Description from extension meta
Shopify Spy extract product listing from Shopify stores to CSV and Excel
Image from store
Description from store
Shopify Spy scrapes products from Shopify powered stores and saves as an Excel document or CSV file.
2024 Q3 changes:
- Download a single product
- Display some store metadata
- Better handling if errors
2024 Q2 changes:
- Highly requested feature: Downloading images.
- Slow mode: Extract more fields but slower: Variant Barcode, Image Alt Text, Variant Tax Code, Variant Weight Unit
- Old "Excel" format has been renamed to "Excel (Legacy)" and will be removed in further releases
- Option to manually specify a collection handle if the list of collections is too large.
- Enhanced error handling with clearer explanations
2024 Q1 changes:
- Resolved "Out of memory" error for large stores; now, CSV/Excel files are automatically split for efficient data handling.
- Improved status messages for enhanced clarity and precision.
2023 Q3-Q4 changes:
- Undock popup: you can use browser while the scraping is in progress and even scrape several store simultaneously
- Renewed login flow
Shopify Spy features:
✓ Can extract thousands of products within minutes
✓ Filter by a specific collection
✓ All fields from Shopify product listing are included (see below)
✓ All product images are added to the CSV
✓ Download images along with CSV
✓ Export to CSV format compatible with Shopify import format (
✓ Save as XLSX (Excel document) with proper data types - dates, prices
✓ Does not require excessive permissions
Why Shopify Spy:
For e-commerce store owners, Shopify Spy allows you to keep track of your competitors' products, pricing, and promotions. With this tool, you can quickly and easily extract thousands of products from Shopify-powered stores and filter them by specific collections.
For digital marketers, Shopify Spy provides accurate and reliable product data to help you analyze market trends and identify potential opportunities for your clients.
For product researchers, Shopify Spy makes it easy to gather data on a large number of products quickly and efficiently. This means you can identify trends and insights in your field of research with ease.
For dropshippers, Shopify Spy is an essential tool for finding new products to add to your store, and monitor pricing and product availability for your existing products.
For data analysts, Shopify Spy's ability to extract product data from Shopify stores and save it in a CSV or Excel format makes it an attractive tool for processing large amounts of data quickly and efficiently.
So, whether you're an e-commerce store owner, digital marketer, product researcher, dropshipper, or data analyst, Shopify Spy has everything you need to stay on top of the latest product trends and insights. Try it out today and take your business to the next level!
Supported Fields:
- Handle: The unique identifier for the product.
- Title: The name of the product.
- Body (HTML): The HTML description of the product.
- Vendor: The name of the product's vendor.
- Product Type: The category or type of the product.
- Tags: Keywords associated with the product.
- Published: Indicates whether the product is published or unpublished.
- Option Name
- Option Value
- Variant SKU: The stock keeping unit for the variant.
- Variant Grams: The weight of the variant in grams.
- Variant Price: The price of the variant.
- Variant Compare At Price: The original price of the variant, used for comparison.
- Variant Inventory Qty: Inventory quantity, where 0 indicates out of stock and 1 indicates in stock.
Slow Mode Additional Fields for Variants:
- Variant Barcode: The barcode for the variant.
- Variant Tax Code: The tax code associated with the variant.
- Variant Weight Unit: The unit of weight measurement for the variant.
- Image Src: The source URL of the image.
Slow Mode Additional Fields for Images:
- Image Alt Text: The alternative text for the image.
Shopify Spy iz Shopify trgovin pridobiva izdelke in jih shrani kot dokument Excel ali CSV datoteko.
Spremembe za 3. četrtletje 2023:
- Odstranjevanje pojavnega okna: medtem ko poteka pridobivanje podatkov, lahko uporabljate brskalnik in celo pridobivate podatke iz več trgovin hkrati
- Obnovljen postopek prijave
Funkcije Shopify Spy:
✓ Lahko izlušči tisoče izdelkov v nekaj minutah
✓ Filtriranje po specifični kolekciji
✓ Vključena so vsa polja s seznama izdelkov Shopify (glej spodaj)
✓ Vse slike izdelkov so dodane v CSV
✓ Izvoz v format CSV, združljiv s formatom za uvoz Shopify (
✓ Shrani kot XLSX (dokument Excel) z ustreznimi vrstami podatkov - datumi, cene
✓ Ne zahteva pretiranih dovoljenj
Zakaj Shopify Spy:
Za lastnike spletnih trgovin Shopify Spy omogoča sledenje izdelkom, cenam in promocijam vaših konkurentov. S tem orodjem lahko hitro in enostavno izluščite tisoče izdelkov iz trgovin, ki jih poganja Shopify, in jih filtrirate po specifičnih kolekcijah.
