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Diviser les fichiers PDF en ligne
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Un moyen simple et efficace pour diviser des fichiers PDF en ligne.
Sélectionnez ou faites glisser vos fichiers, puis cliquez sur le bouton Diviser pour télécharger votre document en un seul fichier pdf.
Tous les fichiers divisés sont de qualité optimale et peuvent être prise en charge sur n'importe quelle plate-forme web (lors du téléchargement sur un site web ou en pièce jointe sous forme d’email).
Vos fichiers sont entièrement sécurisés puisqu'ils sont transférés via une connexion sécurisée. Nous supprimerons définitivement tous les fichiers de nos serveurs quelques heures après la conversion.
Latest reviews
- (2019-06-25) Azwani Ahmad: good
- (2019-01-10) work very good
- (2018-12-01) Rafael Eduardo Betancourt Rojas: es muy bueno este juego
- (2018-09-20) megusta es muy buenooooooooo }
- (2018-08-17) Luana Verde: Awesome Extension. This extension has make my day easy. It saves my time and make my work easier.
- (2018-08-16) Ethel J. Carlson: Split PDF is also able to create pdf from jpg, doc, xls. It also able to convert jpg,doc, xls to PDF . This tool is really awesome. I love this Tool
- (2018-08-16) Melossa Cruz: Split PDF is fastest and easiest extension. The great things is that it saves my lots of time
- (2018-08-16) Keith Barker: I recommended my friends and colleagues to use this tool. This Awesome extension works very well
- (2018-08-16) Dennis Baker: My colleague has suggested this extension. Split PDF have also some other facilities. The best part of this extension is that there is not any annoying ads.
- (2018-08-16) Leroy Suzuki: This Awesome tool makes my work too much easy and saves my lots of time. Thanks :)
- (2018-08-16) Luca Motti: I was in stress, because of official works. I had to cut some important parts of a pdf. There was a huge collection of pdf and taking too much time. When I started using this extension, I feel relieve. It makes my work too much easy and simple
- (2018-08-16) Rupkothar Ona: I was I hurry to Split some parts from a pdf file . This Awesome Extension Help me A lot.
- (2018-08-16) ruhulamin rony: With This Awesome Extension I can Split PDF and also can Marge pdf, Compress pdf and also can convert image or doc files to pdf format.
- (2018-08-16) Saad Hasan: From few days I am looking for a app that could Split PDF files. I have tried a lot apps but failed, But with this extension I can Easily Split PDF files
- (2018-04-05) Steven Baker: just redirects you to the website
- (2018-03-09) Pascal Venafro: Eingeschränkt, nur nützlich wenn man ein file pro tag spliten möchte...
- (2018-02-16) Hillary Henry: This is garbage. I added the extension and it immediately said I had reached my daily limit and wanted to me to subscribe to continue using. I can't stand people who say there tool is free and then charge you for it. If there is a cost, I am fine with that, just don't claim something you are clearly not.
- (2017-07-19) Suzy Roberts: Works brilliantly. Love it!
- (2017-07-10) RevHutt: So easy and fast to use. Very glad I found it.
- (2017-03-29) Emil Chuck: Works quickly but it would be nice to be able to name each file.
- (2017-01-13) Ania Zielinska: super fast and easy to use!