extension ExtPose


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Description from extension meta

Several tools for Torn.

Image from store TornTools
Description from store This extension is for an online text-based role-playing game Torn. It is packed with lots of small but helpful scripts that enhance the game experience. The extension will help with visuals, ease repetitive actions & give statistics. Detailed information about features, creators, and API usage can be found on our Github Wiki page: https://github.com/Mephiles/torntools_extension. Privacy Policy: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CrYDHkFs70D0VEelp29fs8xV5-Eo_UBCIpnpsCuIxMI/edit?usp=sharing

Latest reviews

  • (2023-10-25) Jheb Krueger: can you please make 'repeated common button' in fixed position instead of changing like hunting on south africa, it is annoying when i have to move my mouse everytime the text-story changed
  • (2023-01-11) Justin James: Thank you for adding the faction quick items!
  • (2023-01-02) Humma Kavula: Completely broken on Firefox, evrything just stopped working, nothing loads at all and none of the buttons do anything. Just blank white.
  • (2022-11-01) nick erickson: keeps breaking, saying "error point values" or something
  • (2022-02-15) Lawrence O'Boyle: This has been a great feature for my Torn experience an awesome helper.
  • (2021-12-14) Evian Z: very high CPU usage after installing
  • (2021-12-10) Akash Saha: Everything is great but I can't connect external services like yata and beta.tornstats, whenever I try my device freezes and my browser shuts down. Hope this bug gets fixed asap so I can 5 star my rating. 🙂🙂
  • (2021-10-04) charley starks: I cant add shortcuts anymore to the sidebar. Any solutions?
  • (2021-10-01) Kaung Ko: I just found out I need to remove the extension and install the new version again if new update came out. :D
  • (2021-09-28) Noah Sutherland: I spent a ton of time months ago configuring this perfectly and now the dev went and broke it unless you manually uninstall and then reinstall. 2 stars because I like the extension when it works, but right now it does not work. This is not how a professional person does things, especially when your extension is on the web store and not manually installed. Horrible design choice (yes, it was a conscious choice) and makes me not want to play anymore because a lot of things are in the wrong place or more difficult to get to now.
  • (2021-09-28) Caleb McGlothin: This was a great extension until update 6.0. The extension does not work until you uninstall then re-install. You are no longer able to import your settings from previous versions of the extension. So, the hours you spent setting it up and configuring it perfectly are wasted. Free or not, that's not how you do business.
  • (2021-09-28) Jared: The extension was "updated" and "rewritten" to V6 with no warning. It can no longer even turn on, let alone function. It's completely and fundamentally broken now. Even if it did work, they also removed features without consultation. This is the worst extension "update" I've ever seen on the web store. It's bad enough that I won't even be able to play Torn anymore until it's reverted, updated again, or I can figure out a way to download the previous version and prevent it from updating. Since the latter is impossible I guess I will retire my Torn account and move back to Old School RuneScape until this is fixed.
  • (2021-09-28) D: Latest update will not load when I click on it. It just loads but never shows me the info. It also doesn't give me any info anymore when visiting different webpages related to Torn.
  • (2021-09-28) Captain Maionese: Great tool, great for attacking, keeping track of your stats and it gives the extra info you might need.
  • (2021-09-28) Woodenickle Alaska: So glad i found this. Absolutely essential tool and a beautifully easy interface. i have had great success i associated with the additional information and tools. WooDeNicKle 22634006
  • (2021-09-27) RJ Jones: brilliant tool super useful, just goes down sometimes and i have to set it back up
  • (2021-09-27) olesien -: Very good
  • (2021-09-27) Caio Felipe: The best in this role, and now in a re-worked from 0 for better efficiency.
  • (2021-09-25) Caio Felipe: hope the 6.0 gets on store soon!; Amazing extension, makes the game way better!
  • (2021-08-05) Timothy Quigley: Started giving a non stop notification pop up when i had my chrome window open, and turning off notifications doesnt work. None of the settings saved, I cant mute it. RIP. Useful but super annoying now, so its getting uninstalled forever.