Za digitalne tržnike Shopify Spy zagotavlja natančne in zanesljive podatke o izdelkih, ki vam pomagajo analizirati tržne trende in prepoznati potencialne priložnosti za vaše stranke.
Za raziskovalce izdelkov Shopify Spy olajša zbiranje podatkov o velikem številu izdelkov hitro in učinkovito. To pomeni, da lahko z lahkoto prepoznate trende in vpoglede na vašem področju raziskav.
Za dropshipperje je Shopify Spy bistveno orodje za iskanje novih izdelkov, ki jih lahko dodate v svojo trgovino, in za spremljanje cen in razpoložljivosti izdelkov.
Za analitike podatkov zmožnost Shopify Spy, da izlušči podatke o izdelkih iz trgovin Shopify in jih shrani v formatu CSV ali Excel, predstavlja privlačno orodje za hitro in učinkovito obdelavo velikih količin podatkov.
Torej, ne glede na to, ali ste lastnik spletne trgovine, digitalni tržnik, raziskovalec izdelkov, dropshipper ali analitik podatkov, ima Shopify Spy vse, kar potrebujete, da ostanete na tekočem z najnovejšimi trendi in vpogledi v izdelke. Preizkusite ga danes in povzdignite svoje poslovanje na višjo raven!
Podprta polja:
- Naslov
- Ročaj
- Opis (v navadnem besedilu)
- Datum in čas ustvarjanja
- Datum in čas posodobitve
- Prodajalec
- Vrsta izdelka
- Oznake
- Najvišja cena
- Najnižja cena
- 5 variant izdelkov, vključno z naslovom, ceno, znižano ceno in URL-jem slike
- 10 slik
- vse možnosti
Latest reviews
- (2023-05-21) Ivan Miller: Debugging is done conscientiously.
- (2023-05-21) Daniel Grant: Everything is super. It works stably!
- (2023-05-21) Ben House: I am very happy with this plugin! I advise you!
- (2023-05-21) Winston Rodgers: I've been using it for a couple of weeks. I didn't notice any mistakes.
- (2023-05-21) Astor Shein: A very decent tool.
- (2023-05-21) Edward Grossman: We have been using it with friends for a long time. Expansion of the TOP.
- (2023-05-21) Stefan Batler: 5/5. Useful extension.
- (2023-05-21) Kate Hammel: A promising addition. I recommend.
- (2023-05-21) Stiven Peterson: RAM consumes a minimum. No complaints.
- (2023-05-21) Ronald Austin: I tried and did not regret it. Good service.
- (2023-05-21) Alex Nelson: All functions work properly. Recommend.
- (2023-05-21) Matthew Roberts: Weighs a little, works fast.
- (2023-05-21) Artur Smith: Honor and praise to the developers. Great plugin.
- (2023-05-21) Alfred Foster: My rating is 5. The quality is on top.
- (2023-05-21) Arnold Koch: A good free extension. Recommend.
- (2023-05-21) Robert White: Installed recently. Everything suits.
- (2023-05-21) Elisabeth Masters: What you need for work.
- (2023-05-21) Jenifer Peterson: My respects to the developers.
- (2023-05-21) Charley Ross: The application works stably.
- (2023-05-21) Bob Potts: Of course - a useful thing.
- (2023-05-21) Irian Paltrow: Memory consumes a little.
- (2023-05-21) John Bawerman: The implementation is carried out qualitatively
- (2023-05-21) Stiven Landy: Works smartly. Productivity is at a height.
- (2023-05-21) Otto Salevan: The best plugin among analogues. Excellent.
- (2023-05-21) I will recommend it to my friends!
- (2023-05-21) Liana Turing: I have been using it for 2 months. Good service
- (2022-07-28) Shelor Scarcia: If your store is using Shopify, shopline, shoplazza, to do the corresponding analysis, you may want to try "uuspy .net", personally tested effective.
- (2022-05-22) Andrea Astorino: According to Kaspersky and AVG, the extension contains a malware that steals data. It does not function properly, and a notice has already been given to Chrome. DO NOT INSTALL IT OR YOUR DATA WILL BE HACKED AND YOUR COMPUTER WILL BE HACKED!
- (2020-07-05) Sandy Brown: There are issues in a few stores. But for most works fast and clean
- (2020-07-04) Dorothy Jones: Helps me with work I did manually
- (2020-07-03) Dawn Henry: It works. Even on huge stores
- (2020-06-26) Venator: Not bad.
4.3061 (49 votes)
Last update / version
2025-01-29 / 2.2.7
Listing languages