I needed, nothing more & nothing less. Thank you very very much.
  • (2021-08-27) Nikolay Enchev: Hello. Soo the Notification doesn't seem to work or I don't know what exactly the notification does.. It doesn't make a sound or show a window it just doesn't effect me soo I use this extension for work soo to the DEVELOPER <3 can you please make it count numbers like 1.3 1.6 1.4 2.6 you get it :D Don't know what they are called the opposite of Integers
  • (2021-03-28) Jo: Extra, exactly what i needed. Ty for that !
  • (2021-03-22) Anik Gupta: Please add screen overlay for easy view of counts. Pls add target selector button press counter. Means when i press specific button on any web site, it will count that specific button press that i will manually input after getting the css code from inspect of that specific thing.I think i am able to make you understand.
  • (2021-02-19) Gabriel Tapia.: Hello friend, very good extension, I wanted to know if it exists for the Mozilla browser?
  • (2020-12-15) Bu Keci: It does what it´s for but i it would be 5 Stars if there was also a MINUS next to the PLUS, to quickly reduce the counts when needed and it´s often needed. PS: If anyone can suggest another counter, let me know.
  • (2020-12-02) Stephan Doiron: Great extension, does exactly as advertised, simple counter button! Here is some feedback for devel about possible features that would add more value and still keep it simple: Sometimes hit the button by mistake or have to reverse a count "for reasons", be nice to have a quick way to reverse the count quickly. Also, if I hover over the count, would be great if a timestamp would appear when I hover over the count so I can see when it was last clicked. Thanks for sharing this app!
  • (2020-10-27) Batuhan Batuhan: Stucks.
  • (2020-07-05) Schon: can u put the reset counter to right click, just above the "Options"? more convenient
  • (2020-03-31) Mst Tania Sultana: It's very impotent extension for me. Thanks for make this kit.
  • (2020-02-19) Airidas R.: It works! Just press the icon and it adds +1 to the total.

Latest issues

  • (2023-04-12, v:2.5) Random Pigeon: additional info to the report I forgot
    I'm using Apple MacOS 13.2.1, Chrome build 112.0.5615 Some friends of mine using it and experiencing the same problem (same OS, maybe different version of MacOS and Chrome)
  • (2023-04-12, v:2.5) Random Pigeon: The extension doesn't work after a while
    Hi there, thanks very much for publishing this extension. It works wonderfully and it's very useful and handy. I like it cause you just click on it and it adds the number without the need of another click or popup opening etc, really useful and immediate. Sadly I'm experiencing a bug: the extension works for the first few minutes or hours, then after a while it just stops working, when I click on it, it doesn't add the number to the counter. It's like it goes offline all in a sudden. I found a workaround, switch it from off to on, or toggle incognito permission off/on, but it doesn't always work. If you need some testing or something like that tell me, maybe there's some conflict with other extensions, I will soon use it without any other extensions so we can exclude this. Thanks, talk you soon, have a nice day
  • (2023-02-07, v:2.5) Danieli Cristina: Número de cliques
    É possível recuperar o número de cliques além dos últimos 100?
  • (2022-11-30, v:2.5) Maik Kloß: Suggestion for improvement
    Thank you very much for implementing the time stamp. It makes the app better and better. Great. I have another suggestion for the timestamp. Would it be possible to insert a third column in the evaluation table with the time in HH:MM:SS between the clicks? Something like a stop function.
  • (2022-11-06, v:2.4) Tom Snow: total ad block popup even after downloading and install
    totalad popup will not go away even after downloading the app. how to eliminate this popuop.
  • (2022-11-06, v:2.3) seetha ram: moniter
    on screen color, reading
  • (2022-11-06, v:2.2) Maik Kloß: Proposal
    I love this application, it helps me organize my working day better. If there's one thing I'm still missing, it would be a timestamp for each click. A subsequent evaluation with the display of the number of clicks would be a dream. Would it be possible to build in such an extension?
  • (2022-11-06, v:2.2) Mohamed Elbasyoni: using the counter in android tablet
    i am asking if the counter is working at android tablet if not, would you please advise with the alternatives if possible ?
  • (2022-11-06, v:1.9.1) Thomas James: Hallooooo, very good extension - 1 question
    good, simple, helpful - thank you is there a way to have multiple instances of it on the Chrome taskbar? IE, separate counts?
  • (2022-11-06, v:1.9) Gabriel Tapia.: Extension for another browser
    Hello friend, very good extension, I wanted to know if it exists for the Mozilla browser?
  • (2022-03-02, v:2.2) Maik Kloß: Proposal
    I love this application, it helps me organize my working day better. If there's one thing I'm still missing, it would be a timestamp for each click. A subsequent evaluation with the display of the number of clicks would be a dream. Would it be possible to build in such an extension?
  • (2022-02-21, v:2.2) Mohamed Elbasyoni: using the counter in android tablet
    i am asking if the counter is working at android tablet if not, would you please advise with the alternatives if possible ?
  • (2021-12-08, v:2.2) Maik Kloß: More function
    I have been using your app for a short time. I would like to have a time documentation as another feature. For example from 9-10: 12; 10-11: 10; total 22. Would it be possible to extend the application? Thanks for the great tool.
  • (2021-09-23, v:2.0) Nikolay Enchev: Source Coce
    Hello I'm working for Crypto.com and I'm searching for an extension that can count 0.6 1.76 1.35 and 1.5 without fixing the number increase in the options ... I'd like to try to manage the same extension with different Icon depending on which number I need cause typing the score manually is pretty damn booring :X and I land to change some type of numbers and codes in the extension so Chrome can add 3-4 of the same extensions at once! Thank you in advanced !
  • (2021-07-07, v:1.9.1) Thomas James: Hallooooo, very good extension - 1 question
    good, simple, helpful - thank you is there a way to have multiple instances of it on the Chrome taskbar? IE, separate counts?
  • (2021-02-19, v:1.9) Gabriel Tapia.: Extension for another browser
    Hello friend, very good extension, I wanted to know if it exists for the Mozilla browser?
  • (2021-01-25, v:1.9) Mio Account: combination of keys
    Can you add a customizable combination of keys?
  • (2021-01-07, v:1.9) Cristian R.: Multiple instances
    Is there any way to have multiple instances of this extension? Or do you have this exact extension but registered with other name? I would want to use multiple counters with the exact functionality ur extension has. Tried others but them are s***
  • (2020-06-22, v:1.6) Ademir Martins Lima: How can I make a donation?
    How can I make a donation?
  • (2020-06-20, v:1.6) Ademir Martins Lima: Is there a way to create a shortcut to add a count?
    Is there a way to create a shortcut to add a count? For example, if I press Ctrl + [ , or only [ it would add a +1 in the count. Thanks


26,341 history
4.4 (35 votes)
Last update / version
2024-04-03 / 3.1
Listing languages
