Description from extension meta
Select the text you want to hear, right click and select 'Speak selection'
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Description from store
I made this extension for myself, because I need something simple that will speak text with a wicked female voice.
If you find this extension useful, rate and share it.
Instructions: Select the text you want to hear, right click and click on 'Speak selection'.
The speech will continue, even if you close the tab, unless you specifically right click and click on 'Stop Speech'.
Large text selection will take a few seconds to load in memory and for the speech to start.
Known Bug: If the speech doesn't start, please Stop and Start the speech again.
Latest reviews
- (2022-02-24) Lucas Bernardo Silverio: It just didn't work.
- (2021-12-18) Dejan Ivkovic: only english...
- (2021-12-05) John Laureda: This is a really great text to speak chrome extension!! Very simple to use and the voice sounds more natural than others I've heard. Highly recommend!
- (2021-11-10) Stephen ventola: The button to read it does not show up for me. terrible add on
- (2021-08-17) James Brasington: still looking but my favorite so far
- (2021-04-04) ofri: the voice is, just as advertised, wicked. however, the speed is sometimes a bit confusing. still better than most free tts extensions and apps :)
- (2021-03-20) Brackish LAMB: Rating anything is overrated, but you kind sir/ma'am. Helped a tonne, also that voice in much more soothing
- (2020-10-16) Beasy: It didn't even work.
- (2020-08-30) Harry: i have to try it
- (2020-08-21) Peter Knudsen: Doesn´t work
- (2020-07-08) Kris L: This app is great, but every time I don't use it for about five minutes, it stops speaking. I have to go in and toggle the extension off and then on to get it to work. As what other reviewers say, it does stop in some awkward spots. Other than these two issues, it's a great app.
- (2020-04-05) KC LEACH: works ok but i have to keep turning it off then back on to get it to work
- (2020-03-30) Peter A Edwards: The only issue I would have as a native British English speaker, is that when there is a pause in the text where you would naturally finish a sentence, or where the is a comma there does seem to be large pauses. It does not sound robot like most text readers, where some are slow and tedious to listen too this is perfect for me. A good add on though would be for those that find the speed of the voice, either too fast or too slow is to be able to adjust the voice to their own listening speed. Other wise this is a great app compared to an other app that I have tried.
- (2020-03-24) ekarron: OH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD add keyboard shortcut to activate!!! PLEASE!
- (2020-02-15) Noor Iman: This is the most natural reader I've found. However, it stops mid sentence. If that gets fixed, then this extension certainly deserves 5 stars. Edit: the extension just stopped working. Does anyone has the same problem?
- (2019-12-05) mSchultz: Solid.
- (2019-08-28) matt db: Pretty darn amazing... only one problem that is seriously bugging me and its the pause that happens very frequently in the middle of a larger sentence. It sounds so smooth and everything up until that happens. Please fix lol.
- (2019-08-24) Станислав Садыков: Шлак
- (2018-11-02) Jordan Alefteras: Made me smile.
- (2018-10-25) WenQin Zhang: It would be excellent if we have the "normal" voice. By the way,you have really do a good job.
- (2018-10-10) Ryan Luong: Overall, this is a very good English text reader with a more natural sounding voice. It doesn't support adjustments, but it is already well optimized, especially for its advertised lightweight nature. The reading is at a good speed, heeds punctuation, properly identifies years, and lacks the robotic, monotone quality of older text to speech programs. The right-click activation and stop is convenient for larger texts or when a site has headers or menus, and it persists whether the tab is currently open or not, including if the tab is closed, but can be easily stopped by the right click menu. It will attempt to pronounce unrecognized words(e.g., Names, Elvish, older English, transliteration) with fairly good results. As would be expected, it seems to struggle more with non-English text, though I have done very limited testing with non-English text. It does, however, seem to struggle with longer sentences, pausing awkwardly midway through if there are no interrupting punctuation marks. For example, in the sentence, "Nevertheless, it is useful in other cases to acquaint a worker quickly with the units of behaviour for any particular species so that he may go on to more advanced studies," there was a pause after the word "any." It also struggles with question and exclamation marks, Roman numerals, and the pronunciation of more obscure, complex words, but these seem to be common issues in text readers.
- (2018-10-04) Bovin Desouza: great plugin, does exactly what it says on the tin, the only improvement or added feature i would suggest for this plugin is to have an optional Keybind for text speech than right click and click. (especially for a lazy guy like me)
- (2018-09-20) George BIGHEAD Gennuso: I love it! Is there a way to save the speech to an audio file?
- (2018-09-17) BeholdTheDoule: This extension only has one voice. I believe its a British accent. You can't even control the speed of the voice. The creator said he made the extension for himself, i believe he should have thought of everyone if he was going to put it on the chrome web store. It plays ok, abit slow. There frequent posses where none should be in long texts, but the voice continues to talk even when you close the browser.
- (2018-09-09) 兔呸Fifi: 之前用別的軟體常常不穩定沒辦法有聲音,改用這個軟體目前使用上非常穩定~太棒了!
- (2018-08-17) Amiel Malay: This sounds more natural than the SpeakIt plugin I had previously used. I especially liked the British female voice. Then again, it is the ONLY voice available. But I agree with the author, it *does* sound "wicked", in a very good and sophisticated way.
