Description from extension meta
Добавляет кнопку Автовоспроизведение на видео YouTube™. Вы можете проигрывать любое видео на youtube или на любом сайте.
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Description from store
Adds an Auto Replay button to YouTube™ Videos.
This is AutoReplay for YouTube!
Adds an auto replay checkbox in YouTube™ video page. You can also select a portion of the video to be auto replayed. Youtube™ HTML 5 Supported.
Auto Replay for YouTube is easy to use and has a user friendly design. You can switch on/off the auto replay function, you can show/hide auto replay options and choose how many times to replay/loop a YouTube video. You can also select time period that you wish to auto replay/loop a YouTube video.
Now you can create a loop for the best parts of your favourite YouTube videos. There is an easy to use interface being added to the YouTube video so you can create a loop of your choice. You can also bookmark your favourite YouTube videos and they will always be available for you to auto replay automatically.
Auto Replay for YouTube is probably the best YouTube looper to repeat and replay videos.
Enjoy your looped YouTube Videos now AdFree. To be sure, that no annoying ads disturb you, we implemented a new feature, that additionally ads youtube ads, for your replayed videos if you want.
Enjoy your favourite moments indefinitely and auto replay only those parts of the YouTube videos that you want!
★★★★★ Testimonials from AutoReplay for YouTube users:
"Easy to use and very convenient!"
"Totally works. I wonder if this will increase youtube revenue?"
"One of the most useful apps on chrome store. Highly recommend it."
Also like AutoReplay for YouTube? Write a review and rate 5/5 stars
New Features:
1. Short cuts on Start and End text boxes
* Up/Down will decrement/increment time value by 1 sec. Combined with Shift will decrement/increment by 5 secs
* Shift+Enter will take the current time of the video
2. Hash fragments can be used as commands. Following fragments are supported.
* start=0:10 Sets the Auto Replay start time. Value should be in mins, like you set in the text box.
* end=1:20 Sets the Auto Replay end time.
* autoreplay=true Sets the video in Auto Replay mode
* showoptions=true Shows the Auto Replay Options
Just try appending #start=0:10;end=0:20;autoreplay=true;showoptions=true after the video URL. Very handy if you are sending the link to someone else. Of course he/she too needs the addon installed in his browser.
Sample Link -;end=3:56;autoreplay=true;showoptions=true
Google displays this message on installation "Read and change all your data on the websites that you visit". This permission is required to be able to add this functionality for all videos on the web. We loop videos on YouTube. For free.
Latest reviews
- (2021-01-28) B J: Would like to see a "manual" with simple instructions. For example, what is the "star" symbol for (left of the "Block Ads" checkbox). Also, the entire "menu bar" sometimes shows up on an unrelated Web page, stuck in a specific spot, unmovable. Also, the menu bar is a bit too low when watching a utube video in FULL SCREEN mode. Because of this, it is almost impossible to click on the Auto Replay box or access other menu items with the mouse pointer without minimizing the screen first. Overall, love using it, but hope these things can be addressed. Can anyone tell me what the hell the STAR is for?
- (2021-01-12) Nguyen Bui: It's great but lack of close button or drag for reposition because sometimes it end up in wrong position and stay there in the middle of the video
- (2021-01-11) Cat Mendez: i keep uninstalling and reinstalling it says thanks for installing and then no settings show up on, under, or anywhere around the youtube video i have open.
- (2021-01-10) Дима Кучко: Технически работает. Выглядит плохо. Чтобы выбрать доп. возможности нужно много лишних движений и нажатий. Тайм коды для повтора нужно вбивать вручную. В других расширениях есть полоска, например, чтобы выбирать время. Самое главное не работает в широком режиме и ночном.
- (2021-01-09) Brian Moy: I've enjoyed this extension for years however... recently noticed that when certain words are typed in my browser such as "hulu", I get redirected to a webpage and then forwarded to a webpage. As I was troubleshooting, found that when I paused the Auto Replay extension, my browser acts normally and doesn't redirect anymore - so this extension is the culprit of the srvtrck redirect.
- (2020-12-14) Fauzan Zami: nice oneeee amazing
- (2020-12-07) Karl E: It used to work well before, till it kinda glitches out every now and then and also any videos you watch on Youtube won't be saved to Youtube history for some weird reason.
- (2020-12-03) Sebastian Kaliszewski: It doesn't work on Youtube Premium. Buttons are nowhere to be found, key shortcuts do not work either.
- (2020-11-09) Y Đàm: Hỏng rồi không thể dùng được nữa!
- (2020-10-17) Cathy Truong: this was my go to extension for several years, but as of 2020 it stopped working. no button nothign. I would re install the extension multiple times and still wouldnt show up.
- (2020-09-24) Jack W: DOES NOT WORK. Also why does it need access to data on EVERY website? super shady. It should only need access to youtube at most
- (2020-08-18) Jesse Urquhart: Does absolutely nothing. It doesn't repeat anything. A complete waste of time.
- (2020-08-16) The_Only _Noob: right time to play medic bag for 10 hours
- (2020-08-12) Andy Tung: The app did not work for me, I tried opening, closing chrome and reinstalling the extension and still no luck.
