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Take a screenshot of any YouTube video with one click.
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Description from store
Adds a “Screenshot” button to the YouTube video player which saves a screenshot of the currently playing video as a file, or copies it to the clipboard, or both.
Optionally with keyboard shortcuts, and buttons for changing the playback rate.
New in version 3.0.0: moved to the newly required manifest v3, and removed the history permission, which should also make the screenshot button more reliable.
This extension does not contain any malicious or tracking code. No viruses. No ads. Only good software.
Thanks to Ari Velazquez, and Zertsu for their contributions.
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Latest reviews
- (2024-03-03) Matthew Roughton: Best extension ever. Why couldn't they officially add this feature to the YouTube site? Edit: Now 1 star. Doesn't show up on YouTube player.
- (2023-11-08) Ryan Souders: Doesn't work. It just dumps a black image to PNG. Learn how to do things properly before you publish them so you're not wasting everyone's time, please.
- (2023-11-05) esgalmir: good and fast, proper naming. too bad it steals focus and mess up default space function. and hotkey (P) can't be changed, sadly
- (2023-10-28) Buz Liu: 個人覺得蠻好用的,截出來的畫質很好
- (2023-10-24) Eradicationism Clips: it no longer works or shows the screenshot text on YouTube videos, nor does the keyboard shortcut p work.
- (2023-10-14) Diana Nikanovich - Realtor: Works awesome
- (2023-10-13) Swaminath Bera: Works as expected, you'll see a "screenshot" text at bottom-right of videos.
- (2023-10-01) Mon Policina: It works almost perfectly! It has the option to change the file type (jpg,png,webp), save it either as a file or to clipboard or both, use P as keyboard shortcut (altho cant change it), and it can display the playback buttons beside the screenshot button [1x,1.5x,2x,2.5x,3x], which I find very convenient. I highly suggest adding 1.25x speed too since this is the sweetspot for most videos if you are in a bit hurry.
- (2023-09-25) Jon Sorensen: Just perfect.
- (2023-09-14) TheKittyGuy: Simple, easy to use, works perfectly. I've installed this on both personal and work computers, it's incredibly useful
- (2023-09-10) 유튜브계정: 이제 안됨? ㅠㅠ 그냥 화면 까맣게 떠요..
- (2023-09-09) はんまめ: 要按個p截圖 換成大寫就不受理 非常不喜歡這個設定 難用
- (2023-09-04) SMERSMER: Did exactly what I needed. Rare for an extensions to provide such a simple, elegant solution. Thanks!
- (2023-08-20) Rachel Phillips: perfecto!!! works great, does the job
- (2023-08-19) Vinicius Carvalho Peitl: Excelente! Funciona perfeitamente!
- (2023-08-18) junyoung choi: 너무 좋은데 새 앨범 만들어보기 해서 종류별로 해서 만들었는데요 저장 폴더가 어디인지 모르겠어요 ㅠㅠ 아시는 분 알려 주세요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
- (2023-08-16) Brian: I love this extension and I recommend it to anyone who routinely learns stuff on YouTube. Oftentimes, the videos that I watch have diagrams or other images that I want to save. I pause the video, click Screenshot, and the image is now in my Downloads folder. Incredibly convenient and useful.
- (2023-06-27) Casual Cookie: works just right
- (2023-06-19) Dominic T: Works well and quickly!
- (2023-06-10) 이트스타: very good chrome extension. easy to capture youtube videos. thanks.
- (2023-05-27) Noah Walters: This dosen't work at all
- (2023-04-17) Erica Conway: It Doesnt Work :(
- (2023-04-10) Alvin Manning: Works great, highly recommended! Version 111.0.5563.147 (Official Build) (64-bit).
- (2023-03-04) Erkan Akkaya: Video duraklatıldığında; can sıkıcı video başlığı, ilerleme çubuğu gibi kontrol panelleri elınan ekran grüntüsünde görünmeden kaydetmesiyle tam aradığım eklenti. Çok teşekkürler. Atayabileceğimiz bir klavye kısayolu da olursa çok iyi olur.
