extension ExtPose

Search the current site (Keresés a webhelyen)

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Description from extension meta

Keresés csak az aktuális webhelyen belül.

Image from store Search the current site (Keresés a webhelyen)
Description from store Search any site you're on by the simple click of a button. The search is done not only on the 1 page you are viewing at the time you click as [Ctrl]+[F] does but instead Google is used to "site search" within ALL pages of the site. Search websites the easy way! How to customize: Right-click the extension's "search this site" button, in the menu that pops up, click on "Options". There you can: ● change the search engine that's used to search on domains from Google to Yahoo, Bing, or Yandex (a Russian search engine); ● set the button to directly open the search engine instead of a popup, and ● activate the feature to be able to search a domain from the context menu. Contact: [email protected] ________________________________ CHANGES: New in this version, version 5: If you have Chrome version 26 or above, prefilling the search box with the text you selected on a page is enabled by default. This can be disabled in the extension's options. New in version 4: Your settings are now synced across your computers. New in version 3: Added an option to make the popup look like the one from the "Search within the site" extension, i.e. in it you can choose between subsites. New in version 2: An option that the search box will be filled with your text selection. ________________________________ RECOMMENDED EXTENSIONS: For Firefox, install the add-on "Site Searcher" from https://addons.mozilla.org/addon/site-searcher/ Recommended to use with Search the current site: Google Quick Scroll - "After you click on a Google search result, Quick Scroll may appear on the bottom-right corner of the page, showing one or more bits of text from the page that are relevant to your query. Clicking on the text will take you to that part of the page." Get it from: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/okanipcmceoeemlbjnmnbdibhgpbllgc ________________________________ KEYWORDS: "search this site pro"

Latest reviews

  • (2024-03-10) Stavros Macrakis: I love it! Very handy functionality. Of course, you can always add [site:xxx.xxx/yyy] to your search yourself, but this is much handier. Unfortunately, it suddently stopped working in Crhome 122.0.6261.112. I'm hoping that will be fixed soon.
  • (2023-02-09) jayz ST: 基本上免手打site
  • (2022-12-09) ベインティトレス: 手間が省けて便利ですね。
  • (2022-04-22) Vasya Pyatkin: Thank you tobiad, very nice and simple addon which make my life so much easier. I use it many years since release.
  • (2021-12-06) András Balkányi: Az alapvető kiegészítőim közé sorolom, rendszeresen, hetente többször használom, évek óta. Az ikonjára kattintva egyből elkezdhetjük gépelni, amire az adott oldalon rá akarunk keresni. Ráadásul csak most jöttem rá, hogy vannak extra beállítások, mert az Edge-re is inkább ezt telepítettem épp most és csak most néztem meg. És jók a beállítási lehetőségek is, bár az alapbeállításokkal is el voltam mostanáig. :) Szóval ez is egy tipikus hiánypótló kiegészítő/addon/extension, aminek minden böngészőben benne kéne lennie "gyárilag". Méghozzá ezekkel a beállítási funkciókkal, amikkel ez rendelkezik. Nem nagy durranás - mondhatni - hanem alapvető! Attól nagy, hogy nagy hiányt pótol.
  • (2021-08-25) Samantha Tame: Works very well, great tool for research
  • (2021-05-21) wjy cedar: 之前一直用的手势拖拽站内搜,本以为没有能替代的了,真的好用,五星。
  • (2021-03-03) michael lennon: awesome
  • (2020-11-15) Spade Black: 非常好用,谢谢
  • (2020-11-03) Stefano Sias: Meget nyttigt search tool.
  • (2020-10-06) Josh MacDonald (SEO Channel): It doesn't actually search the site, it just searches the Google index. If your site isn't indexed entirely then it won't produce the expected result.
  • (2020-09-30) Fei Guo: Very handy extension!
  • (2020-08-19) Renggo BC: Wonderful features.
  • (2020-07-16) Internet Marketing Discounter: Best Extension <3
  • (2020-07-05) Алексей: Очень удобно
  • (2020-03-10) Rami Kattan: I have been using this since years, makes searching websites on a folder level very easy. THANKS....
  • (2020-02-05) BellevilleHills: Vraiment très pratique, bravo et merci
  • (2020-01-01) Yingtao Liu: 整挺好,就是搜索引擎能加个百度吗? good to use, but can you add another search engine Baidu, it's more convenient to Chinese users
  • (2019-12-26) S47: Duckduckgo? Searx? Advanced -> custom search engine -> paste a custom link :D
  • (2019-08-29) M G.: Finde ich Pfiffig :-) Mit einem Mausklick kann ich das gleiche auf der aktuellen Webseite tun, als wenn ich bei der google Suche den Parameter "site:" angebe. Erspart schon mal ein, zwei Arbeitsgänge.
  • (2019-06-01) Michel Cadorette: Very useful and efficient !
  • (2019-05-22) Golden Eyes: its' simple to use and works great ! you can save a lot of time instead of typing "site bla bla bla" manually
  • (2019-02-16) 非常实用,很多网站没有站内检索找东西很麻烦,这个工具解决痛点!
  • (2018-10-05) Joe Cucuzza: Why does this extension need access to your browsing history if it's just doing a search within the current website?
  • (2018-08-23) your captain: 谢谢提供 还可以 就是搜索范围太大了能不能添加一个按钮即标题搜索??
  • (2018-07-19) Levente Nagy: Rendszeresen használom, alapfunkciónak kéne lennie a Chrome-ban! Ctrl-Shift-F bill. kombinációval nagyon könnyű váltogatni a normál keresés és e között.
  • (2018-06-30) Alex S: Useless
  • (2018-06-26) Konstantin Ostrovski: Very useful tool! Works great!
  • (2018-06-19) Kieran Knowles: Use this, or you could just ctrl + f
  • (2018-04-10) william browning: True, there are other ways to search within a site but this makes it very easy!
  • (2017-12-30) Jess Joseph: I have found that “site:domain” is almost always the best way to search a site. This automates the process and makes searching so much faster. Well done!
  • (2017-12-24) Patrick Badman: very good is this
  • (2017-11-06) Josef H.: Works as expected
  • (2017-09-26) Fenna van Lint: Easy to use, and never fails.
  • (2017-09-23) Martin Pozuelo: Fait exactement ce qu'on attend de l'extension, avec des paramètres bien pensés.
  • (2017-08-15) Mohammed Faramawy: Extremely helpful within sites that don't include search feature. Thanks.
  • (2017-06-08) King Jester Genon: I would rate it 5 start if the "www" subdomain is omitted when searching. It would be even more effective if the "www" is omitted in searching to search the entire site including its subdomains.
  • (2017-04-02) Joerg Sobottka: test
  • (2017-03-03) T M: Does what it says.
  • (2017-01-27) Søger ikke på selve siden men via Google som almindelig søgning.
  • (2016-12-29) Vitaly Korolev: Супер, теперь не нужно прописывать вручную.
  • (2016-09-28) rahul ingale: Site Search Very Helpful to find the important Data
  • (2016-08-09) Hunter S. Thompson: Does what it says. Still hoping for some extra options.
  • (2016-07-10) Yanis Lukes: Lacks hotkey and its configuration.

