Description from extension meta
Render LaTeX & MathML formulas on any page you want
Image from store
Description from store
Makes browsing and reading documents with mathematical notation easy! Just click on a integral icon and all MathML & LaTeX formulas on this website would be rendered with MathJax.
# Changelog
## v2.0
* HTTPS support
* Fallback to MathJax for img with alt tag
## v1.1
* Compatability with Chrome 21
## v1.0
* Initial release.
Latest reviews
- (2023-04-28) hongwei wang (Stefan): not useful ,i can't use it at all ! ! ! !
- (2022-09-12) SS JieJi: Working nicely like a charm
- (2021-11-24) bug deal: I found this extension after coming across the mathml example on It didn't work there, replacing the mathml element with "Unknown node type: mstack". So doesn't seem to support all the features, and has no graceful fallback (original content entirely replaced with error message).
- (2021-03-08) Jack Zhang: nice
- (2020-11-18) Raghu Ram: This has amazon search result malware. When you enable it and go on with your usual search results, this modifies the results to show amazon ads on top.
- (2020-07-22) Nikita Pronko: Renders latex in my legacy blog pretty well
- (2020-02-26) Shauming Lee: Great, all codes in the page become formulas.Just as I wish.
- (2019-06-19) Alex walson: nice!!
- (2018-10-26) S GoogleProfile: Using Vivaldi 2.0.1309.37 (Stable channel) (64-bit) on Win 7 Pro SP1, it works and passes the MathML Torture Test plus other random pages I used to test. I noticed the following: - I have uMatrix installed. For the MathML Torture Test I had to enable,, and (plus subdomains). For other pages was required. Clicking on the add-on's 'integral sign' icon then toggles between math rendering and not. - It can take a short time for a page to refresh with correct rendering, so if it seems to not work rapid click-click-clicking on the add-on icon is self-defeating. How long it takes to refresh is going to depend on your connectivity and processor, but it can take a second or two - hence it's quite easy to think that it isn't working and hit the icon again to inadvertently toggle math rendering off. You might need to give it a little time.. So, other than being a little slow sometimes, it is working fine on my system and so far I'm happy to use it.
- (2018-03-13) LeiMing guo: 从网站上复制公式挺方便
- (2017-11-23) Tom Hale: Didn't work on Github for LaTeX in markdown :(
- (2017-05-01) Ben S: Very simply, it doesn't work.
- (2016-09-21) Bin Liu: Con: There is no specific domain rule maker. For now I have to click and unclick the extension icon every time.
- (2016-09-06) crip tych: Tried on OpenGL reference documentation and Mozilla MathML "Torture Test", with no effect; "mathjax loaded" appears in the console, but MathML doesn't get rendered. Happy to change my rating if this issue is resolved.
- (2016-09-05) Changjiang Liu: 很好用
- (2016-06-13) Frank Utne: Like the other two extensions, did not work at all with a local copy of MathML. What works without any extension is adding <script type="text/javascript" async src=""> </script> to the <head> of your document. It loads slower than a local copy but saves having to run a server for personal use.
- (2015-09-01) Pascual Felix: worked very well on my e book
- (2015-04-24) Brian Minton: It didn't work for me to render a .tex file
- (2015-04-01) Lusha Zhu: $$ x_t $$ does it work ?
- (2014-04-29) Leszek Godlewski: Doesn't work in Chrome on Linux.
- (2014-03-03) U C: Works very well in Baidu Tieba.
- (2014-02-26) Hyeok KIM: This extension not works at feedly pages.
- (2013-12-04) kimberly lanholm: good
- (2013-11-19) Trystyn Alxander: As it doesn't work everywhere (most places), I wouldn't call it good; but, it's better than nothing. Then again how bad can internet Explorer be? Oh Wait, firefox works.
- (2013-10-17) David Netherwood: Doesn't work for me - Chrome 30 on linux
- (2013-02-12) 张筗劺: Could you please add the ability to add customized begin and end marks (which defaultly includes $ $ and another ////( like thing)? Although it can be easily edited locally, it would not sync unless you put it on the store. And allowing adding personal command (like \mb for \mathbb) is also welcome.
- (2012-11-06) Filip Jurcicek: I cause Chrome report "insecure content" on HTTPS web pages.
- (2012-10-28) deepankar dey: works grt
- (2012-09-05) Tyler Domenico: For being the only extension I could find with MathML that works I give it 5 stars. I refuse to go to IE8 for Mathplayer. Thanks a lot for this
- (2012-08-24) Martin Thoma: Does not work with formulas in Google Mail.
- (2012-08-14) Blaise Igirubuntu: Settings for the size of the characters would be great
- (2012-04-23) Dima Batenkov: Please please add support for Evernote...