extension ExtPose

Quick Translate

CRX id


Description from extension meta

This extension provides quick translation of selected texts

Image from store Quick Translate
Description from store Important notes: - The shortcut for in page translate is shift button. - The default shortcut for browseraction is CTRL + Q (you can change that later on "chrome://extensions/configureCommands") - If there were opened tabs before you install the extension, you must refresh those tabs in order to activate extension. Supports over 50 languages This extensions allows you to translate the text selection using Google Translate whenever you want. When the extension is installed select some text from a website, then press "shift" button to show translation. This extension is lightweight and does what it says. Translates texts quickly. No messy options. There is two options in options page. One for source language, and another for destination language. You just have to set the destination language and feel free to use it. There is another option which can you use to force translation source language. Changing source language from auto detect to something is not recommended. ------2.5----- bugfix, background page converted persistent ------2.3----- New feature : memorize words. ------2.0----- Option to keyboard shortcuts on inputs (textarea, input). Defaults to true ------1.9----- added text to speech for spelling ------1.8----- added ctrl+q shortcut for browser action ------1.7----- added browser action button ------1.5----- bugfix about options ------1.4----- improved content html ------1.3----- positioning improved ------1.2----- positioning bugfix

Latest reviews

  • (2023-09-19) K: It was fantastic, but now it don't work with many many single words idk why, please fix it, i will give better star i need this extension
  • (2023-08-08) Jimmy Jam: Would be awesome if it had a list of words that you've added as a reminder.
  • (2023-05-25) Tomás Curtelo: La comencé a usar hace poco. Simple y directa.
  • (2022-12-07) Bharathi P: My Native Tamil Language is Missing.
  • (2022-10-31) ZHIEND: İlginç bi şekilde ingilizce-türkçe çevirisini çok iyi yapıyor. Şimdiye kadar bi sıkıntısını görmedim. Aşırı sade ve kullanışlı ayrıca, hotkey olayı da çok iyi.
  • (2022-10-26) Kevin A. Lawrence: add more language
  • (2022-10-23) Mạnh Tuấn Nguyễn Văn: good
  • (2022-08-14) Joni no: Наконец-то удобный плагин
  • (2022-07-22) Kuro.ツ: Please have an option to disable the shift function when typing in a text box. I'm trying to type and select text using shift and the arrow keys and the extension keeps interrupting every time. Going to uninstall this for now, it is more of a nuisance than a help.
  • (2022-05-17) Rajasekhar Reddy: Provide Copy icon for copying the translated text with single click.
  • (2021-12-01) Anggy Nugraha: it would be great, if you can you just double clik text without hit shift button to translate
  • (2021-11-23) Miguel Beltran Altamirano: Parecia muy buena extension, pero de repente falla o no carga bien...
  • (2021-11-16) Luis G. Lopez: buenísima. probé otras que te sacan de tu página y te llevan al google traslator, y eso es molesto. Esta en cambio te permite traducir una palabra desde ahí mismo. Aparte lo que busco es esto, poder traducir palabras seleccionadas, porque me sirve para aprender inglés. Leo en inglés, si algo no entiendo, lo selecciono y presionando shift tengo el significado de la palabra en español. Es buenísima. Gracias al autor/a.
  • (2021-10-18) Mail Server: sehr nützlich für schnelle Übersetzungen von Textpassagen
  • (2021-09-17) Jing Ning: Some of the translations are wrong but still love it
  • (2021-07-17) Mortred: herhangi bir websitesinin içinde barındırdıgı herhangi bir kelimeyi veya kelime öbeğini sağ tuş ile seçip sadece shift tuşuna basmanız sonucunda kelimenin çevirisi + kelimenin sıfat, özne, edat vs oldugu ve bir örnek içinde kullanımı çıkıyor. Sanırım google chrome un en güzel eklentisini keşfettim
  • (2021-06-19) A Lee A Master: really bad. cant wait for so long
  • (2021-04-22) Adam Arciszewski: It's good but you should provide an option to change the shift key - as with this extension I cannot use the keyboard selecting (keep pressed shift and select text with arrow keys), therefore I had to remove it.
  • (2021-04-20) Topu: Works very nicely, Ive had no problems with this.
