Laat webpagina’s en Google Docs voorlezen.
Have web pages, Gmail and Google Docs read to you with learning and study opportunities. Ideal for people with reading difficulties such as dyslexia or foreign speakers. Log in with your Alinea or Kurzweil 3000 license. This extension reads your web pages aloud in 10 different languages (NL, FR, EN, DE, AR, ES, IT, PL, PT, TR) and applies a double marking to the texts. This way, the reader can easily follow the text and read more comprehensively. You can personalize the settings to your preference: large or small toolbar, contrasts, reading speeds, colors of the markings, languages and voices. You can have text translated, look something up in (image) dictionaries, check conjugations or homophones, create audio files and mark and summarize. The study tools marking and summarizing are really useful and they work across different websites. You can always have the summary read to you.
New additional features: With the screenshot reader you can have text in a self-drawn frame easily recognized and read aloud (e.g. text in an image). In addition, you can now dictate text in search fields and forms instead of typing. And three reading modes have been added: Read selection, Read text in rectangle, Click to read.
Latest reviews
- (2019-12-05) Rik De Weerdt: ik kan nu sneller lezen bedankt sensotec
- (2019-06-19) wassim chelfi: Il faut une license pour s'inscrire? Merci
- (2018-10-04) Jasmijn Bonte: Teksten worden goed voorgelezen en de leeshulp met markeringen zorgt er voor dat mijn zoontje mooi kan meevolgen om te lezen, ook al heeft hij dyslexie.