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A beautiful color palette with every new tab!
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Description from store
Color Tab fills up your "new tab" screen with a beautiful color palette from the best of Color Hunt's collection. Each time you open up a new tab, the page will be replaced with a random color combination.
Latest reviews
- (2023-10-06) Charles Magnuson: Largely ruined by the advertisement at the bottom of every new tab. If I could remove the advertising, this extension would be a 4 or 5 star extension.
- (2023-02-01) Maravilho, seria perfeito se desse para escrever em cima, como se fosse papel de carta... lindo demais
- (2022-05-13) Hana AH: It is so colorful! It always is so nice having a colorful tab and it always changes so I never get bored. thank U sooooooo much. Bye Bye for now! wait until the next review in a few days, weeks, months or years! We never know what will come up! Bye!
- (2022-04-19) SARA SALEH: لا يعمل
- (2021-11-25) Renaud | Odentas: This extension is a very good idea. I love it!
- (2021-11-23) john baiter: Been using this extension since 2015. It's an easy way for me to see if my internet is working or not by opening a new tab.
- (2021-10-19) Per Hansson: I like it, but Chrome crashes every single time if you go to a page then press back until you end up on colortab "start page"
- (2021-06-14) Ethan Lam: Have been happily using Color Tab for years, but was recently greeted with the Color Hunt website when I opened a new tab instead of, well... an actual palette. Disabled Color Tab and re-enabled it, uninstalled and reinstalled all to no avail – I can't get back to an actual palette.
- (2021-06-04) Jerad Blair: What a fun idea <3 love that it tells you the value of each color as well
- (2021-05-21) The colors pop out and I love it! Keep doing stuf like this!
- (2021-04-13) Sophie: The new, bright red SPONSORED BY SHUTTERSTOCK banner at the bottom is so ugly I'm uninstalling.
- (2021-03-23) Júlio César (Júlio): Used to be pretty good, but then they removed the ability to close the shutterstock ad. It is extremely distracting in my opinion, especially with the whole thing going up once you hover it. I hope its a bug, and not just greed. Wouldn't recommend until fixed.
- (2021-03-16) Noor: I love this extension, I've been using it for years. However, I see that all my liked palettes are gone for some reason :(
- (2021-03-07) Prophecy: I liked it, but there was 1 problem. It wouldn't let me see my bookmarks! As a teacher, I need easy access and that kind of cut off that quick access.
- (2020-12-12) kai: perfeito. Tudo oque vc precisa no alcance de 1 clique, agradeço muito por isso, amo o trabalho que fizeram pra ter isso hj, te amo bjos
- (2020-11-30) Claire Jin: i love this extension!! as an artist, i love the feature where you can like the palettes <3
- (2020-11-07) - Neo: It's perfect if you let the bookmark bar keep showing in the blank page and hiddening in other page.
- (2020-10-30) kind of average fetus: this extension is great! it adds so much happiness to my day whenever i open a new tab! also for everyone saying they cant see bookmarks with this, i found a solution (at least on mac it works). When you open the new tab press the three dots in the top right and one of the options shows bookmarks! hope this helped! :)
- (2020-10-25) Jacqueline Lee: the colors are nice and gives good inspo, but it removes the regular google search bar, bookmarks, and the icons that would normally appear on the top right (apps, profile, etc) im uninstalling :(
- (2020-10-20) Hans Lim: Lovely colours and all BUT you cant access the ur account bar to shortcut to ur docs or mail :(
- (2020-09-11) Edi: Gives refreshing feeling with every new tab.
- (2020-09-08) Franco La Mattina: love the colors
- (2020-09-02) Jill's Paradise ツ: not that good wodent
- (2020-08-18) Marco Cheng: Has ads. It doesn't show the bookmark tabs.
- (2020-08-06) Britt Gaiser: I love this so much!! However, I wish that it still showed the bookmarks tab up the top. Maybe have an option for that?
- (2020-07-15) Stefan Ioja: O extensie interesanta ce-ti schimba culorile unui nou tab de fiecare data. Culorile sunt in 4 benzi (de-a lungul ecranului) si sunt aleatorii de fiecare data. Uneori deschid un tab nou doar ca sa vad ce culori noi imi apar. Singura permisiune de care are nevoie extensia e sa modifice un nou tab si cam atat, deci nu e invaziva precum altele ce au nevoie sa citeasca si istoricul de navigare pentru niste functii care nu au legatura cu acesta. 5/5 recomand!
- (2020-07-13) Lester: using this for a long time. best extension
- (2020-07-10) Daksha Mahida: very nice colorsssss and it even tells u the color code!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- (2020-03-29) Saisha //•//: I really love this app. It just makes my boring white google background a little taste of color. All of my friends are jealous of my chrome, so I recommended it to them and now they are also lovers of this app. 😃 love it!!
- (2020-03-24) German Duterte: Because of this I open a lot of new tabs. haha
- (2020-03-19) Sabri SAID: Great extension but is there any way to display a new color tab only with the colortab button extension and not with the classic new tab button (+) ? In chrome tab setting I can only disable colortab extension and if I set a manual link to a new tab there is still a new colortab page instead my link.
- (2020-03-14) Idanmuze: I am the kind of person that tends to avoid spontaneously awarding five-star reviews to products and services that may or may not deserve it. Even so, this is an extremely beautiful and useful designer or artist's tool that deserves all the praise it receives. The soothing and inspiring pallets that gracefully drape every new tab you open will bring a smile to your face every time. This a must download tool. And to those working on the extension; keep up the fantastic work. God bless you all.
- (2020-03-03) 原子: 是个憨憨软件,使用后收藏和书签都不显示了
- (2020-02-13) 朱斌辉: 2020年2月13日 发现新标签页下方出现广告。 Feb.13.2020 I find that there is A.D at the bottom of the new TAB
- (2020-02-07) Welington Fernandes Miranda Junior: Achei bacana para inspirar.
- (2020-02-05) prince tajik: Amaziiiiiiiiiiiing
- (2020-01-04) zhina kai: i like ti
- (2019-11-28) Anya Alm: Great extension, 10/10! Would recommend. I look forward to opening each new tab. <3 <3 <3 <3 Never crashes either.
- (2019-11-17) R. Hafid Radana: thank you. love and enjoy it.
- (2019-11-15) awestar27: wow, i love it
- (2019-10-18) Bot Madera: Color Tab is Happiness
- (2019-10-06) hasan keskin: Just idiotic! Instead it needs to be color the tab this extension color"s the page surface? who does need that? Change tor title, dont take peoples time!
- (2019-09-25) m kh: خیییییلی خوبو عالیه کلی پالت رنگی دم دست داری اینطوری
- (2019-08-23) BBart: Wieleeeee palet koloru dla chyba każdego WebDev-a. Dobry plagin :d
- (2019-08-21) Caroline Casals: makes your new tabs be pretty. Excellent for: - screenshares - getting whatever garbage click bait that google thinks I need to see off my new tab it routinely makes me smile, oh and fun color inspiration for design to boot!
- (2019-08-07) วิมม์: Thank you, Gal Shir. It's Amazing!
- (2019-07-04) J Z: 很不好用,打开一个新的空白页就弹出一个色块,垃圾
- (2019-06-11) Daniel Lovato: excelente me es de mucha ayuda
- (2019-05-27) Phi Nguyen: Saw that the ratings were too low.
4.2484 (1,393 votes)
Last update / version
2024-08-14 / 3.2
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