- (2020-08-04) Mukul Hase: Shows up in weird places on other websites. Here is a screenshot of it showing on facebook
- (2020-07-26) Michał: Pls fix fullscreen!
- (2020-04-06) lam529: GOOD
- (2020-04-03) Haider Rathore: Working like a charm :D
- (2020-02-24) 張豪楷: does not need this anymore youtube has this function now
- (2020-02-22) Chelsea Tomasheski: It's great at what it does, and I've had it for two years. I've been finding it a tad annoying, though when I see the replay button on every other page, too. I can't even go on Discord without seeing the replay tab over the text I'm trying to read. Can this be fixed?
- (2020-02-22) こめっと: お気に入り機能を使ってみたのですが、ただ単にリストに入るだけなんですね… リピート時間を保存できたら星5です。
- (2020-02-13) Dominik Gyécsek: Tries to redirect search results (and i presume everything else) via
- (2020-02-09) Andy: Love it! I use small video clips that I like to meditate to and this works perfect!
- (2020-01-25) Mishel Kraljevski: doesn't show up anymore :(
- (2020-01-24) Yukazikii: Doesn't work 90% of the time.. And whenever it does, it shows up on websites other than youtube and tries to replay gifs or even normal images :(
- (2020-01-23) TriHarda Web Design: love this and like this
- (2020-01-17) Rahzuh 360 ThunderzzZ: I LOVED THIS EXTENSION SAVING ME LOTS OF TIME.
- (2020-01-09) 무극: 좋습니다. 오우 나이스.
- (2020-01-02) combos combos: bravo
- (2019-12-29) Bart Michels: Perfect. It received a recent update with new features and a nicer design, the developers care.
- (2019-12-28) Swifto: It works the way it's supposed to. Simply works. I would like them to change the color of the bar to make it feel more like Youtube or give us a way to customize it's color. The fullscreen problem does need to be fixed a bit tho, it's not really bad but if it's going to appear in fullscreen might as well make it appear properly. It's a must-get thing if you like some music but it only goes 1 time around.
- (2019-12-27) Junaid Ahmed: i need the old version that automatically loads (without clicking on the button from shortcut) with the video and was smaller in size, new version is too bad this new version also takes space in the bottom when we fullscreen the video, we don't need that to show in the bottom of fullscreen mode obviously we can configure it before going into fullscreen mode who needs then
- (2019-12-22) A Zio: This app hides the screen at the bottom of the entire screen and the video appears to be cut.
- (2019-12-18) Lee White: You had one job ... Aka, geht bei mir nicht. Chrome Version 78.0.3904.108 (Offizieller Build) (64-Bit) - Windows 7
- (2019-12-18) Liviu Doloscan: Hey, Love the extension very much, it really does what it should do !! The only thing I could ask for is: can you make it possible for it to work only on youtube page ?! As for now it happens that I can see the extension almost everywhere. Other than that, thanks for the good work !!!
- (2019-12-14) Shelley Lam: The button doesn't show up on the youtube videos anymore. Please fix this as it used to work perfectly.
- (2019-12-06) Alexis Frias: Me gusta mucho esta extensión porque utilizo mucho Youtube para reproducir música, pero desde la ultima actualización me aparece el botón de replay en Facebook y otras webs en donde no tiene ninguna utilidad mas que ser molesto, me gustaría que por favor arreglaran eso. Gracias.
- (2019-12-03) Evie Sofia: great when it works. Die and disapear completly with more than 10tabs open, youtube tabs or otherwise.
- (2019-12-01) St Eros: Excellent!!!!! Love It!!!!! XXXXXXXXXXXXxxxxxXXXXXXXXXXXXX
- (2019-11-30) R. Ç.: BAYILDIM!!!! helal be
- (2019-11-29) Ammar Muharram: last update not working
- (2019-11-29) Lương Nguyễn Xuân: wow
- (2019-11-29) Antonis Georgoudis: This is an awesome addon, have been using it for years. BUT latest update adds a bar all over the place, Even for normal thumbnail links in facebook! Please fix.
- (2019-11-28) Rubén Ortega Reloba: la ultima actualización disponible presenta un error que espero sea solventada en la próxima actualización y es que al estar escuchando por ejm música en youtube y abrir nueva ventana y entrar a facebook el menú de autoreplay me aparece hay y es muy molestoso a ver si lo pueden solventar gracias
- (2019-11-28) Abe Jabou: I enjoyed this extension until they started adding the Replay button to ALL videos on ALL websites... Why do I need a Replay button on a LIVE TWITCH STREAM? I don't. No one does... Fix it please.
- (2019-11-27) Dani K: Super useful, got a bit worse with latest verisons. A large button that is unclickable too - used to be we can click any area to enable/disable..
- (2019-11-26) Martin Rusev: The latest update broke the great extension. Now the UI with the auto replay text and the checkbox appear on other tabs as well as the YouTube tab which is quite annoying. Anyone else having the same issue?
- (2019-11-26) Phat Nguyen: Such a great extension. Now I can listen to my favorite song without using the replay button
- (2019-11-26) 이상정: 좋은데 업데이트 하고 나서 글씨 커져서 제목을 방해함