extension ExtPose

Avast Online Security & Privacy

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Description from extension meta

Avast Browser Security and Web Reputation Plugin.

Image from store Avast Online Security & Privacy
Description from store Proteggi il browser Google Chrome da minacce online in tempo reale, tracker e truffe. Naviga in tutta sicurezza utilizzando Avast Online Security and Privacy. Da Facebook alla banca, ogni sito che visiti verrà controllato, in modo che nulla possa mettere a rischio te o i tuoi dati. Unisciti a una community in continua crescita di 400 milioni di utenti Avast. - Identifica e blocca i siti di phishing progettati per sottrarre i dati degli utenti. - Verifica in modo semplice e rapido la valutazione del rischio di qualsiasi sito Web posizionando il cursore del mouse sul collegamento. - Blocca gli invadenti cookie di tracciamento che raccolgono dati sulle tue attività di esplorazione. - Blocca la pubblicità online e rimuovi i tuoi dati dai database degli inserzionisti. - Ottimizza le tue preferenze e impostazioni per la privacy sulle tue piattaforme online preferite. - Chiedi automaticamente ai siti di interrompere il tracciamento e di non mettere in vendita i tuoi dati. Per altre informazioni, visita https://globalprivacycontrol.org I dati raccolti includono: - URL - Per scoprire se il sito Web è sicuro - Dati sull'utilizzo - Per misurare il comportamento dell'utente sull'interfaccia e comprendere come interagisce con l'estensione - Identificatore estensione interno (GUID) - Per distinguere gli attacchi malware univoci, misurare la telemetria del prodotto e calcolare le statistiche aggregate - Informazioni sul dispositivo (tipo di browser, versione del sistema operativo) - Per ottenere statistiche aggregate sull'utilizzo - Paese - Per rilevare campagne malware specifiche per paese, misurare la telemetria del prodotto e calcolare le statistiche aggregate Installando questa estensione nel browser in uso, l'utente conferma di aver letto e accettato l'Informativa sulla privacy (https://www.avast.com/it-it/privacy-policy) e l'Accordo di licenza con l'utente finale (https://www.avast.com/it-it/eula) di Avast, che regolano le condizioni per il download e l'utilizzo del prodotto selezionato.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-08-24) excelente
  • (2024-04-22) KS LGD: 介绍页面上说能检测网站上链接的评级, 瞎说! 估计指的是搜索结果打个勾(不一定可靠 是否存在背调数据库)。实时行为分析在付费版有个web分析(不知道有啥用),如果是在线分析且服务器在海外,网络延迟和内存开销不容忽视。拦截去广告属于基础功能(有更好的替代,Adblock等)了。综上 提供鸡肋的功能却能低成本收集可靠的用户和网站安全数据。。。难道没有更好的选择么?推荐MalewareBytes!
  • (2024-01-30) Johnson Tsai: Search results scanning does not work on lazy/delay loaded content in Google search. Steps to reproduce: After Google search results appear, scroll down the page to see more results come out without Avast scanning labels.
  • (2023-11-03) Game of THRONES: It's too much blocking websites. Even if I press to access the site, it blocks access to the site at the source.
  • (2023-09-14) Antonio Cer: el producto es bueno pero me marca el sitio de avast como peligroso afortunadamente estan protegidos contra ustedes miswmos y no me contestaron ni en latam ni usa-es
  • (2023-09-12) Oleg Poludnenko: Why are you blocking allinclusivecrm.com ?
  • (2023-08-21) something darkside: Not sure how reliable this extension is. It labelled the site Katycollection.com as safe but then Avast's own webshield blocked a connection on the site for phishing. Literally no idea how reputation for sites is even established by this extension.
  • (2023-08-15) Link: For some reason, Crunchyroll is unable to login while this extension is installed.
  • (2023-06-07) Davi Guedes dos Santos: não tem opção de idioma, ficar tudo em inglês, não entendo nada.
