Toolset for Badoo. Download full albums with one click, see full profile on encounters and much more
Toolset for Badoo. With this extension you can:
- Download any photo when you are looking a profile.
- Download all photos of a profile in seconds with just one click. Photos are downloaded as a single ZIP file, so you wouldn´t have hundred of files on your browser downloaded files.
- When you are looking for new people in the encounters section, you can watch the full profile by pressing a button. Now you can talk to people or add them to your favorites list without having a mutual attraction.
- Use the search function with your keyboard. Now you can select profiles using arrow keys, open the full profile with enter key (or open it in a new tab pressing space) , go to previous an next pages pressing 1 or 2, etc.
Supercharge your Badoo experience with this free set of tools!
Latest reviews
- (2021-04-23) George Spelvin: ABANDONED. Last update 2014. Don't bother. Doesn't work now, probably hasn't for years.
- (2021-04-02) Chris: Doesn´t work
- (2019-06-01) วิลัย โทรัตน์: ดี
- (2018-12-02) Juliano Mendes: muito bom
- (2018-07-30) Robert Johnston: Doesn't work at all. Not even a little.
- (2018-02-04) Jose felipe: ya esta bien de pagar
- (2017-05-26) Rubens Duarte: Simplesmente não funciona. O site mudou e o plugin não foi atualizado.
- (2017-05-16) Marisa: BS
- (2017-05-05) Oscar Pisati: I'm sorry It doesn't work, came the Download album menu but don't work
- (2017-02-19) qasdfasd sadfsad: Dosent work
- (2017-02-15) Ana Bautista: esta muy bien ami me ayudo bastante
- (2016-12-06) S.Haseeb: It does not work at all, don't waste your time.
- (2016-10-13) Reza Mehrassa: so like it!
- (2016-07-04) damian ichiro okuda: Si pudiera descargar algun album sería de agradecer! Pero muy buena iniciativa!
- (2016-07-02) Oybek Amanov: good
- (2016-06-13) Jorge Carbo: FATAL
- (2015-07-25) miguel frasson: me gusta
- (2015-06-07) Bazsi Sün: A chrome-ban engedélyezni kell mindig mint idegen script-ek betöltését, de utána már le is tölti a képeket, kivéve ha van privát album. Sokszor a letöltött képek is kevesebben vannak mint az eredetiek és előfordul hogy a letöltésben ugyanazt tölti le többször, egy-egy kép viszont kimarad. A full profile az encounters módban pedig még sosem adta be a keresett oldalt. Nem is csinál semmit sem csak ha korábban engedtük betölteni az idegen script-eket, és akkor is csak hibaüzenetet ad hogy a keresett oldal nem található. Korántsem tökéletes, de igazán hasznos. Kb olyan mint a vajazókés amit csavarhúzóként használunk. Azért működik, ha nem is hibátlanul.
- (2015-03-15) dont work