  • (2021-07-28) Carlo Borreo: Lots of functionalities, really useful
  • (2021-05-12) Dominick Loyd: Great App very helpful!
  • (2021-04-26) Christian Muñoz: Very useful and trustfully
  • (2021-03-29) Abril Martínez: Great extension, but until you implement the same quick crime bar doctorn has, I cannot do the full migration.
  • (2021-03-27) Sak Gobar: i dont like the new city item tracker,, the old one is more user friendly
  • (2021-03-17) Nikos Polykandriotis: Really really great app
  • (2021-03-17) LoadedGuns: 3 stars... ONLY because it spams me that my booster cooldown has gone away... I KNOW I dont use boosters unless Im chaining, so naturally people will say well just turn it off notifications then, well I do that, and everytime I hit save, it doesnt save, I refresh the page and it has cooldowns checked back on again... HELP PLEASE and I will give it the 5 stars everything else in Torn Tools Deserves!
  • (2021-02-26) Hwng: It conflicts with my other add-ons. The landing notification went wrong after I had set it 1mins, and it notifies me 6mins earlier.
  • (2021-01-20) Funeral Fog: https://www.torn.com/2022891
  • (2021-01-12) Noobrzor: This is better than DocTorN, and DocTorN is fantastic already. Thank you kindly, sir.
  • (2020-10-04) Chan Thomas: Great app to replace Doctorn and improve quality of life! However, is there a feature where I can just see the bars (energy/crime/happy/life/travel) without having to click onto the extension window? Also I found the notifications to be too quiet comparing to Doctorn is there a custom sound like the beep in doctorn? Thanks!
  • (2020-10-03) Nikola Sudijovski: Someone from paris was querying my data... so yeah.. i would be warry about using this. They are selling or distributing your api keys...
  • (2020-10-02) Tim Schofield: Awesome addition! :)
  • (2020-09-26) Tasos Tsitsiras: Very lag! When i open a torn page, freeze for 8-10 seconds, until the extension things show up...
  • (2020-08-22) john harper: great app with regular updates. I hope you can keep it up !
  • (2020-08-12) Kamil Keski: Actively maintained, very responsive dev team that accepts feedback from the community. Love this extension, 100% recommend it over similar ones for Torn (I wont name names, but you know what's up).
  • (2020-07-31) Kenneth McDonald: I have been following the app development on Torn Tools for about a month now(7/30/2020) and I am loving it more than docTorn. If you are using docTorn you are missing out on a ton of features that Torn Tools is bringing to the table to make your Torn life easier.
  • (2020-07-28) S. Tolga Kirtiloglu: kept resetting my settings, if I opened any notification, it kept spamming notifications. in the end I only used it for the "max value" in abroad markets. not a happy experience. removing it to stop it from resetting my settings one more time
  • (2020-07-28) Tom Wills: Great app for Torn uses. Originally used DoctorN for other features which Torn Tools now has and a lot more with more customisation. Love it
  • (2020-07-17) Michael Horton: So far it is better than DocTorn.
  • (2020-07-09) Ed Be: great app in progress to replace the functionality of doctorn and integrate a few really useful scripts in one easy to use app. Still under construction but it's filled with features
  • (2020-07-08) Skunko3o: Great replacement for doctorn, so many updates and new features!
  • (2020-07-04) Natalia Gehenna: It is extremely helpful, it has so many features, and it's constantly updated, its creator really cares about this project. It's new, so sometimes there may be a few issues here and there, but they're taken care of and it's getting better every day! I very strongly suggest it!!!
  • (2020-07-01) aaron barganier: testing this out in place of doctorn, so far it does everything i used doctorn for and more. my only complaint is that the notifications dont seem to work/there are no chimes.
  • (2020-06-30) boredwayfarer: Hi i like that torn tools lists all the possible awards at the respective pages, but I use Doctorn as well, and the notifications keep pinging double! Is there a way to mute this notification, or just stop it if it knows we're using Doctorn as well? Will really really appreciate it
  • (2020-06-29) Kamil Keski: Early days yet. But I'm running with this to replace DocTorn and am not disappointed.
  • (2020-06-25) Virat Bamaniya: Recommended. Really helpful. A lot of features.
  • (2020-04-14) joey haberkorn: honestly like the stock part, showing the actual profit made, and the search for it too!!!!! keep updating, love the work