  • (2023-05-13) Michael McBride: Does the free extension have a whitelist? That's the only feature I seem to be missing at the moment.
  • (2023-05-04) Francisco Garzón Flor: PARA MI EL MEJOR ANTIDETODO
  • (2023-03-25) Guddu Pal: dependent on it
  • (2023-03-04) Tariq Al shehemi: Where did tracking protection go? It's a shame that half of the features are behind a paywall. Might as well just make the extension a list of links you can visit to opt-out of popular advertisers.
  • (2023-03-02) Carles “Carlos, Papa.” V: Yo creo que es muchísimo mas seguro que cualquier otro, no puedes entrar en ninguna web i a demás no te hacen ni caso en la web. Perdón, a la web de Avast tampoco me deja entrar. Tienen varios problemas, uno de configuración inicial y otro de olvidarse del cliente. I think it's much safer than any, I can't connect with any website and neither do they pay attention to you. I apologize to the Avast website for me, they don't connect me either. Be careful, there is a story, at tribunals, that they sold the addresses and their characteristics of their subscribers.
  • (2023-02-20) Jesús Gabriel Quijada Méndez: Muy util y practico.
  • (2023-02-17) Daniel De Jesús Hernández: Hasta el momento, me siento muy cómodo y protegido usando la extensión de Chrome. Me da mayor seguridad a la hora de navegar por la web:)
  • (2023-02-06) Andreas Uhlig: von 20 Webseiten, kann man nur noch 1-2 Seiten aufrufen. Der Rest ist nicht erreichbar. Will mein Geld zurück!!!
  • (2023-01-25) Max Morais: É leve e funcional, indica o nível de segurança do sites. Só a função de anti-rastreamento que faz parte da versão Pramium, por isso há outras extensões que a tem gratuitamente.
  • (2022-12-10) Christopher Davis: If figured out Avast is tracking and selling data to advertisers. I have uBlock Origin installed and I was randomly getting a popup warning about advertising tracking no matter what site I'm on. At first I didn't know what was causing it. When I disable the Avast extension this it warning stops.
  • (2022-11-28) Marley Hellerstein: along with total ad blocker and guardio, which i use along with avast, this extension is really nice in the realm of free security extensions! highly reccomend
  • (2022-11-21) Tom Storcz: Avast seems to be blocking my AD BLOCK and I have 4 Avast acounts and have been thinking about leaving them and start using Norton if this continues.
  • (2022-11-16) Joshua: great!!
  • (2022-11-07) 유승주: 네이버를 왜 처 막는 거죠?? 네???
  • (2022-10-21) Spiralz “GarlicBread” Lmao: Where did tracking protection go? It's a shame that half of the features are behind a paywall. Might as well just make the extension a list of links you can visit to opt-out of popular advertisers.
  • (2022-10-06) Alan Antonio: Es muy util, cambiaron y mejoraron ciertos aspectos de sus versiones anteriores y tiene el equipo con total protección.
  • (2022-09-29) Ola Jakoś: Used to be a good blocker, now it's just an ad for paywalled functions that still are marked as free in the description. Do not download it, pure scam nowadays
  • (2022-09-25) DA H: the anti tracking feature is now behind a paywall rendering this extension pretty much useless
  • (2022-09-17) Joseph Mervyn Imutan: The anti-tracking feature is no longer free for Windows 11. Avast tells you to upgrade to Avast One.
  • (2022-09-13) Сергей Кореневский: Not support Vivaldi browser. Не работает в Vivaldi браузер.
  • (2022-09-09) Aubrey Paixão: Simples, eficiente e completo. E além de tudo é grátis.
  • (2022-09-03) Vladko Vladky: Fungeje dobre
  • (2022-08-26) 水無月: これが原因でSNSシェアボタンが正常に表示されなくなっていました。
  • (2022-08-20) Д. Янев: Great addon