- (2023-02-20) Athena Foronda: When testing this extension on the most recent videos, it comes out a broken glitchy image.
- (2023-02-02) ちーずまうす: メイン機能ではないけど倍速ボタンのショートカットキーを無効にできるようにして欲しい 倍速ボタンはほしい ショートカットキーはいらない
- (2023-01-28) MmX A: Работает хорошо, но PNG слишком много весит. Хотелось бы иметь выбор между PNG и JPG
- (2023-01-27) Вадим Гуцало: Скачивает скриншот в разрешении установленном на самом видео, просто супер! Спасибо!
- (2023-01-26) 5n8k3_shd0w Jaxx: The only thing better would be if it recorded too.
- (2023-01-26) Adhithyan S: nice app to use....Just loved it
- (2023-01-13) Akell: Aun funciona pero al instalar hay que recargar la pagina y intentar hasta que salga c:
- (2023-01-11) 源无: this is so easy to use
- (2023-01-09) Alan Sanchez: Ya no funciona a partir del 2023.
- (2022-12-29) 언노운 (언노운): 아니 캡쳐기능 좋긴한데 왜 영상 들어가서 바로 버튼 안뜨고 꼭 새로고침해야 뜸????
- (2022-12-26) Rama Drian: Very cool!
- (2022-12-04) BookWormGreen: Greyed out, idk how to fix it
- (2022-11-16) Yusuf Laher: Amazing!
- (2022-10-20) Tnç: works beautifully
- (2022-10-08) Ramblroff: ①画像ファイルとしてではなくクリップボードに保存できる ②キーショートカットがある この2点が素晴らしいが、スクリーンショットをMacのシステムのものと見比べると明らかに色が鮮やかに変わってしまっいる。その点だけが致命的。
- (2022-09-16) Tom Hundt: AWESOME, removes all the Youtube controls/overlays nonsense at the bottom, leaving just the screen image, unadorned. Just what the doctor ordered. My new favorite plugin (this week). Some reviewers say it doesn't work for them. It does work for me (2022-09-16 Chrome 105.0.5195.125 (Official Build) (x86_64)) on MacOS 13.0 beta). I have it set to output JPG files. Will keep testing :-)
- (2022-09-11) k: It is super convenient to save a screenshot with a single key. If you can set any destination to save to, you can win an Academy Award.
- (2022-09-09) Avitha Nigam: It sounds like this used to work up until recently. It doesn't work any longer and the screenshot just comes out as a black box. If it could somehow be repaired, it would be a lifesaver though
- (2022-09-06) алла алла: недели назад Я давно искал что-то подобное..потому что обычный скриншот из Windows меня не устраивал.. а это расширение удовлетворяет всем моим потребностям.. спасибо разработчикам.Я очень благодарен этим людям, которые создали это расширение! Расширение очень удобное и не нужно искать в пк приложение для скрина. Мне оченьпонравился способ делать скриншоты в формате HD и не тратить время на это вручную.Я благодарен разработчику за это чудо всем своим друзьям я уже рассказал и им понтравилось.
- (2022-08-27) Zadyr Moon: LOVE YOU!!! Thank you so much. Very helpful. You made my day. I don't understand the angry reviews here, maybe competitors. Anyways, if the Screenshot option/buttom doesn't appear in the botton of the video (in the reproduction bar), just deactivate the extention and reactivated again in the Extensions Settings of the browser, then go back and refresh the page of the YT video and you are all set.
- (2022-08-23) David Murphy: doesnt work
- (2022-08-16) Yojin: Very Cool & Handy
- (2022-03-12) moosetwin: I used it to make a meme
- (2022-03-12) AxelDelbar1: 6 mars 2022 ne fonctionne qu'une seule fois après il ne fonctionne plus j'ai opera est ce la raison ?
- (2022-03-09) Roni Studio: Your app is very good for Youtube videos, but I found "BUG" for Youtube 360' Videos. When saved, it worked, but the image didn't match the projection. The image should be equirectangular but the result is not. Here I have a photo of the result and the source video: result image: Youtube video: Expected results.
- (2022-03-03) jean-philippe Leclere: Efficace!