Description from extension meta
Eine Suchmaschine, die Ihre Privatsphäre schützt.
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Description from store
#Sei #anders
Fügen Sie PrivacyWall als Standardsuchmaschine in Chrome hinzu, um eine schnellere Suche zu ermöglichen und zu verhindern, dass Tracker Ihre Suchanfragen verwenden, um Ihnen mit aufdringlichen Anzeigen im Internet zu folgen.
Unsere #Geschichte
Wir sind die #UnSuchMaschine. Wir sind dafür da, deine Daten und deine Privatsphäre zu schützen 🍪 Wir erlegen jeden Tag Cookies und Viren für dich.
#Warum du PrivacyWall benutzen solltest
🌍 Durchsuche das Internet mit der PrivacyWall-App und aktiviere Tracking-Schutz, um Tracken durch Dritte zu blockieren, wenn du das Web durchsuchst und browst.
Unsere #Funktionen
🔎Ganz beruhigt suchen – Wir verwenden deine Suchdaten nicht, um dich mit aufdringlicher Werbung im Web zu verfolgen. Werde deine Verfolger los, indem du den Tracking-Schutz aktivierst
🔢Private View – Webseiten-Vorschau in Echtzeit. Verrate niemals deine IP.
Unsere #Mission
🔒Wir glauben, dass dein Browsen privat bleiben sollte und dass du die Kontrolle über deine Daten haben solltest. Werde Teil unserer Mission auf PrivacyWall, damit deine persönlichen Daten online sicher und geschützt bleiben.
#Sei #inklusiv
⤴️PrivacyWall ist der digitalen Inklusion verpflichtet. Hilf uns, den Lauf der Geschichte in Richtung einer inklusiveren #Zukunft zu lenken.
👍Folge uns auf Twitter (@PrivacyWallOrg)
🤙Du kannst uns immer unter erreichen
Verwendung von Erweiterungsberechtigungen:
"Ändern Sie Ihre Sucheinstellungen in:":
Diese Berechtigung ist erforderlich, damit PrivacyWall Suchdienste bereitstellen kann.
Bitte lesen Sie unsere Datenschutzbestimmungen unter:
Latest reviews
- (2023-07-27) Powell Jeromy: I use PrivacyWall for my searches everyday to keep my searches completely private. I love the PrivateView feature next to each search results link, especially for privately viewing webpages without exposing my IP address to the websites I visit, and without having to pay for a VPN.
- (2021-09-01) Gita Mainali: PrivayWall is not a FAKE! It is a powerful tool/technology to protect your Personal, business & financial information. Must add in your chrome!!
- (2021-07-17) Nguyễn Đình An: This extension is a FAKE!!, do not LISTEN to the ABOVE REVIEWS, they are only ALT ACCOUNTS OF THE OWNER, THERE IS ONLY 7 RATING AND 99% of THEM IS FAKE.
- (2020-12-13) De Google: 🙌The Best! 💘 I don't want my searches to be tracked and PrivacyWall is the app for me. I don't want anyone tracking me or tracking where my kids go.🐱🚀 Thanks for keeping me safe! 🎉What I really like is that I can click on PrivateView and visit any webpage I want 🤙 without giving up my IP address. I don't have to install a sketchy VPN to get privacy for free. PrivacyWall offers maps too so that's really nice 🗺. I hate how Google Maps tracks every search I do so they can sell where I'm going to the highest bidder. That is so sketchy! My son told me "Google is just so sus!" 😊
- (2020-12-05) Thomas Moran: Super easy to use and super secure! Keeping my searches private is important because I work at home, and I use my computer for both work and play. I don't want my employer snooping on me and PrivacyWall keeps my data safe from being tracked. PrivateView hides my IP address from websites. I use PrivateView whenever I don't want to leave a trail of websites I visited on my computer. This is the perfect privacy extension and I recommend it to my besties.
- (2020-12-04) Walt Mossberg: I'm a huge fan of PrivacyWall. This app stops Google from tracking my searches. With this app, I no longer have to worry about Google retargeting me with ads everywhere I go. The best feature of this nifty extension is "PrivateView." This features allows me to visit any webpage without revealing my IP address. 100% free. I click on PrivateView when I do sensitive searches whenever I don't want my IP address logged by the websites I visit. This keeps my web surfing private. What I do in my spare time is my own business. Isn't that great? I also love how PrivacyWall allows me to see search results in other languages. For instance, I can toggle the language to Spanish and see just the Spanish webpages. This toggle saved me more than once when I was helping the kids with their Spanish homework assignments. 😂 I'm a fan PrivacyWall! You had me at hello.
- (2020-12-03) Jonathan: 👍 Love it! This is app is great for privacy - stops Big Tech from harvesting my data, stops them from following me, stops them from gauging me! 🥳 I'm rooting for you!👈
- (2020-04-08) KirKirMUrGames: Це шпигуньский плагін здійснюе шпигування за користувачем. Братки (півники) з зони скажуть усім кто встановить це розширення спасибі.
- (2019-11-16) David Jones: This Extension Does Not Work! Do NOT! Waste Your Time.