  • (2022-08-20) Akotski1338: this extension used to show other people's rating of a website and it would allow me to know if a website ive never visited before is trustworthy. now all it does is block trackers. i dont know if someone bought avast or whatever but it recently became a piece of garbage
  • (2022-08-10) Sascha Gonsior: Schlechte Konfugierbarkeit. Es werden zwar Tracker geblockt,kann aber keine einzelnen Webseiten als Ausnahme hinzufügen,da die Erweiterung als Adblocker bei einigen Websites erkannt wird. Auch auf Webseiten die Facebook oder andere soziale Medien wie Twitter zum antworten eingebunden haben,blockt die App weg,man kann also nicht interagieren. Wer hat euch gefragt Facebook und co zu blocken? Es gibt auch Leute die loggen sich über Social Logins ein. Die Leitfaden sind der größte Witz und machen mehr kaputt in den Einstellungen der sozialen Netzwerke als sie nützen,gerade,wenn man diese nutzt. Als Adblocker-Ersatz viel zu bescheiden,da Google Anzeigen durch gelassen werden,die ebenfalls unseriöse Werbung machen für Systemtools(Treiberupdater/Reg-Cleaner) und andere Abzocke, da eben nur bestimmte Tracker geblockt werden. Warum man den Adblocker nicht vom Avast Secure Browser übernimmt, oder ein angepassten ublock Origin(zumal man den ja drin hatte im Secure Browser) in Chrome als Erweiterung nimmt,tja frag mal Avast. Man kann nur hoffen das Avast nicht den Weg wie Avira geht und auf die Schnapsidee kommen auch Kryptominer anzubieten und dieses Tool nur zum Ausspionieren ohne mehrwert benutzt. Beim Antiuvirenschutz zeigen die Hersteller,das es ihnen nicht mehgr wichtig ist,die Leute zu schützen,sondern durch Sinnlosoptimierer den PC kaputt zu machen und sinnvolle Tools als teueres Upgrade anzubieten,Avira ist hier ganz groß. Hier muss man Avast mit dem Ransomwareschutz in der Free Edition wirklich loben.
  • (2022-03-23) ᛒᛃᛟᚱᚾ Orso: Impedisce la riproduzione video di alcuni siti
  • (2022-03-14) 平井伸治: ・ブロックされたサイトを回避する方法が無い。 ・メールに書かれていた本家とは違うURLにアクセスしても、ブロックされなかった。  他のセキュリティ会社でもされなかったので、この拡張機能が問題なわけでは無いが、  すべてをブロックしてくれるわけでは無いので、こういったものを使用していても注意は必要。
  • (2022-03-04) 蔡克文: Cloudflare is considered as a virus since today...what the hell? cannot access dashbaord
  • (2022-02-22) Kia: Won't let me remove it.
  • (2022-02-20) Surya S Mulloth: unable to open
  • (2022-02-17) Nikola Sarajlic: Great extension. I have trusted Avast for 10 years. Hasn't let me down, yet.
  • (2022-02-15) Петър Алексиев: O.K.
  • (2022-01-30) Książkomistrz PL: ok
  • (2022-01-19) Ростислав Запорожець: Надиво, ті хто настворював віруси й інше, знають як їх повидаляти. Стрьомно, але працює, краще пошукаю більш не залежний додаток
  • (2022-01-18) КоЛХоЗНиК с ХаРаКТеРоМ: Расширение Avast Online Security & Privacy не корректно работает в поисковая система, используемая в адресной строке Яндекс, в поисковая система, используемая в адресной строке Googl поисковике всё работает нормально Расширение Avast Online Security & Privacy не корректно работает в Яндекс браузере что в google chrome проблема в том что не отображается оценка сайтов в поисковике должны появляться иконки с зелёной галочкой или красным крестиком указывающими безопасен он или нет
  • (2022-01-11) antonio silva: muito bom
  • (2022-01-08) unika vorita: virus eltávolitás
  • (2022-01-07) Agnieszka Kurowska: Rozszerzenie jest praktycznie wpychane na siłę do przeglądarki. Chrome ma też funkcjonalność tego rozszerzenia, różnica tylko taka że dane z przeglądarki trafiają dodatkowo do właściciela Avast'a
  • (2022-01-04) 肖云开: 非常好用的插件,希望支持一下Safari A nice tool, please support Safari


7,000,000 history
4.4425 (26,131 votes)
Last update / version
2024-09-02 / 22.12.6
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