Latest issues

  • (2023-10-14, v:6.18.0) Dylan Bedi: Opening Tabs without Exiting TornTools
    Been using TornTools forever, but there has always been ONE thing that was a mild discomfort while using it. Every time I'm in a war especially, I go on TornTools and click on a person who is about to get out of the hospital, and it immediately exits out of TornTools and takes me to that person. I feel like it would be so much better if I could just open all of these in a new tab instead of having to click TornTools, click a person I'm staking out, it take me to their profile, and I do the same thing over and over for 5-6 more people I'm hitting. If this is already a feature and I was just confused I apologize.
  • (2023-06-15, v:6.13.0) Matthew Melnick: what is this error
    This is at the top of the browser window - TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object at Function.entries (<anonymous>) at showNPCs (chrome-extension://hjpaapdjcgbmeikfnahipphknonhlhib/scripts/features/npc-loot-times/ttNPCLootTimes.js:64:34) at async FeatureManager.executeFunction (chrome-extension://hjpaapdjcgbmeikfnahipphknonhlhib/scripts/global/featureManager.js:233:51) at async FeatureManager.startFeature (chrome-extension://hjpaapdjcgbmeikfnahipphknonhlhib/scripts/global/featureManager.js:142:6)
  • (2023-05-11, v:6.12.0) AusWayne: green/yellow/red coloured writing depending on job role primary and secondary stat
    Hi! When sorting where I want employee's there's a lot of moving between pages to work stuff out, as I haven't remembered everything. I was thinking a potential new thing that could be added would be changing the white stats writing to green/yellow/red respective of what the primary/secondary/null is for every job position. this would not only help company owners immensely, but also help people in roles know what they are getting a touch easier. Quick screenshot for reference: https://imgur.com/a/e9zaOsJ (I couldn't do the writing, but you can see what I mean Thanks for listening :) email: [email protected] - I would love to hear if this will be implemented or not :)
  • (2023-02-11, v:6.10.1) Syukhri Chuq: torn tools
    not working properly
  • (2023-02-09, v:6.10.1) Christoffer Bergholm: Quick Crime
    The edit in quick crimes don't work for me, only a grayish color is showing. Am im doing something wrong? Or maybe an addon that's blocking it?
  • (2022-06-24, v:6.6.0) Slevin Kelevra: Vault Sharing
    Hi guys, I was wondering why the feature for tracking the shared vault balances has been removed? I loved this feature and now I got married again and it's kind of a pain to track the balances manually. Best regards Totoron
  • (2022-04-05, v:6.5.2) Norbert Nowak: Kiwi and external services cause crash
    I try to enable External Services in Torn tools when using Kiwi browser on Android phone. At first it said I couldn't do it at all. I found a thread advicing to disable the "Remove AMP" check box in Kiwi privacy settings. At least I could check the Torn tool setting for TornStats and YATA. Only problem is that Kiwi shuts down the second after. So depending on AMP setting I get a forced shut down on Kiwi or a decline. Any advice how to enable External Services?
  • (2021-12-27, v:6.3.0) iis gamer: when i install the extension i am unable to use torn anymore, any tips?
    when i installed torn tools the screen went dim and all the buttons went unresponsive im not sure if its my doing but i would really appreciate some help please.
  • (2021-12-26, v:6.3.0) Edgar Duarte Coelho: Getting overlay on top of Torn
    After the latest update, whenever Torn finishes loading, I get an overlay that must be deleted manually (element is "tt-overlay hidden"). This happens in every single page. When trying to open the options I get a "scrambled" page with the search box open, but completely unresponsive. I'm using Vivaldi browser on Windows 10.
  • (2021-12-14, v:6.2.0) Jordan: torn tools
    its not loading the api
  • (2021-11-20, v:6.2.0) Matt Huppman: City Items
    Everything seems to work fine except the city item finder. When I load the city page there is a red X next to city items. I've done a complete reinstall of chrome(including removing appdata, progamdata) and torntools but I still get a red X every time. Any suggestions?
  • (2021-11-11, v:6.2.0) K Mo: Reviv
    For the life of me i cannot figure out to get the revive thing working again. [lease help!
  • (2021-10-03, v:6.1.0) Bryan Mahan: NPC Loot section missing?
    When searching for the NPC Loot show in sidebar it appears when searching in settings, but when viewing the sidebar settings section it no longer is visible there. Is this intentional or an oversight?
  • (2021-09-29, v:6.0.0) Tracy L Mellenberndt: Current stock not showing while flying
    I am unable to see the current stock when flying. I have updated to tt2, checked to ensure google is up to date. When I right click extension and choose options, I am unable to click preferences to set yata as outside source. I have logged into yate via api key and unable to get it to see table also. ty.
  • (2021-09-29, v:6.0.0) liam hall: no longer working
    after the update and having to renew permissions it doesnt load/work any more at all, i hope it works soon and i didnt lose my notes because i had alot of stuff in those
  • (2021-09-28, v:6.0.0) Mario Sandbird: New update
    Something is wrong with the 'settings' array. It loads the local database fine...but when it requests stuff from the settings array it can't find the values it's looking for. http://prntscr.com/1txmpww
  • (2021-09-28, v:6.0.0) Dave Barnes: Not connecting
