Copy and save web pages to your personal archive on Cloud. Content highlighting is supported. Great alternative to regular bookmarks
WebSatchel allows users to save and store copies of webpages onto the cloud.
Unlike traditional bookmarking WebSatchel does not save just the link to a particular webpage, instead it creates a full copy of the webpage allowing the user to permanently have access to the information in the exact format that it was saved.
The purpose of WebSatchel is to allow users to create a personal internet database. It's a place where you can copy anything you feel is important or has any kind of value and grow it over time. It should be viewed as a companion to your browsing experience.
Once a page has been saved it can be viewed on the WebSatchel website under the “My Satchel” tab (Note: you must be logged in to see this tab and to save pages. Creating an account is free).
There is also a great emphasis on searching/organization. WebSatchel indexes every word on the saved webpage regardless if you save the whole page or just save the link. This makes searching for your saved pages really easy using our built-in search engine because you don't need to remember the title of a page - just any single relevant word or phrase would do.
Tags and keywords are used for more efficient organization once your satchel gets up to a few hundred pages. Also, since the link version still indexes every word on the saved webpage this makes it superior to regular bookmarking even though you are only saving the link since regular bookmarking doesn't index anything beyond the title of the page.
Apart from just allowing users to save pages WebSatchel also allows you to save the links to all your open tabs into a collection that can be opened back up at any time on any device. Even if only a link is saved, all the text is still indexed just like it would be if the entire page was saved. This is a significantly superior option to conventional bookmarking which does not index every word on the page and instead only indexes the page’s title at most. This makes searching for a particular saved link much easier.
WebSatchel is also designed for users to save lots of web pages. Free users get 1 gigabyte of storage which is enough space to save hundreds of average webpages so don’t be shy about saving any webpage that might be of any use to you. Always better to be safe than sorry after all. Additionally, WebSatchel allows you to modify the pages that you save by highlighting the information that is most important to you. This makes finding the information even easier on the page that you save.
All saved pages are encrypted. The only person who can access your saved pages is YOU.
WebSatchel is constantly improving and finding more ways to make saving pages an easier and smoother experience. New updates are scheduled in the coming months.
Latest reviews
- (2022-03-22) Samuele gg: Darò 5 stelle quando sarà migliorata, difetti presenti: • l'importazione dei segnalibri non funziona: "si è verificato un errore" • quando salvi una pagina, nella web page, non fa nessuna distinzione tra pagina e link: colore, categoria, aspetto; • i links/pagine nella web page non permette di riordinarli in ordine alfabetico; aggiungendoli ai segnalibri, esistono le voci, ma non funzionano; • deselezionata la casella preimpostata di default su "save all frames", questa torna selezionata nuovamente; • scomoda come accessibilità/aggiunta la web page, manca una scorciatoia nel menù contestuale da click destro sulla pagina; manca un bottone per accedere subito alla web page, puoi farlo cercando la voce (scomoda accessibilità) o dopo aver aggiunto una pagina/link; • manca un bottone per salvare tutti i links della finestra corrente (versione free)/pagine (versione premium); • la versione free permette di salvare fino a 25 pagine/giorno; links illimitati; • una volta aggiunti 25 links, hai raggiunto automaticamente il limite di 25 pagine e ti invita ad effettuare l'upgrade, però puoi continuare a salvare links; • una volta raggiunto il limite giornaliero tra links/pagine, anche se hai meno di 25 links, il promemoria giornaliero rimane lo stesso per le pagine ed invita ad effettuare l'upgrade; • versione free dice "unlimited links saved each day" sono limitati ad 1 GB di spazio, significa che se 25 link consumano 40 mb circa, hai un limite di 500-600 links; • versione premium dice "unlimited pages/links saved each day" sono limitati/e a 100 GB di spazio, signica che se 25 link consumano 40 mb circa, hai un limite di 62'500 pagine/links senza distinzioni tra pagine e links. • abbonamento annuale $15 e piani mensili. In conclusione è utile come estensione per salvare links (versione free)/pagine-links (versione premium) da leggere dopo, perchè ti permette di aggiungere tags, keywords, descrizioni ed aggiungerli/e ai preferiti o salvarli/e come segnalibri e creando sotto-cartelle (profili). __________________________________________ I will give 5 stars when it is improved, defects present: • importing bookmarks doesn't work: "an error has occurred" • when you save a