Description from extension meta
Stops distracting animations.
Image from store
Description from store
Great at stopping animations from distracting you while reading.
This stops everything from GIF, Flash, and even JavaScript.
Just press the escape key [esc]... and press again to restore.
To change the shortcut, go to chrome://extensions/shortcuts
Works by taking a screen shot and layering it over the page... unfortunately it can't do a full screen shot (see crbug report 45209), so it re-updates when you scroll or resize the window.
To raise bug reports, or see the source code, please go to:
Latest reviews
- (2023-04-18) Chadwick Truchon (ChadwicKed): It does exactly what it says it does. Easy-peasy. BUT the thing that cuts the usefulness half is the fact that as soon as you scroll, it stops its function and everything on the page moves again. I'm not a programmer. So, I'm ignorant to just how difficult it actually might be to fix that. But OMG, I really wish I could scroll through a frozen page.
- (2023-04-08) Elizabeth Powles: Works great! Took me a while to figure out that I was restarting the animations by pressing Esc too often - thought you had to press it again after each time you scrolled. What a relief!! Seriously, WHO wants animations and WHO thinks they're a good idea??
- (2023-02-23) Silvestre Cajigan: It didn't work at all. I'm playing a web game.. and still the animations are playing...
- (2022-11-11) David Gilbertson: Works. At first I was annoyed that the animations continued as I scrolled, but actually that's a useful hint that a particular image is animated, and that I might like to un-pause to see what it's showing. Great work.
- (2022-08-09) thwjrk: Works quite well. Of all the extensions I've tried this is the best one by far. Esc stops the animations. Yes, when you are scrolling, the animations move but as soon as you stop scrolling the animations freeze. I don't mind the animations moving when I am scrolling because after all the whole screen is moving because I am scrolling. I especially like that the single click of esc is all it takes and the animations stop instantly. No waiting for a screen reload.
- (2022-07-29) nvddocs 2020: It stopped working, so.... how is that useful?
- (2022-05-14) NBK RedSpy: This is my list of "must have" extension. I want to support sites by not blocking adds, but I don't want full video and high animation adds vying for my attention (looking at you The only thing I would add would be the ability to set a custom key bind, but the escape key is fine.
- (2022-03-06) Mr Guy: Great extension! I'm using it with Brave. I really didn't want to block all ads since it affects sites revenues, but also didn't want all of the flashing colors and moving objects on the screen. This works really well. If there is one wish, it would be that the shortcut could be remapped. I've been using AutoHotKey to map escape to the mouse's side button, but most people don't use AHK.
- (2021-09-14) Мой лучший друг: Удалите не работает!
- (2021-06-22) Jason Ng: This works perfectly. AWESOME!
- (2021-06-04) Charles Blanchette: This is exactly what I was looking for! Thanks!
- (2021-03-30) Stephanie: I wanted to try this because it's exactly what I need.... but unfortunately it is set to ONLY work with the ESC key, and I already have the ESC key set to close the tab I'm in. Naturally I went to open the options page thinking I'll just change the key that's assigned for THIS app to work, but apparently "options" doesn't exist. So if you use your ESC key for anything else keep searching gor the extension you need.
- (2021-03-02) Kevin Holmes: thank you! maybe the folks who say it's not working haven't reloaded the page after installing the extension?
- (2020-12-02) Daryl Lafferty: At first I thought it didn't work. It turns out you need to have it pinned and click on the icon before it is active. Then you can press the ESC key. Worthwhile. I hate having animations on a page I am trying to read. Drives me crazy!
- (2020-09-14) Oliver Salzburg: Seems to work great in Edge
- (2020-02-13) Greta Harding: I want to like this but I find it problematic that after stopping the animation, if I scroll the page, the animation starts again – motion is problematic for me as it causes vestibular events. Please let the user control when animation starts again.
- (2019-12-17) Stas Bekman: Works. Thank you.
- (2019-11-06) S White: Didn't work at all for me
- (2019-10-30) Fred Chapman: This extension is fabulous! I'm reading through some software vendor help pages that use animated GIFs to demonstrate how to do things—it's a really nice way to present documentation, but it goes by too fast! Now I can easily pause and resume the animations just by pressing Esc. Thanks so much!
- (2019-07-25) Justin Bussell: Doesn't work Pressing esc does nothing, clicking 'stop animations' goes to the extension page on google store.
- (2019-07-17) Mark: Extension is garbage. It does stop the animation, but as soon as you scroll the page you get to the next animation that has already restarted. Then you can scroll up and down and watch the animations continually restart and stop. More distracting than clicking on the "loop" button.
- (2019-05-19) Martin Burke: Thumbs up. Why not possible to auto stop without Esc?
- (2019-04-20) Sweet Songs for the Soul: Works PERFECT! Thank you!
- (2019-01-22) Inspecta Eclectic: Works!
- (2018-12-23) Ryan Brainard: Awesome, just what I was looking for. I like that it both stops animations immediately and you can press Esc again to resume.
- (2018-12-21) Maxim Pchelov: Чтобы заработало: после установки надо обновить страницу с анимацией
- (2018-11-22) David Shuford: This works well for me. For the people it's not working for, they're probably seeing another type of animated content, like Flash or via a JavaScript script.
- (2018-11-21) Adrian Robert: I tried several animation stopper extensions, but this is the only one that worked. You have to hit 'Esc' (it would be nice if it just operated by default) but once you do that it stops them in their tracks. Hooray for bringing back a feature that Netscape 1.x had 20 years ago!
- (2018-08-07) Nick Brown: Seems to do nothing at all. Escape has no effect - adverts continue to flash away.
- (2018-05-10) Does absolutely nothing!
- (2018-05-03) Андрей. И: Фуфло ни чего не блочит !
- (2018-04-08) Дмитрий Голик: не работает
- (2017-12-07) Не работает вообще, ничего не блокирует, словно его нет.
- (2017-11-14) May Moreshet: Straight up doesn't work. The escape key does nothing.
- (2017-09-11) Alan Charlesworth: Doesn't block animated GIFs on NYT site
- (2017-07-26) Brian Jackson: As advertised. I use it for those clickbait articles that think they need 3 animated gif reactions in between every bullet point. Shuts those up at least.
- (2017-06-15) Brill Mistak: Love this extension! I have a lot of trouble reading text when anything is moving on the page, even little things like cycling pictures in a sidebar. I truly love that it stops EVERYTHING on the screen, regardless of whether it is a gif, movie, flash or whatever. Easy to toggle back and forth using the escape key if I want to click on a link. I really don't get some of the complaints here. For those who are having issues scrolling, it's easiest to hit the space bar rather than the arrow key. Even if you do use the arrow key, it only takes about a nanosecond for the extension to adjust.
- (2017-03-29) Tim Josling: Actually solves the problem for me. Thank you! Not perfect but 100% better than everything else I have tried. Note: You need to press escape to stop he animations. This means you need to ensure your other apps don't use escape. It would be nice to have a button for cases where you cannot make the other apps ignore escapce.
- (2016-04-01) Elad Ossadon: This extension takes a screenshot of the page to stop gifs. A screenshot is not they way to tackle this. It doesn't let you select text, it clashes with extensions like hoverzoom, it hides the screenshot on scroll.. I appreciate the effort but a better way would be finding all .gif images and replace with a canvas generated frame, keeping everything else in place.
- (2015-12-29) Gabby Gabby: couldnt even open it
- (2015-07-05) Tamas Biro: I agree previous commenter: "The animation starts again while you you scroll. Also it doesn't reduce the CPU consumption."
- (2015-06-02) ___RaInBo ___: me encanta sirve enserio