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Description from store Search All makes it super-easy to switch among the most widely used search options, so that searching the same terms on different search engines is just one-click away. Search All is a perfect complement to Chrome's Omnibox, and can really speed up your search process. 【Similar Product Search 】 1)Seach All will search similar products and add a price comparison feature in some e-commerce sites such as amazon, ebay when you visit an item page. This feature is powered by http://superfish.com 2) You can disable the superfish feature in Search All option easily if you don't like it. Features: 1) Fast switch between different search engines. 2) Support search engine customization. Add your favoriate search engine now! 3) Add bookmark search. Now when you do a google search, the extension will also search your bookmarks and display the search results on the google search result page. 4) Multiple search in the right click menu. 5) Record search keyword history, so you can use it in different search engines. [Updated privacy policy] Usage of the Search All browser extension requires granting it permission to capture anonymized click stream data. No personally identifying information will be captured in connection with this data. Please review our specific EULA https://www.diigo.com/extensions_terms.html and privacy policy https://www.diigo.com/extensions_privacy.html for more details.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-08-24) K K: とても便利でずっと使っていたのに、ある日突然設定がすべて消えて検索エンジンの追加も出来なくなりました。 便利だった分本当にとても残念です。 2024/08/17 追記 検索エンジンの追加はできるようになり、設定は初期化されました。 設定のインポートとエクスポートが出来るようにしていただけると嬉しいです。 2024/08/24 追記 設定の「Enable pop-up on text-selection」にチェックがあると、画像のページ(https://~.jpg)などでCtrl+Cを押しても画像がコピーされません
  • (2024-04-18) Ibrahim Al Isa: I used to use it a lot, but about a week ago all my saved websites got deleted and I can't re-add them. I hope this problem is fixed.
  • (2023-11-09) 冰晶宸风: As with other recent reviews, the plugin doesn't seem to work in the latest version of the chrome kernel and requires updated support from the authors. Other users who have not yet updated Chrome are wary of doing so.
  • (2023-11-09) COCO WEI: Upset news: It cannot be used in latest Chrome(119.0.6045.124)
  • (2023-11-08) Incognito_S: very good extension, but it needs to be updated because we cannot use it in latest chrome
  • (2023-11-08) Eric Hu: Need to update, all features are no longer available in the latest version of chrome (119.0.6045.124)
  • (2023-11-07) Rich Black: I have used this for years and it has been extremely useful but from time to time it breaks. I assume because of Chrome updates. it's currently broken (V2.2.29) now running Chrome 119.0.6045.106 as of Nov 2023. Now uninstalled because it does not run. the default search options are not listed and it will not add a custom search. I have also had the issue where it hides the search bar on some websites.
  • (2023-11-06) Tony Wang: 设置按钮按着无反应 之前添加的东西全不见了 重新添加无法成功 chrome版本 119.0.6045.106 希望能问题能得到解决
  • (2023-11-06) 朱Camilla: 但是为什么点开图标上面不显示Google或者其他第三方平台的图标,而且也无法自己自定义搜索
  • (2023-11-04) Vladimir Yakovlev: с последним обновленbем Chrome ваше расширение перестало работать. очень жаль :)
  • (2023-06-25) Rhett Tien: The search box of some pages is hidden after enabling the plugin, I don't understand why it affects the content of the page, I have to uninstall it
  • (2023-06-07) Max Morais: Na hora de adicionar um novo motor de pesquisa a extensão trava.
  • (2023-04-28) Alexander: Надо тыкать на поисковую строку после открытия попапа, а где курсор то? Почему он не в поисковой строке?
  • (2023-03-19) small pot (smallpot): シンプルで使いやすい。検索効率が格段に上がります。これは必須ツールです。
  • (2022-08-21) Theo Lin: Cannot search Japanese
  • (2022-07-26) Keanu M: 插件非常实用。但是百度已经屏蔽了该插件,不得不说 百度真是中国互联网的毒瘤!你这样做不就是为了留住用户吗 ?为什么百度公司不想着去优化你的搜索引擎,要是你的搜索算法好用,干嘛要做这种下三滥的事情!
  • (2022-06-25) yy c: 好用
  • (2022-05-01) K K: 百度是不是把这个插件屏蔽了,用百度搜索无法显示插件搜索菜单栏。
  • (2022-04-06) 王玠瑛tabowang: Good! It's the best search addon I've used! 這個搜尋引擎的外掛真的超級讚!推薦大家來使用~
  • (2022-03-25) Ema Deng: It is really perfect
  • (2022-02-23) Максим -: Нет синхронизации с аккаунтом. Не редактируются поисковые движки. Уважаемый разработчик, доведите до идеала отличное расширение!