page, on the web page, it makes not distinction between page and link: color, category, appearance; • the links/pages on the web page don't allow you to reorder them in alphabetical order; adding them to bookmarks, the entries exist, but they don't work; • unchecked the box preset by default on "save all frames", it becomes checked again; • comfortless as accessibility/added web page, missing a shortcut in the context menu from right click on the page; a button is missing to access the web page immediately, you can do it by searching for the item (comfortless accessibility) or after adding a page/link; • a button is missing to save all the links of the current window (free version)/pages (premium version); • the free version allows you to save up to 25 pages/day; unlimited links; • once you have added 25 links, you have automatically reached the limit of 25 pages and invites you to upgrade, but you can continue to save links; • once the daily limit between links/pages has been reached, even if you have less than 25 links, the daily reminder remains the same for the pages and invites you to upgrade; • free version say "unlimited links saved each day" are limited to 1 GB of space, it means that if 25 links consume approximately 40 mb, you have a limit of 500-600 links; • premium version say "unlimited pages/links saved each day" are limited to 100 GB of space, which means that if 25 links consume approximately 40 MB, you have a limit of 62,500 pages/links without distinction between pages and links. • $ 15 annual subscription and monthly plans; In conclusion it's useful as an extension to save links (free version)/page-links (premium version) to be read later, because it allows you to add tags, keywords, descriptions and add them to your favorites or save them as bookmarks and create sub-folders (profiles).
- (2021-05-03) Lyle: The concept sounds great, but ultimately this seems to be more of a service than a web browser extension - selling cloud storage by way of streamlined website saving along with an unnecessary search function. I've no problem paying money for a good extension, and may never have exceeded the 1Gb free limit, but I already have cloud storage I'm paying for and I don't want to make another account and start relying on yet another account with another service. I enjoy the extension "SingleFile" to archive web pages, and I can just place them in a folder that syncs to the cloud storage I already use. Not as flexible but more robust. I guess the problem is the extension store not incentivizing/allowing people to sell their hard work upfront, so everyone has to design services, I have to take my anger out somewhere... sorry.
- (2021-01-18) נתי ק: Great!!
- (2019-01-24) Very good extension .Amazing extension.It is very useful for copy and save web pages to your personal archive on Cloud.saves lot of time..loved this extension very much
- (2019-01-24) Elahi Hossen: Very good extension.I can save the bookmarks i like in this extension. Amezing extension.I can save my bookmarks in this extension. Everyone should use this extension
- (2019-01-24) Orgest Doja: saving bookmarks wan never so easy best extension ever
- (2019-01-15) ginga rayuga: must have extension for chrome very useful extension for copy and save web pages to your personal archives very easy to use
- (2019-01-15) Asm Emran: WebSatchel helps me to save a highly accurate copy of any web page into my personal web archive on cloud.It also helps me to manage my bookmarks.It is an alternative to ordinary bookmarks.I recommend this.Like it.
- (2019-01-15) Rubel Ahmed: Very good extension.I can save the bookmarks i like in this extension. Amezing extension.I can save my bookmarks in this extension. Everyone should use this extension
- (2019-01-15) golden bird: websatchel help me to save any web page in one word its very good and foe beginner tooo
- (2019-01-15) Tech Browse: Very good extension .Amazing extension.It is very useful for copy and save web pages to your personal archive on Cloud.saves lot of time..loved this extension very much.
- (2019-01-15) Tarikul islam: Amezing extension.I can save my bookmarks in this extension. Everyone should use this extension
- (2019-01-15) Hong Hao: Very good extension.I can save the bookmarks i like in this extension.
- (2019-01-15) Rohit Ghosh: WebSatchel helps me to save a highly accurate copy of any web page into my personal web archive on cloud.It also helps me to manage my bookmarks.It is an alternative to ordinary bookmarks.I recommend this.Like it.
- (2019-01-15) Bibek Kharel: Amazing extension.It is very useful for copy and save web pages to your personal archive on Cloud.saves lot of time..loved this extension very much.
- (2019-01-15) Goutam Roy: WebSatchel extension is very useful for copy and save web pages to your personal archive on Cloud.It saves a lots of time.This plugin can be used as an alternative to ordinary bookmarks.Highly recommended.
- (2018-11-16) Igor Kuzmin: A gem of an extension!
4.4 (15 votes)
Last update / version
2021-10-15 / 2.1.1
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