Latest issues

  • (2022-09-13, v:9.4) y0himba TM: DuckDuckGo
    Looking at the comments, it seems the biggest suggestion is to add additional search engines. I prefer DuckDuckGo myself and would love to see it added, however, maybe an option to manually add a search engine and operator would be more convenient? So say you could add https://duckduckgo.com/ as the engine and ?q= as the operator and that would insert the search term and site after that operator. It seems it would be easier than adding every site requested.... That's my only suggestion, other than that, this is very convenient.
  • (2022-06-24, v:9.4) Anton Nimos: Allow selecting Search Engines in the toolbar button
    Say, I want to search using DuckDuckGo, Brave Search, or Bing. Allow me to select the search engine I want to use through the toolbar button itself, rather than having to set the default search engine in the extension options. This is better for ease of use reasons.
  • (2022-06-18, v:9.4) 步兵: 建议增加自定义搜索引擎
    You are advised to add a customized search engine
  • (2020-09-19, v:9.3) 陈圣元: 建议增加百度搜索或者可以增加其他
  • (2020-07-14, v:9.3) Srinivas CH: how to unblock current site serch
    how to unblock current site serch
  • (2020-06-03, v:9.3) noname: version for Firefox
    hi - is there a version of you great addon for Firefox?
  • (2020-05-21, v:9.3) Juani Al: Search in yandex.com
    Hi! Ive searched how to search in yandex with a click and this extension is very accurate. I want to search a word with right click in yandex.com, similar to the native right click in Chrome "Search in Google". Is any way to do this? If not, at least can you put the option to search in yandex.com? This way i have to delete "site:www.xxxxxxxxx.xxx" from the new tab and leave the word that ive searched. Thanks by the app!
  • (2020-03-26, v:9.3) yi wang: Add Baidu search engine
    Dear developers, hello. Can you increase Baidu's search engine? I'm a Chinese user. Apart from Google, baidu is the most popular search engine in China. If it can be increased, it will be very useful to me.
  • (2018-06-08, v:7.3) Levente Nagy: Shortcut...
    Sorry, I was in write-only mode...
  • (2018-06-08, v:7.3) Levente Nagy: Shortcut?
    Thanks for this excellent extension! It saves me a lot of time. However, as a keyboard purist, I would badly need a shortcut like Shift+F or ctrl+shift+F. Thanks so much!
  • (2018-06-05, v:7.3) 搜索历史无法清除
  • (2018-05-13, v:7.3) Will Giese: Default Search Engin
    Rather than having a pre-defined list of search engines, it would be nice if the extension simply used whatever the current Chrome default is. I'm using DuckDuckGo and that's not an option.
  • (2018-03-15, v:7.3) Zaizen Z: help !! only able yo search up-to 5 page....
    i do some testing, it only can search up-to 5 page but the website have 1000 page, how to solve this ? so it can search up to last page ?/
  • (2018-01-21, v:7.1) jim orrell: mouse key not work on popup
    In options Using the 'On button click...' option with 'Directly open the search engine' works fine with 'Open a popup', none of the options work with a mouse click, only when I hit enter. The only way to get to the advanced options is to tab and hit enter.
  • (2017-12-20, v:7.1) Daniel Wilson: Shortcut
    Could you please tell me that how can i use it without mouse, i mean any shortcut key using keyboard.
  • (2017-11-05, v:7) no name: Add the search engine DuckDuckGo
    It would be nice to add the search engine DuckDuckGo. The design is based on Google, but it doesn't nest the options (search for time or language) and lets (must be activated first) mark visited pages with a checkmark.
  • (2017-08-22, v:6.10) Jeffrey Finder: Firefox
    The 2 most recent updates are "incompatible" with Firefox, and 3.8 (Feb. 26 ver.) gave this result: Secure Connection Failed An error occurred during a connection to www.google.com. Peer’s certificate has an invalid signature. Error code: SEC_ERROR_BAD_SIGNATURE The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
  • (2017-04-22, v:6.10) Bruce Raganold: how is this different from adding site:www.whateverdomain.com in google search bar?
    Hi I've read the description and looked at some of the reviews, I can't see how this is any different from just adding site:www.whateverthedomainis.com to your serach in a google search bar. Is there a difference?


100,000 history
4.5047 (321 votes)
Last update / version
2024-09-02 / 10.6
Listing languages