    Doesn't seem to want to connect after renewing permissions
  • (2021-09-28, v:6.0.0) Eliminatus: Permission to read history
    There was a recent prompt asking to add two permissions with the topic being one of the two. Why is there a need for such permission?
  • (2021-08-06, v:5.11.1) Christopher Dutchyn: Networth Inaccurate: pie chart differs from itemized list
    My bazaar shows as $60.0M in the pie chat, but $88.8M in the total line for the itemized list. On the other hand, the pie chart show $60.3M for inventory, but $57.2M in the total line for the itemized list. I can't tell you about the stocks, becaue the pie cart shows $227.5M, but there is no total line for the itemized list. Properties are $8.3M in the pie chart, but adding up the itemized list totals to $11.1M. I don't have a display case. Is this how it's supposed to be?
  • (2021-05-17, v:5.9) ibraheem saeed: Not working for a while
    So I am having a bit of trouble for a while now. TornTools hasn't been working even when I uninstall and reinstall
  • (2021-03-17, v:5.7) LoadedGuns: Notifications
    Hey there! So Torn Tools Spams me with notifications every 15 seconds or so that my booster cooldown has expired, legit doesnt stop unless I take another booster, and I only use them chaining. So I went to just turn off notifications for cooldowns in the torn tools settings, and when I click it off, and hit save, it still happens, So I go back to torn tools settings and cooldowns are clicked back on again, it never saves my settings, its legit driving me crazy! I have no idea what to do, please help!
  • (2021-02-06, v:5.6.1) Cindy Westphal: No popup for API key
    There was no popup for an API key to enter into the extension (to even be able to see settings). I tried adding my profile number, that let me into the extension, but didn't show any stats at all and was not working. What is the API key and how do I get it? Until I know that, extension is uninstalled and will not be re-installed =/
  • (2021-01-28, v:5.6) Aaron Rhodes: UI Glitch
    I have been using torntools for a while now with no problems. but recently, I have an issue where my quick links are down by my awards on my sidebar and slightly further over into my screen. It makes it so I cannot read things properly.
  • (2021-01-22, v:5.5) Chris Valle: Faction: No API Access
    I cannot seem to get TT to show inactivity of faction members, among other faction information. OC works fine. Leader has no issues with this. Am I missing something?
  • (2020-11-11, v:5.3.2) Barry Spence: Travel Table
    I really enjoy this app works almost flawlessly for me. I do have problems with the travel table though. seems to break randomly. Typically will not populate. what is the work around when this happens? Thanks Much!
  • (2020-11-06, v:5.3.1) Sylav: Torn Tools Market Tab
    Hello, whenever I try to click on the market tab or stocks, to search for items, I don't get anything. Any help please?
  • (2020-10-10, v:5.1.2) Rob Hannagan: API number
    Hi, I've installed the extension, but when I try to enter API number in the text field on the pop up, it doesn't let me. I'm using the Kiwi browser on Meizu mobile.
  • (2020-10-02, v:5.1.2) Tim Schofield: Notifications
    Hi there :) Thanks for the amazing addon! I'm using it with Chrome and enjoying it a lot. I'm not receiving any sound notifications, although the setting for this is enabled. I've set the app to inform me 1 minute prior to landing but there's no sound notifaction for this, for example. If I enable Text To Speech notifications, this works and there is audio but I would prefer not to use this, if possible. If there's anything I can try, I'd appreciate the help! Either way, thanks again and have a great weekend :)
  • (2020-10-01, v:5.1.1) Paul Kelly: items
    when clicking item to see details it is breaking my browser session - guess it is timing out - dots at bottom of screen not stopping and cannot do anything in browser - chrome reports page not working and allows me to stop
  • (2020-09-28, v:5.1.1) matt vancleve: Unable to enter API key
    The extension options will not allow me to enter my API key screengrab >> https://imgur.com/a/iO947jS
  • (2020-07-29, v:4.8) Nathan K: Repeated energy bar notification bug in Chrome
    I started with 150/150 energy and then used items to reach 400/150 energy. I'm now receiving notifications that "Your Energy bar has reached 400/150 (100%)" every 15 seconds. This continues as long as my energy is above 150, and is very irritating. The constant pop-ups from Chrome notifications are distracting, and it quickly maxes out the number of notifications from Chrome that Windows can track (20).
  • (2020-07-06, v:4.7) Stavros Mantzouneas: can't add quick items
    Hi, I'm loving this extension, it's great! I just have a minor issue, I can't add quick items, or quick crimes. I have the same issue both on win10/chrome and ubuntu18.04/chrome. Any idea what could cause this / how I can debug it? Thank you very much!
  • (2020-06-29, v:4.6) Kamil Keski: Square away those certs!
    https://torn.sliw.co/ <-- no bueno.
  • (2020-06-21, v:4.4) Thomas Anderson: Version 4.4 - Chromium - 'Package is invalid'
    The plugin worked fine on the previous version, but wouldn't update to 4.4 I removed it, and tried re-adding it to Chromium Version 83.0.4103.106 (Official Build) snap (64-bit), and it produced the following error: Package is invalid. Details: 'Could not load JavaScript 'scripts/js/chart.min.js' for content script.'.


30,000 history
4.2381 (63 votes)
Last update / version
2024-07-04 / 7.3.1
Listing languages