- (2018-08-01) trat50: It reads better than the fancy readers, doesn't trip on punctuation and does have a wicked female voice.
- (2018-04-15) Adam Wisniewski: I have been looking for an extension like this but all the other ones you had to pay for but this one is free and works great. the voice starts and stops at some awkward spots at times but hey it's free and it works great so no complains other then that. Two Thumbs Way Up!
- (2018-04-02) Lynnie Lew: Works beautifully right from install, very clear reading with very few trip ups on punctuation etc. By far the best text-to-speech extension or app I've used.
- (2018-03-19) arnold vanburren: Работает только с английским ! Голос бодрый
- (2018-02-25) Human Being: Works pretty lovely thus far just downloaded seems great
- (2018-02-19) lwjackn: Awesome... Any hint as to the name of the voice used? :)
- (2018-02-07) Markus Scheurer: Hatte bislang im Google Chrome die Vorlese-Erweiterung "Speak it" von im Einsatz. Von dieser Erweiterung war ich mehr als begeistert, da sie seit Jahren einwandfrei funktionierte und das machte, was sie sollte. Darüber hinaus gab es zahlreiche Einstellmöglichkeiten wie die Auswahl des Sprechers (u. a. Google Deutsch, je nachdem, welche Stimme einem gefällt) sowie Anpassungen bei der Tonhöhe, der Vorlese-Geschwindigkeit und der Lautstärke. Darüber hinaus konnte man dort während des Vorlesen die Funktion pausieren oder stoppen, z. B. um an einer anderen Stelle vorlesen zu lassen. Leider wird diese Erweiterung nicht mehr im Chrome Store angeboten, so dass ich sie auf einem Tablet nach der Installation von Chrome nun nicht mehr installieren konnte. War deshalb auf der Suche nach einem passenden Ersatz und bin auf die Erweiterung "Simple Text to Speech" gestoßen. Leider wurde ich sofort enttäuscht. Denn hier vermisse ich leider zahlreiche Funktionen. Zum einen gibt es die Vorlese-Funktion nur in einer Sprache, auf englisch. Ohne Auswahl eines Sprechers. OK, könnte man noch akzeptieren, wenn es auf eine Sprache begrenzt wäre. Allerdings lässt sich die Funktion auch nicht über das Erweiterungen-Symbol ausführen, sondern lediglich über das Kontext-Menü nach Markieren des Texts. Auch fehlen jegliche Optionen zum Anpassen der Erweiterung, sprich Geschwindigkeit, Tonhöhe o. ä. Einzig eine Funktion zum Stoppen des Vorlesers ist im Erweiterungen-Symbol vorhanden. Das Starten erfolgt somit über das Kontextmenü, das Stoppen jedoch über Symbol? Das ist aber leider etwas umständlich umgesetzt. Da hilft es auch wenig, dass der Entwickler drum bittet, man möge ausschließlich mit 5 Sternen bewerten, denn er habe die Erweiterung vor allem für sich selbst entwickelt, man habe dafür nicht bezahlt und würde ja davon profitieren. ("please don't give less then 5 stars, why would you? is not like you paid for it. I did all the work and you rip all the benefits.") Denn: Die Erweiterungen wird nun mal öffentlich angeboten. Und kann damit von jedem genutzt (und nun mal auch bewertet) werden. Da muss man sich ganz einfach dem allgemeinen Vergleich stellen. Egal, ob dafür nun bezahlt wurde oder nicht. Darüber hinaus: Wer eine Erweiterung nur für sich selbst lokal entwickelt und nutzen möchte, kann dies manuell in den eigenen Browser integrieren, ohne diese der Öffentlichkeit bereit zu stellen. Deshalb muss leider nicht nur die Erweiterung selbst, sondern zusätzlich die (für mich etwas seltsame) Ansicht des Entwicklers bemängeln.
- (2018-02-01) new PRICOL studio: не работает вообще
- (2017-12-21) Wusk V.: This was almost 5 stars. Out of the text to speech extensions I've tried, this one is one of the few that you can highlight any text and it'll read it to you. It would've been 5 stars, if the voice wasn't so scratchy though.
- (2017-10-21) DAVE DIAZ: Thank u,, for the extension,, i am Really happy with it..
- (2017-09-17) Cloak InterSection: a bit slow but sound clear and it works. Hopefully there is an option to increase the words per minute
- (2017-07-26) Stephanie Mellor: great extension. reading bores me so I get great use out of it.
- (2017-07-20) Bobby Rogers: Excellent, must download, use, and share!!
- (2017-04-22) zma61: Не работает эта шняга, ещё что там матерится автор в описании и 5 звёзд просит. держи
- (2017-04-14) kit: At first, not used to the mechanical voice. But after mins training, my mind can adjust the voice. The most surprise is to read out Greek alphabet. That really helps me in reading a scientific paper. Also, it can read a pdf file, as long as a letter base, not a graphic base. I like the SpeakIt voice quality, but it suffers a daily limit & not reading Greek alphabet. This one as its name "Simple". No choice of voice, speed. But it simply works for me. Like it very much. No question to rate it *****. Thank for free :)
3.7 (64 votes)
Last update / version
2019-11-28 / 1.0.1
Listing languages