  • (2021-02-16) Kumbi Dzai: Не знаю, ребята - я добавил это расширение несколько дней назад и пока доволен. Конечно, не идеал - не регулируется размер окна, не доработана опция с запоминанием слов по карточкам - но в целом весьма неплохо. И это при том, что на Хроме катастрофически мало действительно УДОБНЫХ переводчиков...
  • (2021-01-27) Фермер Пётр: Very useful and handy but ii would be great to be able to adit fast translation shortcut
  • (2021-01-21) J H: The best quick translator, its instant and very convenient, no coping or pasting. However, it uses an uneditable shortcut key of SHIFT, which means you cannot use shift to select text etc. Would be easily 5/5 if it made this editable.
  • (2021-01-18) Roman Radulov: Dont Work!!!!!!!
  • (2021-01-15) Grzegorz Świerczyński: It worked perfectly, but I suppose there is a limit on the number of calls to Google Translate API so after a while it only shows empty blue box. That's a pitty, because it very fast and convenient.
  • (2020-12-02) Egemen ALP: Kullanışlı, ilk başta kullanırken kısayolu unutuyorsunuz. Yüklemeden sonra mutlaka sayfayı yenileyin. Sonra seçilen kelimeden sonra shift'e basınca çeviri balonu çıkıyor.
  • (2020-11-15) L. D.: super, temu komu nie dziala to znaczy ze nie umie uzywac
  • (2020-09-07) Xion Lover: Pleas add to Bangla in Destination Language source. Thanks
  • (2020-02-29) Takrimul Islam: Doesn't have Bangla language
  • (2020-01-09) RC 3d: dont work in youtube
  • (2019-12-22) CursedBM81: This extension is absolutely beautiful. It DOES do what it says. I hope I use this a lot. EDIT: I just found out that it even shows the definitions of a single selected word. This is more than just a translator, it's a cross-language, simple Google. I also love the color. But, is there a chance that there will soon be an option to change the color?
  • (2019-12-18) Leonidas Wander: muito bom, mas, o Ignore inputs/textareas não funciona
  • (2019-10-28) BIOS-Pherecydes: Fantastic. Does what it says it does better than Google's dedicated extension, and also works as a simple and effective inline dictionary. Great job.
  • (2019-10-07) Joachim Weisse: Funktioniert wie es soll (Chrome 77) allerdings ist das mit der Shift-Taste gewöhnungsbedürftig und zuweilen etwas unhandlich - aber es tut was es soll.
  • (2019-09-11) Ahmed Alam: Lame. Lacks double click translate. Removed.
  • (2019-09-10) S.d Danesh: Very bad, Don't work.
  • (2019-08-21) Edu ardo: A melhor de todas, abre uma janelinha na própria página, traduz sem perder o foco na página.
  • (2019-07-23) Kami Hsu: Good job
  • (2019-07-12) Natani Flutesong: It's usefull and comftable before u need press shift-key while typing. It's not possible to change shift key (unlike Ctrl+Q combination) so it make typing unavailable. That's reason why I'm forced to go back to other translator. So pity P.S.: Ctrl+Q combination open empty window that isn't available to fill so it doesn't work too
  • (2019-06-25) Dan-jumbo Victor: I love the easiest translation. But please add the option to customize the shortcut. Especially the hold SHIFT key. This interrupts me when am trying the use shift to switch input cases.
  • (2019-05-23) Jacek Kluza: Doesn't work at all… nothing
  • (2018-12-04) Works like advertised. But using the shift key was a bad idea. Makes editing text difficult. Unfortunately, I find it more a nuisance that useful.
  • (2018-11-21) S. Wahed: At this moment it works perfectly. That is exactly what I was looking for. Great job, thank you.
  • (2018-06-04) Ainsov Eternal: great idea and nice realisation... could be. If only not the stupid idea to use SHIFT (SHIFT!!!) for quick translation. And it's not an editable shortcut. As the result you lose ability to work with text by keyboard. Even when youtrying to edit your comment or using Google Keep – right after you use ctrl+shift+arrows key, you can't ctrl+c/x it. I'm really confused, HOW such tommyrot could happened.
  • (2018-03-13) Óscar: No sound.
  • (2017-11-12) Maciej Grabowski: The best extension. It's veeeery helpful
  • (2017-11-08) Gersivan Oliveira: Uma das melhores extensões de suporte a idiomas. Ótima! Só o áudio que deu problema. CONTRA: Áudio não funciona. Não abre pop up próxima a palavra, como é exibida na apresentação.
  • (2017-04-28) Very fast.
  • (2016-12-15) Kacper Rosły: robi to co ma robić
  • (2016-06-22) Dante Pichardo: Justo lo que necesitaba
  • (2016-04-06) Pyroman Cze: Pecka


30,000 history
3.6786 (84 votes)
Last update / version
2024-11-03 / 2.6
Listing languages