  • (2022-01-13) Qiang Zhang: Great and convenient extension, really speed up my workflow. But I also experienced all custom search urls lost after chrome crash several times . Hope there will be a cloud syc or at least export/import to backup all my custom search urls
  • (2021-11-04) 陈子琦: the search bar of website "https://www.baidu.com" will disappear.
  • (2021-11-02) zhang geel: 勾选了 「Enable horizontal bar on top of search engines for easy switch」 百度不显示
  • (2021-09-10) 陈子凡: 百度不能用了现在
  • (2021-07-03) JS Lee: Nice. But when using Youtube video full screen mode, it became white screen.
  • (2021-05-27) nicole yuen: 还好 ,还在摸索当中
  • (2021-04-24) 永永YongYong: 扩展插件小巧好用,自己设置搜索引擎后使用起来棒棒的
  • (2021-04-14) kingmanlove1: ممتاز
  • (2021-02-07) Alexander A: Please, add "Export to file" option!!! Does it sync, I wonder???
  • (2021-02-03) Oliver O'Sullivan: Great extension, very lightweight and no fluff. Would love to be able to change the maximum engines shown - I have it configured to show a few separate google searchos (eg +synonym, site:reddit.com, etc) and wouldn't mind the dropdown being longer, or the bar atop the results taking up two lines. Also—I'm using Edge, so I don't know if this is true for Chrome too, but if the site's stylesheet changes the text colour, the popout menu's text matches it, which makes it illegible on pages with a dark mode. Not sure if it'd be better to always make text black, or to have the background of the popout match the background of the page. Regardless: a very very useful and time-saving extension!
  • (2021-02-02) Andrey Grand: При очистке папки cache все поисковики стираются и не восстанавливаются, да и строку поиска можно бы больше сделать. Ф так не плохо, быстро переключаешься ,больше возможностей для выбора результата
  • (2021-01-21) john maletic: Love it. It most certainly is one of the best there is. Together with a context search it increases web search work tenfolds. However, it could use some ui work. Color maybe, but most importantly, font settings on the overlay bar. Font's a bit big. A smaller size could fit more engines into the bar. Great job!!
  • (2021-01-07) Qinsi L.: Work like a charm after years of no updates
  • (2020-12-29) Foster: There are some bugs that may not be compatible with newer versions of chrome, often not responding. And causes high CPU usage
  • (2020-11-20) Pacharapol Withayasakpunt: Not only that I can easily choose search engines, but also that I can switch search engines with the same keywords when ever I wanted. Apparently, this is a missing feature in Chrome / Edge; but exists in Firefox. Useful when I almost always want to use a privacy-focused search engine, like DDG or Qwant, but the results aren't relevant enough. Google or Bing do have good results, but they are very privacy-breaching.
  • (2020-09-01) Zhizhi Yang: 这个扩展工具会拖累浏览器输入网页内文本框时候的性能,表现为一卡一卡的;尤其是在使用输入法的时候。
  • (2020-08-08) Александр Марц: Добавьте выбор языков интерфейса настроек (можно кнопку перевод). СПАСИБО.
  • (2020-02-15) Vachik Vacho: Klass!
  • (2020-01-10) Just what I need (except that the UI is a little ugly ≧▽≦)
  • (2019-12-12) banality: pretty good
  • (2019-11-15) Ray Foss: Good idea... but just crashes on and on every time I open the settings. Then it gets disabled. Doesn't work at all.
  • (2019-10-12) Łukasz O.: Świetna aplikacja, tego potrzebowałem, bo ułatwia korzystanie z przeglądarki :)
  • (2019-08-12) chippedliver: Loved it, but WILL NOT ADD SEARCH ENGINES and WILL NOT EXECUTE SEARCH on current Chrome version 76.0.3809.100 (Official Build) (64-bit) on Windows 7 Professional. Seems to be completely inert.
  • (2019-08-08) 亦可赛艇: I find a issue. After I enable the plugin, the search bar of website "https://stackoverflow.com" will disappear. It will become visible if I try to disable this plugin. Not only just this web, but also some else websites have this issue. Maybe it is a bug.
  • (2019-07-25) tj y: There is useless console log in devtools console, very disgusting.
  • (2019-07-03) Jipu Wang: I like the horizontal bar on top of search engines for easy switch, but right now it's blocking the contents of the original websites, say YouTube. Please make it compatible with the latest Chrome.
  • (2019-06-24) Kenneth Fu: Thank You Dev! It's so usefull, but i found searchbar did not show up on DuckDcuckGo Website. Can you please fix it?
  • (2019-05-14) Minna Chiang: 非常好用 如果能同步已添加的搜索引擎就好了~
  • (2019-05-05) ВАСЯ пупкин: Хорошее расширение. Мне понравилось.


30,000 history
4.477 (174 votes)
Last update / version
2023-11-17 / 2.2.30
Listing languages
